Josy - Saturday, March 27, 1999, 4:52 PM



The following is a roleplay-log from SouCon MUSH ( 4201). The world of Pern is copyright to Anne McCaffrey.

You walk into the main Weyrhall.

Joslyn trundles through, empty hand loosely in her pocket, cane laden hand lifted in a passing wave toward K'yam. Just one of many passing weyrfolk; busy today, hmmm. She wanders out into the heat.

You walk over to the Landing Field.

K'yam strides over from the Weyrhall.

N'all strides over from the Northeastern weyrs.

N'all walks toward the lakeside meadow.

K'yam sighs as the heat hits him.

Joslyn and her cane, of course, duck out from the shady hall. She blinks, sun shielded off her face and a look over her shoulder. "Been like this for days," she comments K'yam's way, the sigh echoed ever so wistfully. "I wish it'd cool off again."

K'yam says "I've been hiding inside as much as possible..."

K'yam smiles faintly at Shasta, but that's more than anyone else got.

Tr'bor walks over from the Northern Weyrs.

Tr'bor strides over to the lakeside meadow.

"Most of us have been." Joslyn steps back toward the shade a moment, contemplating the arid distance from her to the easternmost path. "It's not so bad if you getta nap in the middle of th'day. Otherwise..." She just makes a face.

K'yam half snorts half sighs, "Nap? I've taken to sleeping while the sun is high and doing things at night as much as possible. Dawn sweeps come at the END of my day."

T'san pushes through some bushes and steps into the glade.

Nerian pushes through some bushes and steps into the glade.

T'san waves to Nerian!

T'san strides over to the lakeside meadow.

Nerian follows thr greenrider.

Nerian strides over to the lakeside meadow.

Joslyn idly fans her face with her fingers, opting to linger in the bare breeze from the weyrhall doorway, leaning against the frame. "Prob'ly wind up that way before it's all over." She looks after Nerian and T'san, envious of that energy.

Dyani walks over from the Weyrhall.

Dyani walks toward the lakeside meadow.

Shasta heads out from the pathway to the Easterern Weyrs, flapping her untucked shirt, clearly looking heat-worn.

Lily walks over from the Northeastern weyrs.

Lily strides over to the lakeside meadow.

K'yam leans against something... anything... as long as it's in the shade.

In the northern sky, Fenth emerges from Between with a blast of cold air!

K'yam looks about and nods as people wander by, "Evening..."

Fenth moves towards the the broad Landing Field below.

Ana jumps lightly down from Fenth's back.

Belan gets off the watch dragon too and approaches Aislinn. He waves to Shasta and smiles.

Belan nods to K'yam. "Smithcraft and Island River's duties. I'm Belan."

Lecil walks toward the lakeside meadow.

K'yam grins to Belan, "Southern Weyr's duties to a fellow Smithcrafter. K'yam, lifemate to Ruisth."

Pitching forward out of the shady doorway, Joslyn eyes the arriving dragon and then tosses a limp-wristed wave toward the rider. The other folks earn the requisite, albeit lethargic, "Southern's duties in return."

Shasta wipes her brow, nodding amiably to Belan. "And Southerns duties," Shasta pitches in, nodding a greeting. "Shasta, brown Muinyth's rider, and Weyrsecond here at Southern. Please, be welcome!"

K'laarn strides over from the Northeastern weyrs.

Belan grins widely, "Well met. This is my mate, Aislinn." He takes a clean white cloth from a tunic pocket and mops his forehead. "My, it's hot here."

K'yam salutes K'laarn, "Evening, Sir."

Oh, yeah. "Josy - uhm, Joslyn. Jeuneth's rider," the goldrider remembers leaning in the weyrhall entrance remembers to contribute, coming up with a quick smile, another for the Weyrleader. "Terrible, isn't it?" she adds to Belan's comment.

In the northern sky, Kendath emerges from Between with a blast of cold air!

K'laarn smiles and nods back at K'yam. "Hello greenrider." He chuckles. "Lot of people out here in the field. I suppose people are starting to come in."

Dragon> All sense that Kendath carols a resonant alto greeting to the Southern dragons as she emerges from between in their midst.

K'yam nods, "Speaking of which... Shasta? Care to nab a seat with me, or do you have other duties to attend to?"

Belan nods, "Aye. We came to watch Aidan. He's Aislinn's brother."

Dragon> All sense that Uarth sets to warbling a deep tenor thrumming.

In the northern sky, Kendath descends rapidly, as Gwendolen explains, "We're just in time!"

Kendath moves towards the the broad Landing Field below.

Aislinn is busy talking quietly, though with some excitement, to her younger sister Ana...unconscious of the fact that Belan is speaking to anyone.

Jeuneth> Kendath senses that Jeuneth's regal but certainly gracious tones ring a greeting in return.

Shasta wearily salutes K'laarn as he arrives, nodding. "Aye, word spreads fast. Muinyth tells me even my sister's on her way from Telgar." A smile spreads across her face, and she nods. "i think I"m clear fot the hatching. Shall we, K'yam?"

Dragon> All sense that Rnayth seems to be very pensive, an almost tangible feeling of anticipation and excitement revolves in his thoughts.

K'yam perks up, "Yes..."

K'laarn nods and says "Well it'll happen soon I hope. Telinda's not usually too wrong. They do a good estimation of picking out the very day it happens." He smiles slightly, "Gives the Kitchens time to prepare the food."

Dragon> All sense that Luiseth awakens, sounding a bit grumpy at the heat and the disruption of her beauty sleep, but quickly modulates into a more aware interest. << Hmm? >>

Dragon> Jeuneth senses that Kendath is far less formal as she conveys << Honshu is very proud of the clutch on the your sands! >> Her words may be polite, but there's an excited trill through normally relaxed maternal tones.

Kendath touches down with little fuss, furling her wings in after finding a space to settle in.

K'yam strides over to the lakeside meadow.

Jeuneth> Kendath senses that Jeuneth sounds at least somewhat smug, as is her right about that clutch. << As is Southern. Quite ready for them to Hatch, of course. Tiarnath is much easier to tolerate. >>

Shasta flashes an eager smile towards K'laarn, and turns to follow K'yam. "You'd best get to the sands, then, Weyrleader!" Is called over her shoulder as she goes.

Situated between Kendath's neckridges, Gwendolen unbuckles Makyll and herself stating, "Here we are, and by the shell it's a hot one," she fishes a cloth scarf from her jacket's pocket, tying it around her forehead and doing the same for her fosterson before dismounting.

Shasta walks toward the lakeside meadow.

Situated between Kendath's neckridges, Mayia unstraps herself.

Mayia shifts out of her perch between Kendath's neckridges to slide down to the ground, the straps aiding in her descent.

Quolen shifts out of his perch between Kendath's neckridges to slide down to the ground, the straps aiding in his descent.

Dragon> All sense that Tiarnath rises on her haunches, heavy talons digging deep within the hot sizzling sands of Southern Weyr's Hatching Ground. Her humming starts as a croon deep within her chest, resounding all over the Weyr, from the Weyrhall to the beach. Vibrating through the air and stone, pride evident, she calls out through the crescendoing thrum, << They come! They come! They hatch! >> Then almost inevitably << Does this mean we can go play soon, Telinda? >>

Quolen all but falls off, but picks himself up and dusts off eagerly as he cranes around.

Joslyn steps out from the door, then, tugging on her earlobe thoughtfully as folks make their way toward the meadow. She ambles up to Honshu's, staying back as the passengers dismount. "You've come in good time! Southern's duties and let me show you to the hatching cavern?" she offers, most gracious and pretty sharding formal considering the source.

K'laarn suddenly says "Whoops, thats my clarion call to come. Rnayth says they're moving!" He hikes off at a jog, heading for the sands.

K'laarn walks toward the lakeside meadow.

Aislinn strides over to the lakeside meadow.

Ana walks toward the lakeside meadow.

Belan walks toward the lakeside meadow.

Gwendolen dismounts Kendath with one last affectionate caress, sliding down until at last her feet contact the ground.

Dragon> All sense that Veylith bugles with excitement, her bugle slowly trailing off to a deep humming. << They come! >>

Quolen looks around in confusion, "What's moving?"

Dragon> All sense that Muinyth listens to the excitement of the Weyr rise, his own gentle thoughts considering. << The time has come. >> He mindspeaks, adding his voice finally to the hummmming.

Dragon> All sense that Uarth adds his deep voice in with the rest of the humming.

Mayia smiles and says, "I am sure the eggs..."

Gwendolen isn't nearly as icy looking as the last time Joslyn saw her and she nods, "Please, don't want to miss anything!" She bounces Makyll, "Coming?" she questions Mayia and tells Quolen, "Stick close!"

Quolen gives Mayia a quizzical look, but realizes he's probably far out of his element here.

Mayia takes note of her surroundings and follows the others to the meadow.

Jeuneth lumbers over from the Eastern Weyrs.

Dragon> All sense that Luiseth adds her warm alto thrummmmmmmming to the general sound, usual detachment tempered with an eagerness to greet the new hatchlings. << Come, little ones, let us welcome them! >>

Dragon> All sense that Duirath sends out an intense blast of sound, a bugling music of imminent hatching.

Dragon> All sense that Tybeth croons happily and starts to thrumm along, gently.

Quolen likewise sticks close, though still rubbernecking.

Mayia smiles and says, "Thank you for the ride Gwenn and Kendath."

Joslyn glances over, quite the little smirk as Jeuneth comes scuttling - all hurried and utterly lacking her dignity - over, hummmmmming for all she's worth. "We're comin'," she assures, nodding Gwendolen and her entourage to follow toward the meadow.

"Our and Honshu's pleasure," replies Gwendolen.

You walk over to the lakeside meadow.

Dragon> All sense that Ceruth adds his baritone humm to the growing throng.

Jeuneth ambles across from the landing field.

Gwendolen strides over from the landing field.

Mayia strides over from the landing field.

Quolen strides over from the landing field.

Alisia walks over from the landing field.

Alisia strides over to the Entrance to the Hatching Grounds.

You walk toward the Entrance to the Hatching Grounds.

Dragon> All sense that Kendath reassures Tiarnath << They are much fun to watch play as they grow older! >> misinterpreting her favorite activity for Tiarnath's.

Gwendolen walks over from the Lakeside Meadow.

Mayia strides over from the Lakeside Meadow.

From a distance, A few of the eggs in the middle shudder, trickling grains of sand out of the mound.

From a distance, Rnayth sets to humming, a deep, baritone rumble that seems to radiate through the very stone and reverberate through the air. The bronze gets to his feet and hitches along, pacing briefly -- seeming to be extremely impaitent. Then he settles, sitting back on his haunches in a place very near to Tiarnath, still humming his welcoming song.

Gwendolen strides over to viewing galleries around the hatching sands.

Quolen strides over from the Lakeside Meadow.

Quolen strides over to viewing galleries around the hatching sands.

Mayia strides over to viewing galleries around the hatching sands.

You walk over to viewing galleries around the hatching sands.

From the Sands> K'laarn comments. "Rnayth's wondering if they spaced out the eggs enough. Fretful creature!" He accuses, glancing up at the bronze good-naturedly.

From the Sands> Tiarnath shifts a little uncomfortably, even for her these sands are now way too hot. A wiggle of a wind cools her down a little, but sends sand towards Telinda, who snorts and waves a hand at the gold to stop that.

Joslyn and a few other people bustle in, the Southern goldrider fanning herself with the neck of her shirt as she scans the ledges. "Hope you get a good seat," she offers Gwendolen's way, picking out a few faces and looking for an empty chair of her own.

Gwendolen bounces Makyll, eyeing the already quite crowded stands, "Look, Maky, there's Aeri!" she says, spotting the Honshu Weyrlingmaster, "Join us?" she asks of Quolen beginning to descend toward the side where Aeriel sits.

Alisia waves to Aislinn and Belan as she walks in.

From the Sands> Shadara walks over from the Candidate Room.

From the Sands> T'dru strides over from the Candidate Room.

From the Sands> Aidan strides over from the Candidate Room.

Quolen follows after Gwendolen like a bad mark, and plops down next to her when she sits.

From the Sands> Auralia walks over from the Candidate Room.

Lily blinks and looks up at the poke. Then she grins. "Oh, hey! I was watching everything..." She beams, then whews. "But, shards, isn't it hot?"

From the Sands> Arliana walks over from the Candidate Room.

Ana stops tickling Lily long enough to wave to her twin "Hey Ali! Over here"

Kinoa waves Joslyn-wards, smiling broadly. "Ready to lose your marks?" she calls out to the goldrider.

Dyani smiles and raises a hand in greeting to the Honshu Weyrwoman, but the gesture quickly turns into a swiping of heat-borne perspiration from her brow.

From the Sands> Craw strides over from the Candidate Room.

From the Sands> Shadara bows to Telinda and Tiarnath and again to Rnayth and K'laarn before heading over by them, to the cooler section of the sands to wait for those that impress.

Belan grins when Aidan steps out onto the sands.

From the Sands> Conor walks over from the Candidate Room.

From the Sands> Auralia bows deeply to Tiarnath, Rnayth, K'laarn and Telinda. She then moves over to the other side of the sands, looking worried.

From the Sands> Gemini strides over from the Candidate Room.

Alisia smiles at her twin, "Hi Ana." She hurrys over to where her sister is sitting.

From the Sands> Conor blinks a bit, head rocking back slightly from the immense heat. Still, he bows to the dam and sire, before taking a place with the others.

From the Sands> First Candidate onto the Sands. Quite a responsibility for this lit--young Candidate. Young, not little. "Don't trip," he murmurs, turning first to Tiarnath. She glances to Shadara and T'dru, and then gives the best bow he can manage with what little breath he can find, and the same treatment is given to Rnayth. Finally, satisfied with his effort, he moves over into his place in the semi-circle.

From the Sands> Imara strides over from the entrance to the hatching cavern.

From the Sands> Katolnar walks over from the Candidate Room.

Aeriel smiles warmly at Gwen as the Honshu Weyrwoman sits. Stretching out her fingers to Makyll, she looks over at Quolen. "Have we met?"

A cluster of people, obviously related, climb up to the galleries - a tall young woman bearing a Telgar knot leading the way. In the fuss, they miss Shasta's wave of greeting, and find themselves seats. The elder couple, perhaps parents of someone on the sands, looks anxious, and excited, as they cast their eyes out over the sands.

From the Sands> Marila strides over from the Candidate Room.

From the Sands> Gemini steps out onto the hot sands and does a little shuffle. Then he bows to dame and sire as well as the weyrleaders before taking a place in the circle.

From the Sands> She = he (Aidan's pose)

Mayia walks into the the galleries following Gwendolen. Excitement is evident on her face as she makes a note of the gathered. She takes a seat next to a young girl whose attention is held by the activity on the Sands below. Mayia focuses her gaze below too as she sits on the edge of the bleachers.

From the Sands> Craw walks to the where he is suppose to be and then does the required bows before finding a spot to wait for the dragonets to come out, only a slight twitch is the only show of emotion.

Quolen peers around Gwendolen at Aeriel and says bluntly, "We haven't. I just got here today." He smooths it out with a grin.

From the Sands> T'dru gives Weyrwoman and Weyrleader a salute. A short bow directed at Rnayth and Tiarnath follows, then he quickly finds himself a decent spot not too far away to intervene if there's trouble, yet not so close that he's in the way.

"Ready as you are, I guess," Joslyn half-shouts in return, working her way along the benches to fall into an empty few inches somewhere near Kinoa. "What're we sayin' first? I'll go blue - for a quartermark." Big money.

From the Sands> Arliana follows along behind Aidan, near to Auralia. Unclasping her hands from behind her, she grabs the edges of her robe. Dam, sire and Weyrleaders each get a quick bow before she steps over a bit to join in the semicircle forming.

From the Sands> Tiarnath gazes suspiciously at the sudden influx of candidates, head lowered as she glances over them in assessment. Snorting, as if something has been said to calm her fears, she eases herself to a crouch, her tail coiling around her flanks. Telinda flashes her lifemate an encouraging smile and then, slightly turning her head over her shoulder, she grins at K'laarn, squeezing his hand, before finally turning her attention to the rocking eggs. "I hope this goes quick, we don't want fainting candidates!"

Tr'bor slides a bit on his seat, sweat making him uncomfortable in such close quarters. Eyes forward, he watches the Sands and the goings-on down there.

From the Sands> Miranor strides over from the Candidate Room.

From the Sands> Marila slips onto the sand with a light step, she bows quickly and then bounces to somewhere near Katolnar. She squints a bit as she looks around.

From the Sands> Nareisa strides over from the Candidate Room.

From the Sands> Raven strides over from the Candidate Room.

Aeriel grins at Quolen in that open, friendly way she has. "Ah, well, I'm Aeriel."

From the Sands> Theida strides over from the Candidate Room.

From the Sands> Imara bows deeply toward first Tiarnath and Rnayth, then Telinda and K'laarn. She blinks dazedly when she looks up, and walks uncertainly toward the group of candidates.

From the Sands> Shadara chuckles and grins at Telinda, "We'll hope not."

From the Sands> Miranor steps nervously onto the sands, bowing to Tiarnath, Rnayth, Telinda and K'laarn before shifting into the semi-circle of white robes.

From the Sands> Katolnar coughs from the heat, his sunburned skin showing brightly on the sands. He bows nervously to Tiarnath and Rnayth, edging as far away from them as he can. Mari gets a grin and a blind offer of a hand.

From the Sands> N'all walks over from the Weyrling Room.

From the Sands> Raven bows deeply to Tiarnath, Rnayth, K'laarn and Telinda, and then moves to stand in the semi circle facing the eggs, and marveling at the wavey heat rising up, shifting her uncomfortable feet.

From the Sands> K'laarn releases the Weyrwoman and then turns slightly to observe the procession of candidates and weyrlingmasters that swell on the sand. He does keep one grasp on the Weyrwoman though, the same hand she squeezed. "Same here. Remember.. well you probably wouldn't remember. But it has happened." His teeth show in this last, almost feral grin.

Kinoa can't help but snort at the weyrwoman. "Big spender," she teases, agreeing with a quick nod.

Gwendolen spots Dyani across the way, given the other woman a broad smile, and calling her name before overhearing a wager in the making. Former Bitran can't resist, "A quartermark on brown!" she calls, as Makyll reaches out for Aeriel's wriggling figures.

From the Sands> Aidan almost misses the next step, with the heat as it is. His hand flares out quickly, groping for the first stability it can find. "Sorry," he says to a female Candidate; he didn't miss her shoulder, but... he came close.

Lily leans forward to look at everything. "Watching it is like going through it all over again," she grins.

From the Sands> Auralia waves Raven over, once the girl has bowed, "Hold my hand, Raven?" She offers Arli her other hand, and waits, nervously.

From the Sands> Raven holds Auralia's hand, and bites her lip. "Of course, Auri."

From the Sands> Arliana flashes a quick grin at Aidan, "Careful, careful."

From the Sands> Theida makes a dutiful bow to Tiarnath and Rnayth before anxiously finding her place near Raven.

From the Sands> N'all walks out, last. He bows deeply to Tiarnath and Rnayth. He then walks over and assumes his place by the Weyrleader.

Belan sits next to Aislinn and holding her hand watches the sands.

From the Sands> Nareisa emerges from the tunnel half-tripping on that overlong skirt. She narrowly misses bowling into another candidate. "Sorry," she's bright red. Wildly she looks around, "Kat" she hisses. There's so many candidates there... where did he go? "Where are you?" movement nearby prompts her to do the bowing thing too.

From the Sands> N'all pushes up on the brim of his straw hat, and offers a wineskin to the weyrleader, and whispers something to him.

From the Sands> Imara moves to stand next to Raven and holds out her hand. "Mind if I join you?"

Dyani gives a bit of a chuckle as Gwendolen's attention drifts her way before being pulled off towards the better. As the eggs below begin to twitch, the healer's attention becomes completely focused in that direction.

From the Sands> Aidan rolls his eyes at such clumsiness, glancing at Arli with a smile--forced, most likely. "I'm trying," he murmurs, glancing back out over the Sands to search for a Candidate in particular.

Joslyn grins, smugly, and plops her feet on the edge of the bench before her. "What've you got? Brown?" she offers, already starting to sweat in the heat and amid the press of people.

From the Sands> Marila takes Katolnar's hand probably more than a bit tighter than she meant to. She chews her bottom lip and then glances away from the shifting clutch, searching the crowds. Well what she can see of them.

Aislinn squeezes Bel's hand "There he is!" she says, pointing at Aidan. "Hey Ali!" she greets her sister as she joins them.

From the Sands> Slowly, the eggs of the clutch stir, beginning to rock, late starters joining those that had already begun. Heat wavers over the sands, contorting the light, as mirages dance and shimmy between awakening eggs.

From the Sands> Arliana nods a bit, stuffing her hands behind her, clasped tightly once more.

From the Sands> Katolnar's voice rings out a bit too loudly in the rustling of sand and shuffling. "Reisa? Mari n' I are over here." He gropes blindly in the direction of her voice. "Shardit, can't see a flaming thing."

From the Sands> K'laarn then eyes the gold egg. "I'm especially interested to see whom the new queen will Impress. We have many promising women on the sands here today." He looks a little pensive. "Ever since Eliora.. well it will be nice to have a new gold." Then he glances to his side wheer the Weyrlingmaster stands and then nods, replying something that isn't audible above the noise now on the sands, taking the skin with a mighty and companionable clout to N'all's shoulder and back.

Quolen drags his attention away from the sands long enough to introduce himself to Aeriel, "I'm Quolen."

Alisia looks out on the sands and smiles as she spots her brother. She then looks back and gives her sister a quick hug, "Hi Ais."

From the Sands> "Aidan," Miranor's somewhat quiet words are offered across the row. Hearing the familiar voice, she nearly topples herself when she bumps into him. "Jays, we're as blind as watchwhers out here," she remarks softly.

From the Sands> Gemini looks out towards where the eggs should be as he stops and blinks. He stops and squints trying to see better. Feet shifting as the sands burn through the sandals.

From the Sands> Nareisa heard that voice. She edges thataway. "Kat," hissed again, overloud on the hatching sands. "I can't see a thing." Mumblemumble. Whoops! "Sorry." She dances back from someone's toes.

Aeriel smiles. "It's a pleasure to meet you." She allows Makyll to take her fingers in his small grasp, seeming delighted by the touch, though her gaze drifts to the scorching sands below. A soft glow seams to warm her face as she watches with rather obvious anticipation.

From the Sands> Slowly, the eggs of the clutch stir, beginning to rock, late starters joining those that had already begun. Heat wavers over the sands, contorting the light, as mirages dance and shimmy between awakening eggs.

From the Sands> N'all doesn't stumble too much with the clout, maybe a little for show to help the WL's ego. He takes a sip from a large mug he himself is carrying. He grins at K'laarn, one of those rare, genuine ones.

From the Sands> Auralia calls out across the sands, her voice strangly confident now that she's here, "I can't see most of you, but good luck. To all of you. And congratulations in advance." She moves her feet uneasily, holding Raven's hand tight.

From the Sands> Aidan looks up at Miranor, offering a grin and settling back into position. "Much worse, I think," he offers in return. A wink is given, though his attention travels to the rocking eggs soon after. Aidan rocks back and forth as they do. "The heat... this rocking... it's making me sick..." he murmurs.

From the Sands> Regal Luminary Egg gives a contained quiver and rolls over to one side, the yellowish patches of its coat mingling with the color of the hot-hot-hot sands.

From the Sands> Arliana gives Aidan a worried glance, then unclenches her hands to offer him one. "Don't faint on me, okay?"

From the Sands> Telinda nods, with a smile, to the Weyrlingmasters as they too wander onto the sands and into their positions. "I'm very interested to, but the sooner the better in this heat." She glances up at the gold, who's holding out a wing for her lifemate, "Thank you dearest, that should help a little."

From the Sands> Raven holds her friends' hands tight and does the steamy sands shuffle with her feet, swallowing a bit at the lack of saliva which she swore was there before they came out here.

From the Sands> Katolnar reaches out and grabs what he obeviously thinks is Reisa's hand. There is a squeal, followed by the sound of a smack and a sheepish, "Sorry." The second time, he grabs Reisa's hand and pulls her in with Marila.

From the Sands> The Midnight Creek Egg briefly dances in place, leaving a scuffle in the sand before it settling down to rest again.

From the Sands> Aidan puts one hand in Arliana's, the other in Miranor's. Quite the stud, no? "I'll try..." is sputtered in brief, hurried breaths.

From the Sands> The heat from the sands, combined with the heat in the air, makes the sands seem to ripple as if something just beneath the surface was just waking up.

From the Sands> Gemini wipes stinging sweat from his eyes "Shards if it isn't one thing it's another.." he mutters and blinks. "Umm did something just move?"

From the Sands> K'laarn seems to swell up with pride, and uncorking the skin he offers it first to Telinda, muttering under the noise as if to explain what it is. He continues to smile, a large, friendly expression combined with excitement and a sense of achievement.

From the Sands> Imara blinks as she looks around the sands. She gives Raven's hand a squeeze, her other hanging by her side, fingers twitching.

From the Sands> Telinda quirks an eyebrow at K'laarn, "You sure that's a good idea out here? I don't want a drunken.. ahh, thanks!" she says, lifting a hand to the weyrlingmaster.

From the Sands> Marila steps closer to what she hopes is Katolnar, she mutters, "I'm trying to see my family, but I can't spot them at all through all this glare." She blinks at the squeal, "What was that?"

Mayia catches her breath now and then when the eggs move.

From the Sands> N'all nods to Telinda.

Quolen watches studiously, his brow furrowed up at all the fuss .

From the Sands> Miranor's free hand tries to clear her brow. The motion, however, seems fruitless. Squeezing Aidan's hand a bit, she swallows hard. "How will know to run," is a quietly voiced concern.

From the Sands> Harbour Lady Egg gives a long shuddering twitch, sand shifting away from where its hardened side rests against the grainy surface beneath - a barely noticeable rhythm beginning as the hatchling inside struggles to break free.

From the Sands> Nareisa wipes her brow. "Thanks, it's HOT..." she nevertheless squeezes that hand tight, and scoots closer to Katolnar, the combination of the hot sands and nervousness making her move from foot to foot. "Good luck," she hisses.

From the Sands> Katolnar mutters at Marila as he flushes. Of course, with that burn, who can tell. "Gresel." A pause and his head swings towards the noise. "Shells - what *was* that?"

From the Sands> Aidan gives a paniced glance to Miranor, shrugging. "I don't know ... maybe we can hear it?" he offers hopefully.

From the Sands> Arliana glances around Aidan to Miranor, "We'll look out. Warn each other, okay? Just watch."

From the Sands> Theida runs the back of her hand along her driping forehead, squinting a bit to catch the few signs of movement she can be sure.

From the Sands> Move? Where? Auralia can't see it, "Did an egg move? Anyone? I can't see! Shardit why doesn't it clear up a little!"

From the Sands> Miranor 's head bobs to Arliana. "Good plan..." is all she gets out before a blink. "Something? There...?"

From the Sands> Marila seems to be finally over taken by nervousness. She can't see, things are moving on the sands. She does the only thing she can do. She hiccups.

From the Sands> Gemini pushes back purple hair and scoots closer to a candidate next to him "Things are moving aren't they?" he stage whispers as feet shuffle in the heat.

Shasta leans forwards, squinting her eyes out at the glare of the hot sands, a hand lifted to shade her face. "Shells, I'm glad I'm not out there," She comments under her breath, to K'yam.

From the Sands> The Sky Spires Egg rocks in place several times, then goes still, like the calm before a storm.

From the Sands> Across the blazing Sands, a small green wades thru a shimmering lake. As she moves around, it becomes clear that the lake is just a mirage caused by the ferocious heat generated by the obscene heat.

K'yam nods, "Aye. It's got to be twice as hot. I'm surprised they can stand at all."

From the Sands> Tiarnath coils her tail around her haunches, gazing over the shimmering heat waves that roll across the sands towards the gently rocking eggs of her clutch. Possessiveness evident in every line of her body, she hmmmmmms loudly, the sound echoing through her chest and the stone around her as the Southern dragons herald the impending hatching.

From the Sands> Craw looks around the place where he is but stills stays quiet. The lad eye's are wide not that anyone can see and he has backed up as much as he can.

From the Sands> Arliana shakes her head about, lifting her hair off her neck briefly. "I don't know. It's so hard to tell."

From the Sands> Shadara hmmms and watches, sipping occasionally from a flask, waiting for the first impression to take place.

From the Sands> Conor shifts his feet, wiping again at the sweat dripping down his face.

From the Sands> Nareisa continues the continuous nervous movement. "Can you see?" Maybe it's just her height. "Have any hatched?"

Dyani leans forward in her seat a bit, trying to see a detailed view of what's going on down on the Sands through the heat shimmers rising from the heated ground. "Gah, that hatchling might as well be a shipfish for all I can see of it," she complains with a slight huff.

From the Sands> K'laarn wipes his brow, wincing slightly as sweat drips into his eyes. "Sharding heat. " He mutters. He glances toward the eggs and says, "Hey is that a green.. oh.. no it isn't." He grins bashfuly and explains. "Thought I saw the first hatching."

From the Sands> Regal Luminary Egg begins to rock more insistently, as though the heat of the sands beneath it has finally become too much, no longer caressing, but something from which it must escape. A series of short, precise movements sets it bouncing, sand crunching beneath its hardened surface, rippling with the demanding efforts of the hatchling within.

From the Sands> N'all's feet are planted firmly shoulder width apart. He quickly scans his gaze over his assistants then over the candidates. He takes another drink from his mug. He then offers a hankerchief to K'laarn. Always prepared.

Belan leans forwards trying to see though the distorting hot air.

From the Sands> Katolnar squeezes Nareisa and Marila's hands. "I can't tell. I *thought* something had but I'm going crosseyed in this heat."

"I hope the healers are standing by," Shasta comments. "The heat'll just add to the stress, out there. Think they can see a thing?"

From the Sands> Imara shuts her eyes tight, keeping them closed for a moment, then opens them. She shakes her head. "Nope, that didn't work." She looks at her empty hand. "Shells, I can barely even see my hand!"

From the Sands> Aidan releases the girls' hands momentarily, taking this moment to pull his robe into the balls that are his fists. After a moment containing deep breaths, closed eyes, and shuffling feet, the hands are pushed back outwards and to the girls. Eyes open, he watches ... listens ... for hatchlings.

From the Sands> Raven bites her lip and shuts her eyes, trying to hear as she shifts her feet, the sounds of shuffling feet, swishing robes, sweaty limbs skiffing against other surfaces, and eggs rocking, cracking rolling moving cloud her mind.

From the Sands> K'laarn laughs and shakes his head at N'all this time, pulling out his own. He was prepared for this one at least.

Kinoa continues to fan herself with her hand, sighing a little. "You think I could make it to Reaches and back before it's over?" she asks half-seriously. "What I wouldn't give for something really *cold*."

From the Sands> Marila hiccups again, "Something's out there..feel like *hiccup* Faranth I should have had more water..." She squints through all the glare moving her head a little bit.

From the Sands> Several small cracks appear in the shell of the Worshipful Colours Egg before it goes motionless again.

From the Sands> The Mountain Home Egg shudders against two of its fellows, tiny tapping sounds coming from within before subsiding.

From the Sands> Gemini blinks again as sweat stings his eyes and makes them water. "Wish I could see...somthing."

From the Sands> Nareisa peers through the heat. "Can you see N'all?" Can anyone see ANYTHING? "How will we know if one is coming over?"

K'yam snorts, "I can barely see from here, don't know how they can..."

Dyani overhears the Weyrsecond's comment and waves a hand in her direction, then pats the satchel beside her. "Ready and waiting in case something happens," she calls towards the brownrider. "Of course, hopefully nothing will," she adds quickly.

From the Sands> Shadara chuckles a bit and shakes her head, "Better to be able to see mirages and think you see them, than not being able to see because it's too dark and the clouds are blocking the moon."

From the Sands> N'all chuckles a little bit, dips the hankerchief in his mug, lifts up his hat, and places the now damp cloth on his head, replacing the hat above it. N'all is probably visible as that straw-hat wearing tower over .there..

From the Sands> Harbour Lady Egg seems to be gaining a bit of speed as it rocks back and forth in the hole that its exertions are creating below it. The tides of life are washing over it from within, ebb and flow, high and low as it shakes and jiggles in its methodic way.

From the Sands> Arliana takes the same opportunity to quickly make a feeble attemtp at drying her own hands. She grabs Aidan's outstretched hand again, grasping it a bit mroe tightly. "Do you see one yet?"

"I think I'll head up to the Reaches after this," Joslyn comments, wiping her brow with her fingers and trying very hard to see down at the heat-shimmering sands. "Naked," she concludes, a firm nod for emphasis.

From the Sands> Theida blinks repeatedly, making sure her eyes aren't playing any tricks. "Maybe we should just try to listen for them..."

Aeriel sighs softly, touching a hand to her forehead. She whispers over to Gwen, "Is it always so hot in the galleries? It seems a bit more than usual to me..." she trails off, slightly confused.

From the Sands> Katolnar's tone tries to be soothing, though it cracks. "We'll hear 'em, Reisa." He doesn't sound very confident about it. "Just stay on your toes and ready to dodge."

Tr'bor overhears Joslyn's remarks and wipes his brow again. "Want some company, Joslyn?"

Shasta's eyes catch the motion nearby, and she smiles to Dyani. "Wonderful," she says, approvingly. "I sure hope nothing's needed, but you never know. Best to be prepared."

From the Sands> Aidan gives his own, contemptious snort. "See one? I can't see -anything-?" he complains, pushing a step forward and squinting to try and pierce the haze hanging over the Sands.

From the Sands> As if disturbed by a quaking of the land that it stands upon, the Regal Luminary Egg shudders once more racked from within by impending forces of doom. A slow vibration disturbs the lilac tendrils creeping down the smooth surface, obscuring them further in the haze of blinding heat. Half a breath later, fine traceries -- like cracks webbing through the fabric of a building -- creep upward, the burnished gold trembling in the light of the sun, until ultimately, its inhabitant succeeds in collapsing its walls in a shimmer of shards.

From the Sands>

---*** Wafted Frond Fan Mirage Hatchling ***---

The air of the hatching grounds, heavy with humidity, hangs oppressively -- unmoving. Only the oscillation of light hugging close to the sands seems to be moving. Over one location, the air seems to solidify -- bending and waving, up and down. This patch of animated light appears to be constructed of green fronds, bowing gently, sweeping the heat away. A fan, large enough to actually have some use against the baking temperatures, pushes forward the shade beneath -- cooling the air just enough by the motion of each stroke.

From the Sands> Gemini steps a bit sideways and bumps into Imara. "Ooops sorry.." He murmurs softly before wiping again at the sweat the runs down his face.

From the Sands> Miranor's head leans forward like a statuette on the front of a ship, trying to listen. "I hear...tapping..." she murmurs to Aidan and Arliana. "But..can't tell from...where..." A loud sound tugs her head. "There...that was something...:

From the Sands> Eggs? Who cares about eggs now. Dovee just tries to cool off. Not that she ever cared about eggs, "I wish this would just be all over so I could go home," she mutters to a candidate close by, a candidate that even if he can't see her, still knows who it is.

Gwendolen seconds Dyani's comment with, "Faranth forbid...hopefully since they're closer, they can see to get out of the way," she murmurs, shifting her scarf to mob her brow and then doing the same for Makyll, before answering Aeriel, "Well, I've heard you're hotter when you're with child, but I'm sure I'm not, and it's horridly hot for me."

From the Sands> Marila shuts her eyes, "Maybe we should all be quiet.. *hiccup* so we can *hiccup* hear them better. Faranth I'm scared.." Alright she's admitted it.

From the Sands> Raven hears a crack and what sounds like a hatchling coming from an egg. "Imara, Marila, can you see anything? It sounded like an egg hatched. I could have sworn I heard ichor spilling and sizzling...

From the Sands> Shadara ahhhs and grins as the first hatchling appears, "And once more we can't tell what color it is." she says with a chuckle and a shake of her head.

From the Sands> The Distorted Sunlight Egg and Delicate Curve Egg clack against each other, fractures spreading across both surfaces and allowing chips of shell to flake away like the whiteness of the worst High Reaches snowstorm. Soon a bronze and a green stand where the eggs were, flipping shards from their hides and looking about.

From the Sands> Nareisa's hand tightens on Katolnar's at the word 'dodge'. Not the best instinct under the circumstances, perhaps. "I... was that something?"

From the Sands> As the sand shimmers, it's hard to tell which is the bronze hatchling and which is the green, but a flash of metallic hue practically rushing towards an older boy from Thessaly Hold, while the other takes her time in choosing her lifemate, is the give away. Finally she stops in front of lanky Vojah and nudges him softly. "Aye, I will," V'jah murmers to his new lifemate, nodding as one of the weyrlingmasters helps the new pair from the sands.

From the Sands> Rnayth bugles loudly, excitement ringing in the metallic tones echoing from his throat. Something momentous must of happened by the sound of that enthusiastic ringing. His tail crashes into the sand, stirring it into a small cloud that quickly settles.

From the Sands> Aidan's grip goes considerably tighter as his piercing gaze seems to have caught something. "Do you see that? I see something!" he gasps, relasing his grips to point outwards to the hatchling.

From the Sands> "Was that? Is it? Raven? Did one just hatch?" Auri looks around, craning her neck to try and get a look, but not getting anywhere with it, "I think it did! Theres a dragonet on the loose!"

From the Sands> Katolnar jumps at Rnayth's bugle and then tells those nearest him, "I think something hatched and impressed."

From the Sands> Raven blinks. "Vojah Impressed!"

Kinoa grins over at Tr'bor. "I'd take you, if you wanted," she offers slyly, then looks at the sands and points. "Hah! Green first, I'll take that quartermark, Josy," she says with a grin.

From the Sands> Arliana stays put still, her arm pulled forward by Aidan's movement. "Over that way? I think you're right! But it's so hard to see it."

Dyani nods her agreement with the Weyrsecond and Hoshu Weyrwoman, but doesn't add anything else, as an interesting hatchling makes its appearance below. "What color is that hatchling? I can't tell from here."

From the Sands> Craw jumps at the bugle that seems to come from everywhere and then wipes his hand over his forehead. The lad starts to quietly whisper to himself stuff but what it is can not be made out.

Kinoa is clearly referring to V'jah's dragon.

From the Sands> Imara sighs as she wipes her wet face with an equally wet hand. "I changed my mind, this is hotter than the desert." She looks behind her. "Oh hi... Gemini?" Quickly turning to look at Raven, she asks, "What happened?"

From the Sands> Telinda positively beams, her expression radiant. Hand reaches out for K'laarn's, as she grins once more and returns her attention to the sands, shifting her stance to place a hand against Tiarnath's golden hide.

From the Sands> Gemini clenches his jaw and looks about "Did..was it?" he then gives up and concentrates on listening.

From the Sands> The hot sands seem to be dotted here and there with small patches of rippling liquid, movement just at the periphery of vision, coalescing into the familiar grainy consistency of mere sand as soon as the eye focuses on them directly.

From the Sands> While mutters of "Vojah?" "V'jah!" "Congratulations, Vo!" pass through some of the candidates, Auralia just smiles, refraining from adding her voice to the din.

From the Sands> Belira is busy amongst a bunch of candidates her age. Oofs and ouches come periodically from the group, each accompanied by a "Sorry!" from the blonde girl.

From the Sands> Obscured by candidates, the Crystal Canyon Egg vanishes entirely from sight at the same moment an audible *snap* rings across the Sands. Soon, the swift-moving form of a dragonet works its way across the Sands toward a very young lad from Island River. A tumbling of limbs - draconic and human - ends with the boy slightly bruised but stroking his lifemate in a most apologetic manner, assuring the blue dragonet that he's just fine.

From the Sands> As if pitching in the same sea its shell calls to mind, the Harbour Lady Egg continues with its slow methodical rocking in a burrow of sand, gaining more and more speed as the moments pass. Just when the wave-like pitching reaches an impossibly quick crescendo, the egg breaks away into countless waves of greyish-blue shards to reveal the heat-cloaked form of a dragonet.

Joslyn, griping, digs into her pocket, fishing through who knows what - marbles, of course, and ribbons and things yo probably don't want to know about. "I oweya?" she offers hopefully, a sweet smile for Kinoa.

From the Sands>

---*** Clouded Sunny Day Mirage Hatchling ***---

Between the heated sands and the relentless brilliance of the sun above, the heat is nearly unbearable. Distortions of light from the layer of air trapped against the scorching sand fools the eye. But there, now, something condenses over the sands. Delicate puffs of clouds form, gleaming reflected sunshine on their upper surfaces, greying with shade beneath. Such clouds would banish the heat should they congregate in the sunny skies, and then there's the distant possibility of a cool shower.

Tr'bor blushes at Kinoa's remark. "Maybe," the big blond behemoth says oh-so-quietly.

From the Sands> Marila wipes her arm across her eyes as she hiccups, "Who saw that? " She hiccups over and over again for several moments. "Kat? You there?"

From the Sands> Conor takes short quiet breaths in the heat, straining forward to try to see.

From the Sands> Aidan almost appears to bounce on the sands, pointing to the hatchling from the Crystal Canyon egg. "I know him!" he blurts, grinning. Soon after, his eyes avert to the clouds on the Sands--or are they? Either way, he sees them, but keeps quiet for the moment.

From the Sands> Raven grapples at Imara's arm. "I heard another snap. So many snappings. The heat makes my eyes hurt!" she says, shifting her feet repetatively and trying to see through the wavey haze.

From the Sands> In the center of the clutch, the small the Majestic Erosion Egg egg shatters, leaving a steady, quiet green hatchling at its end. As the green crosses the Sands towards a young Starcrafter whose attention is everywhere but on the Hatchlings, the Desert Sunrise Egg egg hatches a squat brown hatchling who slowly makes his way towards a lass from Central Hold.

From the Sands> Sunlight glints of the sands, catches on the miniscule shards of Shell which remain and reflects off the Queen's Golden hide, causing a rather blinding cacophony of visual sensation.

From the Sands> Wafted Frond Fan Mirage Hatchling spreads wide a delicate expanse of fronds, holding them for a long moment above the ground before sweeping them downwards, sending a gentle breeze forward. Deliberately it moves in one direction, the long stem of the fan just barely trailing along in the sand.

Gwendolen sits actually quietly now, eyes squinted out at the hatchlings. Or maybe she's just trying not to remind the Southern Weyrfolk that she put a quartermark on brown first.

From the Sands> Shadara grins and leads the new pair off the sands, into the weyrling room and then comes back out after the new pair has a bucket of mmeat and some water to trink and oil for after the feeding is complete

From the Sands> Nareisa whips around trying to see. "They're everywhere," it's an almost inaudible hiss. Her grip on Katolnar's tightens yet more, and she edges closer to him.

From the Sands> Katolnar's tone is amused. "That better be me holding your hand, Mari. Hold your breath and see if that helps." The word drifts off into a yelp as Nareisa tightens her grip.

From the Sands> Arliana scoots a step forwqard, peering through the haze. "I can't tell who. Who was it?"

From the Sands> Gemini blinks "That's not.." and then shakes his head "I think I'm seing things..clouds and fans.."

From the Sands> Theida gives up on the watching for a moment to rip off the hem of her robe. She ties it around her head, hoping it will help keep the sweat out of her eyes so she can at least keep them open...

Aeriel leans forward slightly, one hand resting on her belly. "It's nearly impossible to see anything..." Nevertheless, this greenrider continues her effort, squinting as she takes in the sight - or lack thereof - of the sands."

From the Sands> Imara looks out at the sands and squints. "Are those hatchlings?" She smiles at Raven. "I know how you feel." She gives Raven's hand a comforting squeeze."

Quolen inquires loudly, "Is it always this hot?"

From the Sands> After feeling the twinge of air moving Craw says in a bit louder voice "Hello, is that somebody?" Craw looks around for a mont in the have at the shapes and everything before going back to his fast paced whispering.

From the Sands> Aidan looks sheepishly at Arliana, shrugging. "Someone from Island River. I know him--I think?" He shrugs again, a faint blush rising through the Sands' haze.

From the Sands> Marila squeezes Katolnar's hand tighter. She suddenly takes a deep breath, and continues to watch what little she can. Curls cling damply to her face. She keeps holding that breath.

From the Sands> Auralia rubs her eyes in the hope that it is just her who can't see a thing. When it doesn't work, she goes back to peering around blindly, holding Raven's hand tight, "You're both still there, aren't you? Raven, Imara?"

Gwendolen tosses one of her scarves Quolen's way, answering, "Well, Southern's hotter than Honshu most of the turn, but this...this is exceptionally hot."

From the Sands> Nareisa yipes. "Sorry," sheepishly. "I'm just er..." she glances over. Can he hear her? The straw-hatted tower is nowhere to be seen "Scared," in a low voice.

From the Sands> Raven squeezes Auralia's hand. "I'm here... I think."

Quolen catches the scarf and looks confused at what to do with it, as he peels out of his vest before he cooks inside it.

From the Sands> Arliana grins, purposefully taking Aidan's hand again, then turning in a different direction from which he's looking. "You watch that way. I'll watch this."

Kinoa smirks quite a bit, waving one hand Josy-wards. "Aw, just keep a tab, you'll likely owe me more," she says confidently. "I'll bet you that quartermark that Craw impresses. Green, I think." She nods sagely.

From the Sands> A flurry of shards flip in every direction as the Sunken Knowledge Egg bursts open on the far side of the clutch to reveal a diminutive blue who announces his presence with a loud bugling, amazing for one so small. He peers around with curiosity before taking a step towards a small knot of candidates all clutching each others' hands. More steps follow, and he plows directly into a young Bakercraft girl, knocking the lass down and tearing her grip from her fellows. Instead of pain-filled screams, a shout of triumph rings through the air.

From the Sands> A crackling sound echoes across the Hatching Grounds from the Painted Blackness Egg, pieces of its shell appearing to darken before flaking off. A dark brown hatchling flops from its confines, wallowing briefly in the sands before getting to his feet and creeling his hunger. He continues to vocalize as he ambles towards the candidates, sniffing each one before settling eyes on Rayoji, a lad from the Woodcraft. The two blink at each other for a few moments, as if in silent negotiation, before Rayoji finally reaches out to smooth the brown's eyeridge as he grins, "I hear you!" R'oji's tone growing sheepish, he adds, "And I love you too."

From the Sands> Katolnar hisses to Marila, "Don't hold it that long or you'll faint." He gives her arm a little shake, rubbing his jaw against his shoulder.

From the Sands> Imara calls in Auralia's direction, "I'm here... but I'm not sure where that is."

From the Sands> Clouded Sunny Day Mirage Hatchling coalesces suddenly and begins its slow drift, letting some stray breeze that touches nothing else waft it here and there across the Hatching Grounds. A flicker of shadow laces across an egg as the shapeless form passes by, but is quickly drifting off somewhere else again before it can cool a thing.

From the Sands> Aidan frowns slightly, shaking his head as the sweat-dampened locks threaten to fall. "I can't see anything, though," he complains, frown deepening. "I want to watch everything, though."

From the Sands> Tiarnath bugles at the hatchlings find lifemates, lowering her muzzle to inspect the new addition to Pern's fighting force. With a small, delicate, and warmly tinged croon for her newest son, she sends him on his way, watching with cerulean-tinged eyes as they searches for their new lifemate.

Hearing snippets of conversations, Joslyn is reminded to take up muttering about the heat again, a few words here and there about Bitran winters sprinkling her mumbled monologue. She stops taking to herself as Kinoa replies, saying aloud, "All right. I'll take that." She leans forward, squinting at the sands.

From the Sands> Miranor's eyes squint, her useless attempt to see. The runnertail lays wet against her neck as she sighs. "I'll just listen," she offers quietly and tries to do just that.

From the Sands> Theida leans towards the form next to her, who it is, she can't tell. "Do you know how many have hatched? Are they still running around? Did they impress yet?"

From the Sands> Raven blinks a little and clears her throat. "I think I just saw a cloud..."

From the Sands> Marila glances in the direction of Katolnar's voice, "I wll not faint.. I never faint.." Hiccup.

From the Sands> Auralia tries to laugh, but doesn't succeed very well. She nods, even though no one can see her do it. The Impressions aren't seen, or heard, and she remains in the dark that there have been more than one of two.

From the Sands> Pillar of Strength Egg gives a wobble, the base of the large egg shimmying in the sands. Impetuous shakes from within rock it to and fro, until it finally comes to rest, again.

From the Sands> Gemini snorts "Have to be sseing things..don't I?" Blinking as something wafts across the sands.

From the Sands> Arliana hmms, stretching her arm out as she shuffles a half step over. "I can't either. Just try to see."

Dyani exhales all in a rush, shaking her head. "Guess I'll have to find out later what some of those hatchlings looked like," she mutters to nobody in particular. "Can't see a sharding thing with the sweat in my eyes and the heat in here."

From the Sands> Katolnar jumps a bit at a shadow, pulling Nareisa a bit closer. "What was that?" Paranoia begins to make an inroad in the candidate's voice. And he hisses again to Marila, "Hold your breath again. Just... don't hold it long."

From the Sands> With each bugle of dragons Craw seems to get smaller and smaller. The small whispers that Craw is doing is picking up in volume but is still not loud enough to be heard.

From the Sands> Imara grins at Raven. "I envy you. I can't see a thing, just a big blur."

From the Sands> Covered with a glassy sheen, the the smooth texture of the hatching sands is broken by a flickering spiral of sand as it whirls up from the ground, perhaps triggered by the movement of one of the hatchlings or kicked up by a candidate, leaving faint scratches across the shifting, melting surface.

From the Sands> Two eggs split at once on opposite edges of the clutch - the Bloody Towers Egg bursting into a bright display of shards that shimmer down around a green dragonet just as the Winged Innovation Egg tips over and splits open to reveal a sturdy blue. The green rights herself and instantly singles out a sunburned young girl from Honshu. The blue lingers a bit, surveying the boys that stand before him until his muzzle pushes into one barrel-chested lad who whoops for joy!

From the Sands> Auralia adds, "It'd be nice to have something to focus on, defiantly."

From the Sands> Nareisa has NO objection right now to being pulled closer to someone. Anyone. Or Katolnar in particular. "I don't know... maybe... is one coming this way?" eek.

From the Sands> Conor's hair is beginning to stick straight up on his head from the sweat and his hands running through it.

From the Sands> Wafted Frond Fan Mirage Hatchling drifts across the sands, frond tips sweeping a faint trail to mark its passage. A refreshing coolness is directed towards a small cluster of candidates as it pauses on its journey, the image rippling from top to bottom as it holds still, long, cool shadows cast in one direction and then another. Quivering with a decisive response it resumes moving again, and the breeze beneath it picks up as it wafts more quickly, waving fronds and expanse of shadow combining to focus on the One it wants.

From the Sands> Marila scowls and holds her breath again, but stops. "I'm not holding my breath again. Its ridiculous." She hiccups and only squeezes at the hand she's holding with an iron grip come from her days spent in the garden.

From the Sands> Clouded Sunny Day Mirage Hatchling continues its slow drift in a random pattern, although its path does trace closer and closer to those white-robed figures surrounding the clutch. Its form holds a promise - maybe of cooling rain, maybe of a chilling shadow that will make its way across the ground. Whatever secrets this cloudy shape might hold, its definitely not revealing it yet.

From the Sands> Aidan becomes engrossed in his Sand-watching, sand-listening. He tries to keep tabs on what he can see of the Hatchlings, though it becomes more difficult as his eyes begin to water at the heat. From the Sands> Raven swallows again. "Can anyone see what's going on?" she asks plaintively.

From the Sands> Wafted Frond Fan Mirage Hatchling wafts with an amazing amount of grace over the sands, movements slow and ponderous in search of that elusive lifemate. Backtracking, to a small knot of candidates, she makes her choice, her deep, layered green muzzle poking Auralia in the chest, her decision finally made.


Leisurely making its way through a lush tropical jungle, a ribbon of water winds like a streamer from a child's kite, sweeping toward a mysterious, dimly lit pool of water that bathes this hatchling in depths of layered watery-greens. Rich olive-greens flow smoothly over her flanks, muscles delineated by ripples of deep sapphire, almost as if the water's edge were captured by moonlight, whilst her neckridges are graced with a delicate pattering of mossy-greens, like long tendrils of greenery hung from the boughs of a riverside tree. Shadows lengthen down the curve of her belly -- the promise of secrets, passed into legend -- toward her lithe limbs, the verdant-green seamlessly shading into the jet-black of her sharp talons. Pinions blaze with a dazzling burst of yellow-green -- as though the sun had placed a flamboyant handprint there -- gradually darkening over her leading edges -- the colour of lilypads floating on the surface of a well-hidden pond -- before paling amidst the gently dappled greens of her wingsails.

From the Sands> Ruddy Rock Ravine Egg doesn't tremble so much as bulge, the red shell seeming to stretch as muzzle and talons seeks escape. Strange bumps appear near the apex, crimson shadows showing the faintest striations zigzagging into cracks.

From the Sands> Katolnar's response to Marila, as he shifts to try to ease his feet, is a trifle peevish. "Shells, woman! Don't break my fingers." Then hard on the heels of that, "What was that?"

From the Sands> Gemini sighs softly as he pushes back hair and wipes sweat from his brow. Muttering beneath his breath at not being able to see hatchlings.

Dyani blinks as the heat shimmers part just enough for her to see the color of one of the hatchlings. "Oh! A nice green! I would have said it was a blue from all I could see of it."

From the Sands> Imara shakes her head. "I have no idea, Raven. I hear things, but there's too much noise. I can't make any sense of it."

From the Sands> Marila squints, "I I think someone impressed?" She tilts her head as she looks, "I can't *hiccup* tell.." She however does not lessen her grip.

From the Sands> Nareisa blinkblinks, misinterpreting who Kat is speaking to. After all, it's not as if she can see. "Sorry," eep. "What was what?"

From the Sands> Shadara chuckles softly and nods, "Now see, I knew Saith was right." she says as she see's Auralia impress, "What is her name Auralia?"

Gwendolen squints down, "Anyone know who that was?"

From the Sands> Auralia turns to Raven saying, "I keep thinking, which of these dragonets that I can't see will look into one of my friends eyes and say -" She stops, and then drops to the ground, "We'll be together forever, Iesath!"

From the Sands> Arliana tugs on Aidan, "Look.. look over there. Isn't that Auri?"

From the Sands> Pillar of Strength Egg shivers as though a tremour rocks the sands beneath it, the gentle wobbling of the strong blacks of its base amplified to drastic shakes of its reddish crest. Sand scatters from around it, as the large egg repeatedly shakes with violence.

From the Sands> Raven blinks at Auralia and smiles, holding onto Imara, biting her lip...

From the Sands> Aidan looks to Auralia, a grin breaking to his face as the hatchling's color finally focuses. "Auri!" he cries triumphantly, the grin now threatening to split his face in two. He gives a quick, excited nod to Arliana. "Yeah--Iesath? Did she say Iesath?" he asks the two, squinting again.

From the Sands> Katolnar asks, this time squeezing the girls' hands, "Who? Auralia? Was it that - is that a green?"

From the Sands> Nareisa tiptoes, like that will help, or add much to her height anyway. "It sounded like her..."

From the Sands> Gemini turns in time to glimpse a flash of color. Then hearing Auralia he smiles "Nice name...Iesath.." he rolls it over his tongue. "I think that's what she said.."

From the Sands> "Did Auralia impress? I mean is that what happened, can somebody please tell me what is going on." Craw finallyl breaks down and says "I mean I can't see anything, it sure is hot here, I mean really hot."

From the Sands> Marila wails, "I don't know if its her or not!" She tries to peer into the haze again, she hiccups.

From the Sands> Miranor's voice echoes to those around her. "Iesath...what a lovely name," she remarks before repeating many of the same questions filtering in the air. "Green? Who? Crackdusted glows..." A wipe at her brow before she peers into the haze.

From the Sands> Like the wind howling through a grove of trees, the Pillar of Strength Egg stirs, its reddish-brown mass wobbling on the sands. It rests, still, for a few moments before a flurry of activity sets it to swaying, as if its shell, and not the branches brushed across its surface, was caught in the wind. Groaning and cracking, it strains to stay rooted to its position, but fails -- bursting into a million shimmering splinters as if falling from the very earth itself.

From the Sands> Ruddy Rock Ravine Egg stretches eerily, the faces coloring its mottled surfaces contorting with each forceful blow from within. The hairline fractures widen steadily, growing into deeper and more obvious canyons across the dusty canvas, baked and cracked in the searing heat.

From the Sands> Theida grins as the buzz gets to her, "Auralia? Oh that's wonderful, what was the name? What color was it?" A few more minutes and the unidentified form near her leans over to fill in the gaps.

From the Sands>

---*** Invisible Sand Monster Mirage Hatchling ***---

In the intense heat, the boundary between sand and air is lost to the eye, becoming nothing more than a mirage of shimmering liquid light. A shift in the coruscation draws the eye, and the sand appears to move -- a monster of sand rearing up from where it lurked, camouflaged till this instant by the innocent grains that incubated the eggs. Sunlight glints off what can only be horrid fangs, a deep cavernous mouth opening wide, ready to engulf those in its path.

From the Sands> "He's doing it again!" Aidan murmurs to Miranor and Arliana, looking to Craw. "Can't he keep quiet for anything?

From the Sands> Imara looks in Auralia's direction. "Auralia, is that you?" She peers at the girl, concentrating on the shape. "Iesath? Congrats!"

From the Sands> Clouded Sunny Day Mirage Hatchling has finally floated almost within touching distance to the candidates, but still does not make any attempt at keeping to one distinct shape. Instead it seems to merge with the ripples of heat rising up to it, shifting and gliding, first looking like a wherry, then like the whitecaps on stormy waters. Suddenly, the breeze lofting it around seems to end, and it stops its aimless drifting.

From the Sands> Conor offers, "Congradulations, Auralia." There are no complaints from him, though he wipes his forearm over his face again.

From the Sands> Iesath butts her small green head gently against Auralia's legs, lifting up her eyes to gaze adoringly at this perfect, wonderful, special person she has chosen.

From the Sands> Shadara grins and moves over to auralia and nods to her green, "Iesath, nice to meet you, if you two could please follow me, we'll get you to where you can feed your lifemate." she says as she taps Auralia on the shoulder and motions her towards the Weyrling room.

From the Sands> The summers' day clouds of the Clouded Sunny Day Mirage Hatchling billow this way and that, guided by the whimsy of a wind that's felt by none in the heat of the sands. The restless path ceases, and like a storm rising up from the horizon, the clouds encroach upon Miranor, suddenly parting to reveal, in their wake, the glimmering blue of a hatchling, gazing up into Miranor's eyes.


Pointing fingers towards an autumn sky, a jagged coastline -- the green pastures but a distant dream on the horizon -- rises from an ocean that crashes against the rocks far below, the like of which washes over the hide of this briny-blue hatchling. Fathomless-blues, reminiscent of the deep, clear water far from land, shadows his flanks, eddies and currents swirling over his shoulders in cool, liquid grace. Pale aquamarine caps his muzzle -- the crest of a wave -- which rolls in towards the aqueous line of his sweeping spine, whilst watermarks lap across the expanse of his chest, tiny vortices forming around down his legs, before concluding in granite-black talons. Golden rays of sunlight catch the edges of his pinions, contrasting sharply with the dusky amethyst and hazy cobalt of his wingsails, a parody of a setting sun.

From the Sands> Arliana says "It sounds like her, it does."

From the Sands> Auralia walks toward the Weyrling Room.

From the Sands> Shadara walks toward the Weyrling Room.

From the Sands> Raven looks around and holds on to Imara's arm, the only solid thing now, as she shifts her feet seeming disoriented.

From the Sands> Iesath moves towards the the Weyrling Room.

From the Sands> Miranor doesn't need to see suddenly. A gasp and she says, "Xiuth! Of course I will feed you, dearheart..."

From the Sands> Aidan drops Miranor's hand as the blue approaches, his jaw dropping only before a grin can take it's place. "Miranor?" he murmurs, positively beaming.

From the Sands> Katolnar turns his head quickly, his tone edging further into paranoid. "What was that?" He squints vaguely in the direction of the 'sand monster'. He nudges Marila and Nareisa both with an elbow.

From the Sands> Bluestone's Omen Egg wobbles around, the sound emanating from within like the sound of a bell sounding the approach of a storm, for a storm it is that gather's inside this shell, as the hatchling struggles for release into the world. It slides down and out of its sandy hollow, creating illusions of its own as the sand sprinkles up and around it's ovoid shape.

From the Sands> Nareisa clutches at Katolnar's hand nervously as hatchlings seem to surround them. "It's going so /quickly/," she peers in the direction he's indicating "Oh my," blink.

From the Sands> Arliana starts, bolt upright, nearly bumpgin into Aidan. "Oh my. Congratulations, Mira."

From the Sands> Gemini blinks as another name floats out of the wavering heat "Xiuth? wonder who that was.." Shuffling and wiping the sweat from his face.

From the Sands> Another impression and Craw still doesn't not know what is going on. The lad looks around from his spot way in the back and almost starts to go forward but stays still. "Uhm, did somebody impressed, I mean that is what I heard, right, hello? Anyone there? Uhm, well I know you are out there."

From the Sands> Shadara walks over from the entrance to the hatching cavern.

From the Sands> Shadowed faces bulge eerily as definite movement shakes the Ruddy Rock Ravine Egg, the creature inside scrambling to release itself from the fiery confines. What were once painted crevices now become deeper canyons, as cracks run their fingers over the canyon walls. With a final heave, the gorge collapses, the egg surrendering in defeat to its inhabitant, as it breaks into nothing more than reddish shards, quickly lost in the blistering sands of the hatching grounds.

From the Sands> Marila mutters with another hiccup, "Think it was a dragonet Kat.. or something like.." She wipes her eyes that start to water, sweat and grit making for trouble. "Congratulations who ever..."

From the Sands> T'dru escorts another newly hatched pair off the Sands, walking silently beside the duo as they find their legs.

From the Sands>

---*** Gentle Breeze of Air Mirage Hatchling ***---

Heat wavers brightly over the sands, carpeting them in heavy light, even concealing the grainy surface from the eye. But there, a gentle whirlwind stirs the sand, tracing a shallow path in its wake. The breeze casually dances between the suggestion of a solid form, and ephemeral entity, neither one nor the other. But wind of any kind, no matter how gentle a breeze, would be welcome relief from the torrid heat of the hatching grounds.

From the Sands> T'dru walks toward the Weyrling Room.

From the Sands> Imara grasps Raven's hand and grins. "Don't worry... With my luck I won't be leaving." She turns her head this way and that. "What? Miranor?"

From the Sands> Conor grins vaguely in Miranor's direction. "Congradulations, Miranor!" He mutters, half to himself, "At least, I hope it's Miranor."

From the Sands> Miranor walks toward the Weyrling Room.

From the Sands> Xiuth moves towards the the Weyrling Room.

From the Sands> Raven smiles a little and looks at Imara. "We'll always be together, Ima." she notes, and then nods. "Yes, Miri impressed..."

"I don't think I know that one either," Gwendolen murmurs trying to see. The heat's been too much for Makyll and he's now sleeping back against her chest, his hair limply clinging to his face in the heat.

Jeanne walks over from the entrance to the hatching cavern.

From the Sands> Invisible Sand Monster Mirage Hatchling looms up from the sands, a horrendous apparition of motion. A hideous monster, seeming continuous with the sand. Half burried, the creature wades it's way slowly, great claws digging a path between two eggs, a path that will lead it towards the aggregation of white robed, innocent, candidates.

Jeanne strides over to the Entrance to the Hatching Caverns.

From the Sands> Raven can't see a thing still and simply shuffles her feet, closing her eyes which water with the insufferable heat.

Belan sits back and mops his head with the cloth. Then he ties it around his head to keep the sweat from dripping into his eyes.

From the Sands> Katolnar becomes steadily more nervous as he eyes the area arund the approaching monster. "Is that a dragonet? Is it? Tell me I'm just seeing things?" He blinks sweat out of his eyes, holding tight to Marila and Nareisa.

From the Sands> Bluestone's Omen Egg caught in a dance, like some kind of festival, the drums drumming faster and faster, this ovoid shape shimmy's in its little corner of the sizzling sands. It's not as though it's ignoring it's fellow clutchmates, it's just well, dancing, and enjoying every moment of the beat -- the tempo reigns supreme.

From the Sands> Telinda smiles slightly, her expression wistful. It's possible she's remembering her own impression, the way that certain gold came up to her, all washed clean because of her fascination with puddles, and look over there -- Oh, no, that's a mirage! A hand gently lies on Tiarnath's foreleg as she reassures the gold as each of her hatchlings finds a lifemate.

From the Sands> Gemini frowns as he wipes at his eyes "There are no such things as sand monsters are there?" He looks again and hmms "Just my imagination."

From the Sands> Craw bakcs up and leans agasin't the cavern and then sighs slightly as the heat is starting to get to him. "Uhm, I wonder what is happening, i mean I hope everything is okay, I mean I don't want anyone to get hurt, I hope it cools down, I mean a breeze would be nice." Craw says to himself.

From the Sands> Nareisa is holding Katolnar's hand just as tightly back. "I /hope/ it is... otherwise, what else is it?" her voice trembles. Eek.

From the Sands> Marila steps closer to Katolnar, "It has to be a dragon, they wouldn't let anything that wasn't dragon *hiccup* oriented on the sands.." She takes a deep steadying breath shaking wearily.

From the Sands> Imara smiles, staring out into the waving expanse. "Well, congrats to her..." she says quietly, looking unsure of what to do or where to look.

From the Sands> K'laarn takes a sip from the skin he's retrieved from Telinda, wipping his face after with his kerchief. Then he smiles, commenting, "Several Impressions already, and did you expect that one to Impress?" His voiced lowers, just shaking his head, "You never can predict these things or what dragons they'll Impress too, either."

From the Sands> Gentle Breeze of Air Mirage Hatchling skirts a sandy path through its brick-red shards, casting them in all directions with one gusty flutter of movement. Another shimmering whirlwind of motion follows - shifting rhythmically as weak limbs in a steady gale toward the hazy, heated white line of candidates.

From the Sands> The heat shows little sign of abating, fueled by the fiery sun overhead. No clouds mar the crystal clear blue of the sky, offering no relief from the intense light.

From the Sands> Little cracklings come from one corner of the clutch, and a tiny green hatchling steps from the shell of the Faces of Granite Egg. She hesitates for a long moment, then flounders through the sands to a small group of candidates standing together. One shy lad seems to be singled out by the green's questing snout, and Farlit bends to put his arms around her neck, giving her a hug that needs no words to express his newly-found affection. One of the weyrlingmasters comes over to assist F'arl and his lifemate to join the rest of the new weyrlings.

From the Sands> Invisible Sand Monster Mirage Hatchling seems to sink back into the dcomepths of the sands, disappearing for a heat-scorched breath. A heartbeat later, it rises again from the shifting ground, looming tall over a hapless egg. Does the egg rock faster under the monster's gaze? A cavernous mouth opens wide, swinging around, and the sandy apparition seems to catch sight of a trio of white robes. Grainy muscles tense, and the monster prepares to charge!

From the Sands> Raven swallows a little and gasps as she hears movement of swift creatures.

Trinna walks over from the entrance to the hatching cavern.

From the Sands> After time has passed, and the Bluestone's Omen Egg has rocked back and forth, almost as if it were a large stone being erected into position and not a near sphere, a curved talon punctures the velvety surface, ripping the shell asunder in a sacrificial moment. The jagged bolt bisects the shell, webbing out from this point in oval rings, linking the towering monoliths depicted on it's surface. The struggle ends eventually, the dragonet forcing itself out, to leave its previous home rocking behind it.

From the Sands>

---*** Wishful Thinking Robe Mirage Hatchling ***---

Rising up from the glare of bright sun on hot sands -- standing proud on its own -- fluctuations of light cling together to form the drapings of a sisal robe. Cool closely woven fabric glimmers in the light, billowing in loose waves -- the light weave promising the sensation of satiny spring water sliding over skin. Those of Igen's deserts wear such robes with good reason, as they provide buffering from the harsh rays of the sun, keeping the wearer cool underneath.

The sands are, momentarily, at least, too much trouble for Gwendolen to focus on, and that's when she spots Trinna, waving to the greenrider from her seat by Aeriel and Quolen, Makyll sleeping heavily on her lap.

From the Sands> Imara wipes her hand on her robe, but it doesn't do much as her robe is nearly soaking with sweat.

From the Sands> Katolnar's tone is a trifle shrill, "Where'd it go? Reisa? Mari? D'you see what - where it went?" He sidesteps nervously, unintentionally pulling the girls lightly with him. One might suspect their tight hold on him is all that is keeping him from bolting.

From the Sands> Gemini blinks again and steps back involuntarily. "Second time.." he mutters and then stands his ground though ready. A wisp of whirlwind catches his eye and he sighs "I bet that would feel good.."

Quolen watches intently, a hand over his eyes as he tries to make out what the fuss is about.

Trinna grins and hurries up the galleries, waving and saluting as proper. Seeing the Honshu contigent, she waves again before squeezing into a seat.

From the Sands> Arliana shuffles around in a cirlcle, trying to use the tiny bit of movement to cool off. "This is so frustrating, where are they all?""""

From the Sands> Telinda smiles, hand resting on her growing belly for a moment -- though it's still mostly flat -- a secret smile playing across her features, before a loving glance gets directed towards K'laarn, a slight blush tinting her cheeks, hidden quickly as she looks through the hazziness, trying to see a little better.

From the Sands> Marila hiccups, moves with Katolnar's tugging. She has her eyes only directed to what might or might not be a dragonet.

From the Sands> Gentle Breeze of Air Mirage Hatchling seems to hover as light dances through the sweeping motion of windy air, a fiery display of flames urged and curled on a gusty summer aftrernoon. Dipping into motion again, the flurry of illuminated sand waivers a more certain path - something attracting the soft breeze into a definite course.

From the Sands> Conor shuffles his feet against the blazing sands, spots of color on his cheeks as he strains to see.

From the Sands> Nareisa's mouth opens wide, maybe they got the idea from her eyes, which are both like saucers. "Whatever it is... I think it's about to..." she grabs onto Kat "Should we run?"

From the Sands> Hillside Figure Egg quivers, a mere glimmering shimmer appears from the midst of the egg mound. It might be mistaken for the rippling heat rising off the sands except there's a hint of intent to the motion, an almost regular pattern seen through the haze in a transparent movement of gently driven winds.

From the Sands> Aidan sighs softly, pushing the Sand away from his feet with his toes. His eyes cast their glance upward, falling upon one hatchling. "Oh, look at that..." he murmurs wistfully, gently nudging Arliana. "Looks like a breeze..."

From the Sands> Invisible Sand Monster Mirage Hatchling charges straight for a trio, the shifting sands of the creature hardly seeming to do more than shift barely out of the way as it barrels past rocking eggs. Great limbs propell the wading sand monster through the waist deep mires, though the sandy ground seems to serve little use as a barricade.

From the Sands> Invisible Sand Monster Mirage Hatchling comes to an abrupt halt in front of a group of white clad candidates it was about to charge. It is as if it finally knows knows exactly the reason it was shelled! She cants her ivy-green face up and looks deeply into Marila's eyes.


As spring returns at last to a long-dormant land, ahead, in the depths of an ancient forest, shadowy eaves spread outwards to blanket the plains -- the furthest slopes fading into a distant blue -- like the colours that burgeon over the flanks of this delicate woodland green hatchling. Warm, earthy, brownish-greens shade the hide of her belly and her limbs, their hue reminiscent of sturdy tree trunks shadowed with the softest feathered mosses -- a carpet of ferns and grass rippling over the forest floor. Delicate tendrils of sage and willow-green shoot up and over her sides, the first buds of a young sapling yearning towards the sun, before they cross up and onto her wings where they blossom into the full, leafy greens of a dazzling forest canopy. Her head is adorned with an intricate pattern of ivy-greens, leaves and vines curling around her headknobs and trailing down her back to the curve of her tail.

From the Sands> Out of the haze Craw's voice continues to natter away. "I wonder how long this is going to happen, I want some juice, I mean hopefully this will be over soon. I wonder who impressed, I mean I hope they are happy, anyone know what is going on? Hrm, maybe I should go forward, no I will stay here, I mean I am safe here I think."

From the Sands> Imara turns her head from side to side, eyes wide. "What's going on? Who's still out here?" Her voice shakes slighty.

From the Sands> Wishful Thinking Robe Mirage Hatchling flaps across the sands -- sisal layers billowing over each other and providing a nice, sweet, desirable breeze, oh, to be wearing this robe now instead of those itchy, thick things that Southern provides. As it passes by a number of eggs, it seems to drape along and over them, providing them with temporary relief to the scorching heat beating down from above.

From the Sands> Arliana peers in the indicated direction, "Oh, please let it be a breeze."

From the Sands> Raven says "I am."

From the Sands> Nareisa pulls hard at Katolnar's hand. That's waaaaaaay to close for comfort. "It's...." blink "I think it's looking at Marila..." now if only she could get the shallow breathing under control. After a moment she manages to gasp out "Congratulations."

From the Sands> K'laarn catches that gaze from Telinda and gives her an intent, loving look. For a moment, its as if he doesn't notice anyone but himself and the Weyrwoman. He reaches out, touches her jaw and strokes his fingers over her skin before reaching down to take her hand again in his, clasping her fingers. He looks out over the sands, dazed expression on his face along with a big, almost egotistical smile.

From the Sands> Gemini shuffles and starts fanning the bottom of his robe..."Rain would be nice.." and he swallows mouth dry.

From the Sands> Imara smiles, "Well as long as you're here, I think I'll be all right." Her hold on Raven's hand tightens ever so slightly.

From the Sands> Raven smiles and nods to Imara.

From the Sands> Shadara grins and ahhhs as she see's Marila get looked at, head tilting a little, "Congrats Marila, if you and your lifemate could please follow me, we will get you some food and water and oil to soothe all her needs."

From the Sands> Hillside Figure Egg jumps again, a soft slithering sound escaping as it surfs slightly over the sand, grains sliding across its shell.The still silence of a sleeping forest follows in that aftermath until a faint eager scrabbling surfaces for the sharp-eared, fading beneath the louder noises around it.

From the Sands> Gemini mmms softly "That helps a bit." He continues the fanning as he looks up to watch and listen.

R'zar lovingly pats Mallarth's neck, swings his leg over the bronze's neck and hops to the ground.

From the Sands> Katolnar yelps as the sand monster heads straight for them. He then lets out a whoop as he turns Marila loose, tugged away by Nareisa. "MARI!!" He hugs Nareisa excitedly, babbling, "I just knew she'd impress. And a green - not a fanged thing." Now that the 'monster' is revealed, he comes back on a bit more even of a keel.

From the Sands> Grasses sway and bend in the caress of a breeze, and so to does this egg wobble and spin, similarly caught in the forces of nature. The white-eyed figurine depicted in the mottled shades of the Hillside Figure Egg trembles, as if it were really a runner itching at the starting line of a race track. Shudders course over the shell, now more violent, and then, everything shatters as a blunt muzzle pierces through the shell, bisecting the egg into two equal halves, as the race to free itself is won.

From the Sands>

---*** Softer Sharper Light Mirage Hatchling ***---

The heat of the sands pales in comparison to the scorching heat driven down from the sun high above. Yet a patch of the sands seems to dim just a little, as if just right there the sun were the softer shade often seen in late autumn. Such a sun wouldn't turn the very air to oven temperatures, nor blind a person with its light. Instead, the light that seems to fall on that small area is softer, muted with the later season. Around it, all seems sharper and more intense, by comparison.

From the Sands> Gentle Breeze of Air Mirage Hatchling finds some purpose, windblown waverings adopting an air of certainty as the breezy creature comes to a halt before Katolnar. The bright, gauzy overlay is gently blown aside to reveal the crimson-kissed bronze, the bluntness of his muzzle nudging against Katolnar's middrift until he gains the boy's attention.


Over a strange and lurid landscape -- almost as if the ground had succumbed to a new form of red vegetation -- the sun rises to start a new day, the brilliant cast of radiance illuminating this hatchling's flanks in gleaming fiery-bronzes. Barely visible, through the reddish hues that creep across his hide, is a stream of sapphire running deep within the bronze -- the scarlet feelers even infiltrating this sanctuary of colour, seeming to grow with frightening voraciousness as the claw-like fronds obstruct the flow of water. Bright emerald flares from the finely crafted pinions of his wings, drawing behind it a delicate jade mist before continuing out over the translucent sails of his wings, reminiscent of a comet streaming across the face of the red star at night. A ray of dazzling-garnet beams over the curve of his belly, the narrow shaft of light like a streak of pure sunshine that eventually concludes in an inferno of flickering red-gold, which consumes the metallic hues leaving behind a light dusting of charcoal over rapacious talons.

From the Sands> Cherry Blossom Egg stirs slightly, as if it were a delicate flower brushed by wind. Cracks begin to split along its surface -- the unfurling of petals seperating from the bud.

From the Sands> "...Well maybe I am not safe, well I think I am safe." Craw continues "I mean nothing will hurt me when I am here, oh is that something? I mean I hear something breaking. Monster? Did I hear the word monster?"

From the Sands> Imara looks blindly at the other candidates. "Marila? Congrats Marila," she says uncertainly.

Gwendolen catches just a glimpse of the newest bronze and tells Aeriel, Quolen, and Trinna, "Anyone see who that one went to? Kendath's bugling up a storm!" Makyll's whimpers quietly in his fitful heat induced sleep, "I wish we had some water."

From the Sands> Wishful Thinking Robe Mirage Hatchling tumbles a little, or at least the image it's portraying does -- the illusion falling over the sands like a piece of washing torn free from its line and sent to falling over the sands. Then, somehow, it's upright once more, walking -- yes, walking, ever thought what a walking robe could do to the senses? Eeek!

From the Sands> K'tor staggers, clutching Nareisa tighter for a moment, and then releasing her, stunned as he drops to the sands, oblivious to the heat. He groans incredulously, "Albanth. Yes, and I am yours, aren't I." His tone is soft, as he reaches out to soothe bronze eyeridges.

From the Sands> Nareisa nearly jumps out of her skin as not one but /two/ dragons descend on their little trio. "What?" blinkblink. "He's.. Kat..." blinkblink, stutterstutter. Suddenly there's /nobody/ to grab her hand. "Um... Kat..." she just points "He's lovely," backing away, nevertheless

From the Sands> Shadara grins and chuckles, "Well now, Kat got a bronze? That's going to prove interesting, Marila, K'tor, if the two of you could please follow me with your lifemates, we'll get them settled in the weyrling room where T'dru will help you."

From the Sands> Arliana hmms softly, probably inaudible to anoyone but those closest to her. "I can hear them, but I still can't see them.

From the Sands> Gemini peers and then wipes some sweat from his forehead "A robe?" Closing his eyes he shakes his head "I think the heat's getting to me.." Then another name floats from somewhere nearby "Albanth?"

From the Sands> K'tor nods dazedly to Shadara, climbing to his feet. He takes small steps to accompany Albanth, grinning large enough to fairly split his face.

From the Sands> Imara arches an eyebrow. "K'tor? Who's K'tor?" Suddenly she answers her own question. "Oh, Katolnar! This heat must be frying my brain."

From the Sands> Shadara walks toward the Weyrling Room.

Aeriel shakes her head, very slowly..."Um, I couldn't see who it was..." Her voice croaks a little from its dryness. "Water would be nice, I wish I had thought of it."

From the Sands> K'tor strides over to the Weyrling Room.

From the Sands> Raven nods and has stopped trying to see things at this point.

From the Sands> Albanth moves towards the the Weyrling Room.

From the Sands> Wishful Thinking Robe Mirage Hatchling wanders across the sands as it were blown that way -- slipping, sliding, dragging, and then, it stops, looking at a circle of candidates.

From the Sands> The Wishful Thinking Robe Mirage Hatchling coalesces into reality for one person as the mirage disappears, replaced by the reality of a Lustrous Emerald Green Hatchling gazing up into Raven's eyes -- Impression is a certainty.


A door opens to cast a shadow of a presence, like a painter consummating chiaroscuro and sfumato -- a contrast of light and shadow and subtle transitions between colours -- to clothe this hatchling in a glory of emerald satin. Like the finest gown, nary a wrinkle mars the perfection of the smooth, fiery green hue that attires her flanks. A cape of peridot cloaks the lustrous magnificence of her wings, limned with pale, silvered-mint that adorns her spars, as if the lining were visible. The only jewels she bears are the gleaming sapphires that circle her belly, changeable gems that darken with the hint of jade and shift to aquamarine as they curve down towards her ebony-slippered talons. A gleaming tiara -- headknobs that glisten as if finely oiled -- sits atop a perfect, wedge-shaped head, whilst pale filaments of gold cascade down her neckridges to her tail, reminiscent of long, perfectly coiffured, hair.

From the Sands> The heat becoming too unbearable on poor Aidan's eyes, he's resigned to keeping them shut. He relies on sound and Arliana to alert him of incoming hatchlings, even as he gently sways back and forth.

From the Sands> Cherry Blossom Egg begins to tremble, its entire surface seeming to vibrate from within. The petals begin to seperate from the blossom to drift away in the wind and scatter below on the sand. At first the shards are small, tiny and insignificant before gradually, larger ones flick away from the whole, which as yet imprisons the life within.

Gwendolen frowns, "You should not be getting dehydrated, Aeri, Corbyn'll have my head," she states, Kendath's maternal bearing rubbing off on her.

From the Sands> Shadara walks over from the Weyrling Room.

From the Sands> Raven blinks her eyes wide and times seems to stand still as she gazes at this dragonet before her. Tears well up in her eyes as she walks up to the dragonet, no longer caring for her feet and hangs her arms around the neck. "Oh Eilenth!" she cries. "I'll feed you."

From the Sands> Softer Sharper Light Mirage Hatchling sits amidst the heat haze, a pale mirage floating among the sands. There's the quick shimmering inspection of leftover shell on a foreleg. A vague shake and off it goes to investigate some interesting sound or other.

From the Sands> "K'tor? What is this? Who is that?" Craw says as he continues to talk, this time a tad more hesitant as he moves a tad closer to where there is a slight breeze from the dragonets movements "Uhm, anyone have any water?"

From the Sands> Nareisa ends up holding her own hand. Or wringing her hands, backing away from, well, nothing in particular, and almost colliding with someone as she does. "Sorry," she mumbles with considerable embarassment. "Was that Raven?" everything's going so quickly.

Aeriel chuckles softly, barely more than a whisper. "I'll protect you from him, Gwen." She grins and winks.

From the Sands> Rnayth rumbles happily, tail swishing back and forth as he watches dragonets discover their lifemates. His bronze hide gleams, shimmering like a tongue of fire in the waves of heat emminating from the sand.

From the Sands> Gemini stops fanning as it's making him work up more of a sweat. He glances about and realizes he's not that close to anyone and closes up the space between he and the nearest candidate.

From the Sands> Imara smiles at Raven as she feels Raven's hand slip out of hers. "Raven? I'm so happy for you! She's beautiful... I think."

From the Sands> Marila seems to have drawn a complete blank mentally, "Of course we'll never be apart Breidith.." She smiles and touches her hands over the dragonet.

From the Sands> Marila walks toward the Weyrling Room.

From the Sands> Breidith moves towards the the Weyrling Room.

From the Sands> Raven strides over to the Weyrling Room.

From the Sands> Delicate shivers whisper and caress the surface of the Cherry Blossom Egg -- as if the season were changing and the blossoms no longer blooming. Wavering in some unseen breeze, the ovoid trembles, like the breath of winter had kissed its shell, and fine webbed traceries curl their fingers around the circumference, until, it seems, the sap explodes in the bite of frost, the shell disintegrating into a million shards of porcelain.

From the Sands> Conor calls congradulations to various names he hears repeated.

From the Sands>

---*** Wide Brimmed Hat Mirage Hatchling ***---

The hot southern sun beats down on the already heated sands of the hatching ground, harshly bright, as shapes seem to move in the shimmer above the ground. Images weave themselves into a form -- straw shining, bright yellow. A wide brimmed hat develops -- much like field workers wear to keep the sun from their shoulders as they go about their chores -- formed of coiled braids of straw and grasses. And beneath it, Faranth-blessed shade is cast, as the hat hovers, shimmying just above the sands.

From the Sands> Eilenth moves towards the the Weyrling Room.

"Promise?" Gwendolen teases Aeriel, "In your condition..."

From the Sands> Nareisa sqeezes Arliana's hand, looking quite a bit relieved. "I can't tell. There seem so many."

From the Sands> The Sands' shards now competing in number with the still-intact eggs, the Sunset Arch Egg and the Highland Barricade Egg both shudder for a moment, then split into myriad tiny pieces, releasing twin greens to stumble from their shells. One of the hatchlings heads for a boy from the Winecraft, and the other moves off towards Gresel, a girl from Southern Hold. Both new pairs are helped to the corner of the Sands.

From the Sands> Gemini wipes his hands off on his robe and continues to shuffle "I'd have to agree with Conor.." as he finds himself by that bunch.

From the Sands> Imara nods at Conor. "I have no idea. I don't know what's happening any more." As she hears another familiar voice, she replies, "Yes Theida, I'm here."

From the Sands> "Is that a breeze I feel, I mean I wish it was a breeze, I mean it is never this hot in Tillek, how come it is so hot here. The sands are hot, is that a dragonet hatching? Did somebody just impresses? OH I hope you are happy, I mean what is it like? I mean is it good?" Craw says as he makes another baby step towards the eggs.

From the Sands> Several people attempt to fan themselves to rid themselves of the heat, but even that small action is nothing compared to the full force of the sun beating down. Eventually they give up.

From the Sands> Softer Sharper Light Mirage Hatchling moves slowly along, pausing here and there. Some particular sound's drawing it onwards across the heatladen sands, a mere mirage wafting along towards that ever so interesting hum of a vibration. A whuffling croon sounds loudly, the only thing marking its playful squishsquishing passage.

From the Sands> The uncomfortableness raises degree by painstaking degree. Sweat trickles between shoulder blades, causing squirming throughout the galleries. Another drudge crew passes through with cold damp towels, followed by a crew with dry ones for cleaning up.

From the Sands> Stone Fortress Egg shudders as the insistent occupant continues on its assault of the prison.

From the Sands> The Deep Dank Darkness Egg and Sea Deep Coral Egg split open at practically the same time, spilling a green and a blue in different directions. Each of the dragonets turns to gaze at the other for a long moment in curiosity, then with sniffs and two tiny croons, they move in the direction of the circle of candidates. A slim young lad from Island River with an engaging smile drops to his knees and wraps his arms around the blue's neck, calling out the name of his lifemate; the green, giving a nudge to a sturdy blonde-haired lass from Cove Hold, makes her own choice as an assistant weyrlingmaster helps the first pair to a corner of the Sands.

From the Sands> Gemini's hand runs throught sweat soaked hair and he peers out over the sands hoping to catch some motion.

From the Sands> Wide Brimmed Hat Mirage Hatchling begins to list, drunkenly, dazedly drifting toward a specific direction though it meanders all over the place as if the heat were too much. Then it seems to drift into a massive shade casting over the sands. Is that its sire? Perhaps. The dragonet stops just below Rnayth, sagging there for a moment or two and not moving, as if unable to move in the heat, relaxing in the respite. Rnayth doesn't give the little creature an oppertunity to make its home there, his fiery muzzle dips, nudging the tired little dragon to its feet. It takes a few more hitching steps, a wanderer lost in the desert of the Hatching sands.

From the Sands> Arliana nods, "They're everywhere. I can hear'm but can't se'm til they're right there."

From the Sands> A repetitive, insistent tap-tapping is heard from the inside of the Adamantine Monolith Egg, vibrating the shell more and more as a splotch of brown body seeks to press through. With little but his head and neck exposed, the brown dragonet lets out a harsh creel that shakes a blue-eyed Harper from her sweaty daze, sending her to cradle the screeching dragonet tenderly.

From the Sands> Nareisa suddenly gets a glimpse through the heat. "That looks like N'all's hat!" whoops, did she yell that out loud?

From the Sands> Some absently rub at arms which the sun has already begun to turn a deep rosy red. Those who weren't adequately tanned should be by the time the day is done.

From the Sands> N'all's chuckle at Nareisa's statement indicates that Nareisa did indeed yell it out loud.

From the Sands> The Citadel in the Air Egg quivers, rocking in its place amidst the sand and remaining eggs. Suddenly it shatters under pressure from within, bursting into myriad tiny fragments to leave a tiny blue hatchling standing in its place. The blue steps forward hesitantly, then trips over a shard of shell in its path, which sends the dragonet into a tumble of wings, legs, and tail. A small lad from the Minecraft darts out and helps the hatchling to its feet, and as the blue stands, his eyes lock with the boy's and Impression is made.

From the Sands> Theida finds her way to Imara's side, but in this heat, she'd rather have any more skin on skin contact than absolutely nessesary and doesn't move to hold hands. "When will it end?" she moans quietly.

From the Sands> Conor rubs at his eyes, "How many are left? Can anyone see?"

From the Sands> Gemini wipes a hand across the back of his neck and winces "I don't know.." he manages to croak from dry throat.

From the Sands> Arliana cracks a grin, "Hwy, it's big enough to fit.. " She shakes her head quickly. "Find someone."

From the Sands> Shadara chuckles and sips from her water flask, beads of coldness rolling down the sides of the metal as she takes a nice drink from it, then puts it back away to wait for the next impressed pair.

From the Sands> Ice. The insides of a mountain cave. Deepest winter at High Reaches. All these thoughts race throu your mind as you mentally try to escape from the sweltering heated humidity.

From the Sands> Softer Sharper Light Mirage Hatchling shivers its way ever onwards, a wave of heat stalking an icy wind to cool down. A brief image of rippling waters as if it's giving a hop of sorts. Another interested creel to mark its passages but that's about all that can be known as to where this dragonet's going.

From the Sands> Aidan does indeed arch one brow at the speaking of hats. One brow, followed by one eyelid to peer out at the eggs, a grin cracking his lips as he sees aforementioned hatchling.

Linia strides over from the entrance to the hatching cavern.

From the Sands> Nareisa rubs her arm, catches the chuckle, and her face goes as red as the rest of her is turning. "Whoops." From the Sands> Softer Sharper Light Mirage Hatchling moves steadily across the sands, a patch of muted light seemingly cast by a much gentler sun than the one that hangs in the skies above. Inexorably, it works its way towards a cluster of white robed candidates, singling out one to suffuse with gentle rays. The contrasting sharp, clear lines surrounding the softer rush in, to expose a sun drenched brown hatchling, just as he stares up into Conor's eyes.


Caught in the whimsy of the wind, an endless sea of sun-caressed grass bows and weaves, rolling in waves across the deserted landscape of this scorched-brown hatchling. Grasses -- dried by an unrelenting summer sun -- ripple over his shoulders in parched prairie-browns, whilst mahogany, dappled with shadow, shades his back -- the quiet solitude and sanctuary of a copse and the mystery of concealed prey hiding from hunters. Secrets lurk in the darkness of his belly, forgotten caves of impending doom suggested in the lifeless dark, contrasting sharply with the sun-touched golden-browns that tickle his nose and highlight his eyeridges as they cascade in wind-driven fury down his neck to his tail. A fine brown dust covers his pinions, thickening along leading edges, then dissipating in wispy trails over the grassy, thin membranes of his wings, their hue reminiscent of trampled grass, each stem bent in a different direction, then beaten firmly into the earth.

From the Sands> The Tranquil Golden Spirit Egg wobbles, first this way then that way, moving in a slow rocking motion from side to side. It stills as if waiting for all eyes to fix on it, then with one deliberate rap from the inside, the concealing shell splits apart. Damp shards fall free from a small white gold hatchling, her eyes whirling in hungry orange tones. Gathering herself with as much dignity as possible, she gets her feet under him, tail splayed behind for balance. Scanning the darkened sands, she searches knowingly for that other half of herself. Maybe -that- one will take care of this particular problem, if she can just get her feet to move the right way. A stumbling progress across the sands, and the tiny queen dragonet makes her weaving way right to the one she knew would be there, a blonde young woman from Island River Hold, one who's clumsiness sparked speculations on how she survived to become a Searchable age. Belira's long-fingered hand reaches out and scratches in a tender caress under the urgently crooning hatchling's eyeridges, voice shaky from the indescribable joy of impression. "Yes, Feilynth. We are together."

From the Sands> Tiarnath bugles loudly, sitting up on her haunches as her newest daughter impresses, then with a whuffle, she turns to watch a another mirage wander across the sands.

From the Sands> Imara smiles at the blurred shape of Theida. "I don't know. Hopefully soon." She pushes away wet curls that have escaped from her runnertail. "Someone Impressed... Was that Belira?"

From the Sands> C'nor's eyes go wide. He reaches to sooth an eyeridge as he grins. "Yes, Llasath. Food. We will eat, now, Faranth, you're *starving!"

From the Sands> Aidan's eyes go open at the gold's hatching and he nudges Arliana. "Another from Island River! And a gold, at that!" he gushes in a hushed whisper, proud of "his" hold.

From the Sands> Nareisa pokes Arliana. "She had the cot next to mine." She rubs her head. Probably in memory.

From the Sands> Arliana grins over at Aidan, "She's beautiful."

From the Sands> Shadara chuckles and moves over to C'nor, "This way C'nor, Llasath. T'dru will help you feed him."

Gwendolen can't help but oooh and ahh at the lovely little brown as she catches a peak of him in amongst the activity everywhere.

From the Sands> Craw jumps back at the loud bugle of Tiarnath and then falls down only to scramble back up again. What little progress he made going towards the egg's has stopped as he says "Oh, i hope that wasn't bad,I mean that was loud, I hope everyone is okay, I mean is she okay?"

From the Sands> Arliana oof, poked and nudged.

From the Sands> Chips of shell peel away from the Wasteland Mirage Egg like the rind of a redfruit, revealing a large bronze hatchling who gives forth a tiny trumpet as his body is unveiled for all to see. He preens for a moment, totally intent on making himself respectable before stepping daintily from the splinters of his egg. As he passes each candidate, he stares up into their eyes, trying to find the one who calls to the fine figure he presents. 'Ahh, this one looks right' his whole body seems to say as he blinks three sets of eyelids up at Garvven, a stocky lad from the Weavercraft, who seems shocked. "Are you sure?" G'ven queries hesitantly, then bursts into a huge grin as the bronze places his snout against the hem of his robe with a snort.

From the Sands> Rnayth joins Tiarnath in concert with his triumphant bugle of pleasure.

From the Sands> C'nor nods, dazed, and heads where Shadara indicates.

From the Sands> C'nor strides over to the Weyrling Room.

From the Sands> Gemini blinks as things happen and a brown stands in front of Conor..mmm C'nor "Congrats.." He manages and just stares.

From the Sands> Nareisa blinks. "Gee I hope she doesn't fall over her lifemate's feet..." whoops.

From the Sands> As if reluctant to reveal its contents, Staircased Pyramid Egg has taken its time about hatching today. Suddenly, like a pile of sweetening caught in a sudden downpour, the shell seems to melt and a green hatchling rolls out from its confines. She gets to her feet with a warble of surprise, then plows her way to a girl with red curly hair from Southern Hold, who strokes the green's neck and says proudly, "Of course we will!"

From the Sands> Despite its appearance otherwise, the Stone Fortress Egg is forced to submit to the whims of the hatching-frenzied dragonet trapped within. As the walls of its prison weather and crumble with the ever-increasing number of fissures that dart over its surface, the rocking becomes more furious lasting for several long moments. Finally, its rigid grey shell succumbs to the desire for release from the stony confines, collapsing the fortress as the hatchling wins free in a spray of shards.

From the Sands>

---*** Watery Desert Oasis Mirage Hatchling ***---

The heated air just above the sands plays havoc with the sunlight, turning it into liquid incandescence, flowing between the eggs. As if rippling downstream, the dancing light pools, and a cool oasis grows there -- right in the middle of the hatching sands! Palm trees grow tall, leafy green fronds casting cool shadows over the promise of water, cooling the air in this small area. Glimpses of shining waters can be caught between bowed smooth trunks, invitingly cool, a definite relief to the scorching sands.

From the Sands> Wide Brimmed Hat Mirage Hatchling stops again, head tilting, as if listening to something special -- precious. Was that a moan? Then it continues to waddle forward, determined now, fierce -- this heat won't beat! Brilliant eyes gaze up into blue framed in black. A face? What is that white headband thing? The dragonet croons, relief. Solace from the fiery pit of the sands.

From the Sands> Wide Brimmed Hat Mirage Hatchling is caught in a flurry of activity as it bounds over the sands, almost as if tossed in the breeze. That is until the moment she finds -her- candidate among the sea of hopefuls. At that moment, the blue-tinged, vibrant green hide becomes still as the hatchling stares into Theida's eyes.


Hidden in the very heart of the coldest tundra, a dainty slip of emerald -- a verdant thread of greenery thriving amid the snow and ice -- is visible, the lush green of an affluent vale, kissed by afternoon shadows, dappling the hide of this hatchling. Cold aquamarine brushes over her flanks, the suggestion of the bleak, snow-covered expanse hidden by the oaken-greens, and interspersed with faceted, ice-emeralds that sparkle, as if caught in a ray of sunlight. Frost-rimed greens embrace her extremities -- from muzzle, to neckridges, to the decisive fork of her tail -- seeming to encase the opulent emerald that blankets the majority of her hide. Fronds of fern-green spread to darken the dusky expanse of her luxuriant wingsails, lightening as the uncurl towards her pinions, tipped there with spirals of misty-greens and watery-blues that trickle over and then down her belly to her blackened, predacious talons.

From the Sands> Aidan looks out at the newest hatchling, grinning as he turns away again. But then his gaze is pulled back, a fist rubbing his eyes to clear his vision. "D'you... do you see what I see?" he asks Arliana, pointing in the direction of the oasis.

From the Sands> Nareisa blinkblinks. "Did the N'all hatchling just look at Theida?" Ok, maybe her name isn't Nallth... but it could be.

From the Sands> Gemini wipes at sweat again as he looks back out towards where there should be eggs and shapes. He then blinks as a blur of green appears before Theida and smiles.

From the Sands> Theida blinks as the object she'd written off as N'all head becomes a hatchling, no, /her/ hatchling. She reaches out to the little one, "Ysabeth."

From the Sands> Arliana leans over, pressing against Aidan for a second to look where he's looking, "See? Green?Maybe Something." She shifts around some more, trying to find what he;s looking at.

From the Sands> Shadara chuckles softly and weaves her way towards Theida, waiting for the young girl and the green to get to know each other, "Come on, you can feed Ysabeth in the Weyrling room."

From the Sands> Craw does notice Thieda impressing and that kinda makes him quiet for a moment before saying "Uhm, I guess that mean's I am going to the mountains alone, I mean how long is it before the hatchings can walk, I mean well I am happy but well, I uhm, it is Thieda right, I mean, I did see that. Did theida impress?"

From the Sands> Ysabeth eagerly cuddles into the welcome embrace, nuzzling her head into a comforting belly and half collapsing against Thieda. Heartfelt crooning thrums from the small green as she relishes the contact. Then, the contact departs and she quickly waddles after. Hey. Wait for me!

Linia rushes in, a sigh of relief as she pushes past the many gathered people. Moving as close as she can to the front of the galleries...

From the Sands> Gemini turns and nods at Craw "Yes a pretty green she called Ysabeth.." A hand absently lifting to catch the runnel of sweat about to fall into his eyes.

From the Sands> Nareisa scoots closer to Arliana. "That was a lovely name," she murmurs. From the Sands> Opulent Ablution Egg rolls, grains of sand rolling down the sides of the the egg as it starts to creak. The movements come out of nowhere, considering how still it's creamy yellowness has been for the last little while.

From the Sands> Ysabeth moves towards the the Weyrling Room.

From the Sands> Aidan's gaze is obviously captured by the... trees, water, everything the oasis hatchlings seems to present. "Amazing." A single word, uttered by Aidan as foot-alternating is momentarily forgotten in silent wonder.

From the Sands> Watery Desert Oasis Mirage Hatchling begins flowing over the sands, surging toward the candidates one moment, ebbing back toward the relative safety off the eggs the next.

From the Sands> Valley of Death Egg wobbles a little bit as the life inside decides it's about time to start getting on with the task at hand ...

From the Sands> Imara sighs and wraps her arms around her self as once again the people around her Impress. She looks up at the sky, but only for a moment. "Even the sky is a blur."

From the Sands> Nareisa nudges Arliana "That one's pretty," but the direction she's pointing in could indicate anything.

From the Sands> Gemini steps closer to Imara and nods "Everything is.." He murmurs softly.

From the Sands> Arliana nods at Nareisa, "It's lovely." She follows the same hatchling Aidan does, "Water."

From the Sands> Tiarnath bugles proudly, the tones loud and ringing, as another of her eggs hatch and the dragonet finds a lifemate, her eyes gleaming emerald in excitement and her wings half-unfurling as she watches closely aiming to see as much as she can.

From the Sands> Telinda strokes one hand along Tiarnath's hide, her expression bright as she follows the various hatchings and Impressions. The gold curves her neck around to touch Telinda gently on one shoulder before she turns back to the clutch, bugling exuberantly.

J'ton walks over from the entrance to the hatching cavern.

From the Sands> Opulent Ablution Egg shudders harder as the occupant inside struggles to break through the sand colored shell that surrounds it. Faint shimmers seem to roll across the water bath on the bottom of the shell, is an earthquake bothering the desert pool? Whatever it is it's causing the sword wielders to dance as the egg's current inhabitant tries it's hardest to break free.

From the Sands> Several more eggs in the middle of the clutch roll into each other, and shimmery shapes run and tumble across the sands, finding lifemates with exhuberant bugles of delight.

From the Sands> Imara smiles at Gemini. "It's kind of like being in some sort of bubble... Isolated from the rest of the world." She shrugs and passes a hand over her face. "Hmm, I think this heat really is getting to me."

From the Sands> Gemini nods as he wipes purple hair back "And the only thing you can see is heat and more heat." He agrees shaking the sweat from his hand.

From the Sands> Nareisa twists her head around. "I wonder where they go when they leave?" craning her neck, attention away from eggs and hatchlings for now to peer in the direction the new weyrlings are disappearing into. "I wonder how Kat and Marila are doing? Do you suppose it's cooler in there?" babble babble.

From the Sands> Watery Desert Oasis Mirage Hatchling begins drifting away from the eggs as Tiarnath's bugles ring around the grounds. With motions like that of someone who has spent months at sea, the hatchling sways in an effort to reach the candidates/

From the Sands> Fissures, almost imperceptible as they trail across the smooth surface of the Opulent Ablution Egg, ripple along the creamy surface -- like someone entering a hot spa, taking care not to disturb the surface too badly -- to embrace to envelop this richly decorated ovoid. Several long breaths pass, the sentinels guarding the surface divided by the ever-widening cracks, before a loud, unmistakable fracturing is heard and the egg is no more.

From the Sands>

---*** Cool Shaded Cavern Mirage Hatchling ***---

The sunlight seems to flicker in that layer floating just above the sands, the luminous mist of pure heat that separates sand from air. Do the harsh rays shun one place, casting a shadow there? Dapples of shade flicker around the outskirts, as if shadows cast by leafy trees played across the sands. While deeper obscuration -- the cool shade provided by a protected cavern -- seems to appear, forming a solid entity of relief from the sun. There, the humid air would turn to cool dampness, a refreshing escape from the feverish temperatures outside.

J'ton picks his way through the galleries. He looks around quickly, trying to find a place to sit in the crowded stands.

From the Sands> Valley of Death Egg wobbles more energetically. The occupant's struggles cause the waves of sand on it's surface to undulate and shift as if by a wind. A wind that would be most welcome. A slight cracking sound can be heard, as if the egg itself was subject to tectonic forces. In a way, it is, the life inside causing instability on the surface.

From the Sands> Aidan's vision quietly slips fromt he oasis hatchling to gaze in almost sad recognition at the Sands. Very few Candidates left. "How many are left?" he asks, leaning over towards Arliana.

Gwendolen waves a hand to J'ton, beckoning him over, squeezing over toward Aeriel, lucky greenrider.

Dyani seems very releived that there haven't been any incidents down on the Sands that required her attentions as a Healer. She scrubs a forearm across her sweaty brow, then resumes her sprawl across the bench, continuing to watch the proceedings below.

From the Sands> Nareisa whips back in time to see the cool shaded hatchling. "Oh, look at that," nudging Arliana again. Poor Arliana's side. "That one looks so cool," whistfully. "I hope the heat doesn't hurt it."

From the Sands> Imara nods, "Just heat... And those things I keep seeing. I'm not sure if they're real or just my imagination."

From the Sands> Watery Desert Oasis Mirage Hatchling is finally puzzled into the more certain shape of a midnight blue - the once nebulous shape coalescing into the definitive form of a dragonet settled on his shaded haunches, his muzzle tipped upward as whirling eyes demand the attention of Nareisa, his chosen one.


As daylight descends over the horizon, and twilight uncurls its fingers across the land, carved stone buttresses transform from warm golden-stone to cold blue-adamantine -- odd patches, like the growth of moss, turned marine-blue by the encroaching darkness that covers the hide of this granite-blue hatchling. Cimmerian shapes hide within the dusk of his flanks, swirling over his shoulders with hints of mystery and suspense to form patterns that dwell amongst the shadows. The serpentine curve of his neck gleams with the multitudinous hues of an evening sky, burgeoning with specks of light from the effulgent stars, though each ridge is like the craggy peak of a mountain, capped in snow and ice and that glows in an eerie turquoise. His belly is shrouded in cerulean and azure, which spiral upwards, clinging around his legs and then winding its way up and over his wings, as if mists drifted upwards from the foot of a tower, to its high, slated peak.

From the Sands> Gemini sighs audibly "You see them too.." Relief in his voice. Hand goes back to rub at his neck.

Mayia ahhhs and whispers, "Gorgeous."

From the Sands> Arliana leans over in turn a bit towards Nareisa, "CAn you see how many? I can count... a few, I can't tell, all the haze."

Kinoa looks pleased as Nareisa impresses. "Good for her," she says quietly, leaning forward to hear the name of the pretty blue.

From the Sands> Ripples fracture the shell of the Valley of Death Egg, as if this were a desert wasteland, the ground finally succumbing to the heat of day -- the earth so parched, and yet the relentless sun squeezes more moisture from its surface with every moment. The heat that embraces this ovoid seems to slowly crush its surface, giving little final warning of its imminent destruction, almost lost in a blinding flash of shards which vanishes into the sizzling sands.

From the Sands> Imara grins as she rubs her eyes. "Yes. One second I think I see something, the next it's gone."

From the Sands>

---*** Snowy Wastes Ice Mirage Hatchling ***---

Through the undulating waves of heat hovering just above the sands, images vacillate and congeal into a whole. The promise of cold to replace the heat -- just a breath away -- takes form in a semblance of ice from the snowy wastes far to the south. Crisp white frost can almost be discerned, as the humidity of the tropical air condenses, broken here and there by glistening trickles as the sun battles its foe.

From the Sands> Arliana blinkis, then jerks back, stumbling towards Aidan, "One less?"

From the Sands> Cool Shaded Cavern Mirage Hatchling slinks about from shadow to shadow, drifting across the sands, or is it. Something moves, or perhaps it was just a ripple of a cloud across the sun, or one of your fellow candidate's shadow being caught from the corner of your eye.

From the Sands> Nareisa mutters "I'm so hungry. I haven't eaten for so long." She peers at the blue "Yes, Niaeth, of course I'm yours, I know they're all going somewhere, there will be food there." Or there'd better be. Or something.

From the Sands> Aidan frowns slightly, moving backwards slightly, his hold on Arliana's hand relinquished. "One less..." he echoes. "One less of how many?"

From the Sands> Shadara chuckles softly, "Aareisa, you're lifemate is hungry, that's why you seem to be so hungry, if you can please follow me to the weyrling room, T'dru will get you and Niaeth set up with food."

T'dru will get you and Niaeth set up with food."

From the Sands> Gemini nods and wipes a hand across his face "Or they turn into dragonets.." another sigh "Think many are left?"

From the Sands> "Somebody is hungry? I mean did I hear somebody is hungry, i am just thirsty, anyone have anything to drink, I mean I am really thirsty, can I go swimming, I mean I would love to go cool down." Craw says from his spot

From the Sands> Arliana straightens up, and shakes her head, "I don't know."

From the Sands> Imara shrugs, "I honestly can't tell. The sands are much quieter, though. All I know is that a lot of people have left."

From the Sands> Tiarnath surveys the hatchlings with a proud gaze, wings furled along her back as she eases into a more comfortable crouch upon the sands, rumbling to her lifemate, who calls back a few quiet words over her shoulder. Tilting her head to better follow the hatchlings with aquamarine-tinted eyes, her hide gleams in the hazy cavern.

From the Sands> Nareisa just beams at the blue. "Well we'll get something, right now."

From the Sands> N'all's voice booms out from where his wide-brimmed hat is visible, "Silence, Babbler!"

From the Sands> Cool Shaded Cavern Mirage Hatchling glides about, peering with red, glowing eyes, or is that just the glint of sunlight of the shards of the eggs? Whatever it is there's a breeze as it passes by, moving into another shadowed patch. It pauses in the shadow cast by Tiarnath, survaying the candidates as it lurks.

From the Sands> Nareisa walks down the tunnel.

From the Sands> K'laarn laughs deeply at N'all's adomination and then shakes his head, glancing over at Telinda worriedly as if to check on her, "You ok?" He asks, concern in his voice.

From the Sands> Niaeth moves towards the the Weyrling Room.

From the Sands> Craw goes quiet, not that he stops talking, he just talks alot quieter now, more of a muttered whispers that doesn't go to far in the hazing air.

From the Sands> Gemini startles as the booming voice come out of nowhere and takes a step forward. "shards.." is all he manages to mutter.

From the Sands> Snowy Wastes Ice Mirage Hatchling makes it's movement on the sands not as the sand of it's egg, but the cascading snow drifting across the frozen tundra. Amorphous as it moves -- condensing moisture around it one moment, then vanishing from the next. It is next to impossible to track it's movements as it answers the unheard call and searches for the unseen quarry.

From the Sands> Cool Shaded Cavern Mirage Hatchling seems to couch a bit before creeping forward, then diving back a bit as it nearly steps into a patch of sunlight. Suddenly it pauses once more, something on the sands has caught it's attention, freezing it in place for a moment.

From the Sands> The last few eggs shatter against each other in an explosion of shards, leaving two shadowy forms to totter around the sands as they search for their lifemates.

From the Sands> Cool Shaded Cavern Mirage Hatchling sneaks behind a candidate for the last time, then she stops at the feet of her lifemate. Her smooth, shallow-sea-green face no longer hidden in the shadows of a cavern mirage, no longer searching frantically, settles on Aidan.


Over the briny expanse of a shallow sea, storms wreak their vengeance -- tempestuous waters crashing against coral reefs in an effort to reach the shoreline where they conclude in a roar of pale foamy-greens that wash over the hide of this hatchling. Bubbles effervesce over her flanks, sparkling in lighter shades of green as they catch the light, whilst coral reefs of dark, metallic-greens rise above the surging waters of her flanks, her neckridges a trail of islands battered by the ocean's cold waters. From the murky darkness of her belly, tangled vines ensnare her legs, seeming to grasp tightly as they coil upwards, her muzzle caressed with the reed-smothered hues of a shallow bay. Clothing the seascape with muted shades, her wings are clouds of night slated-blues, wisps of smoky-greens billowing over leading edges, while the mainsails are lit with patches of emerald, as though brilliant flashes of light fell from the sky.

From the Sands> Arliana whistles under her breath, and backs away from Aidan, "Guess you didn't need to see them after all."

From the Sands> Gemini clears his eyes of the sweat and moans "All I can think of is some water.."

From the Sands> Imara blinks rapidly as sweat drips down her forehead. "What's going on?" she asks to the wavering heat.

From the Sands> Snowy Wastes Ice Mirage Hatchling continues its trek, this time appearing as the tumbling block of ice skidding down the side of the mountain. It is almost possible to visualize the tantalizing trail of moisture it leaves behind, moisture that would soothe the most parched of throats. A siren's call beckoning relief from the oppressive heat. However, this vaporous shape has only person that it can quench. It fades in and out as it moves towards a group of Candidates.

From the Sands> A single rivulet of tears begins its descent down his cheek, followed by several other. A hand reaches out, going around the hatchling as a smile lights his face. "No, I -won't- ever be alone again, Taesyth..." he murmurs.

Belan blinks though the sweat and peers. Turning to Aislinn, he murmers, "I think that's Aidan and a green hatchling. Can you tell?"

From the Sands> Courtesty of A'dan

From the Sands> Shadara chuckles and grins, "Welcome to the ranks of the green weyrlings a'dan, if you'll please follow me, we'll get you settled with the rest of your clutchsiblings."

From the Sands> Gemini blinks "Taesyth..sounds like another has impressed.." and he licks his lips thirstily.

From the Sands> Tiarnath watches this, her last unpaired hatchling, try and determine if there's anyone suitable on the sands. As it wanders around, she nudges her lifemate gently, directing her attention towards the little one, and croons as both it, and Telinda, watch eager, hopeful with anticipation.

From the Sands> A'dan chuckles softly. "Of course, Tae, yes we can eat. The goo itches? We'll get it off you very soon!" He looks up to Shadara, nodding numbly as he stands, slowly following the assistant weyrlingmaster.

From the Sands> Snowy Wastes Ice Mirage Hatchling seems to come to a stop, if such a vague shape can bee seen to move or stop. Where it stops is in front of a young man, relief is so close, for both of them.

From the Sands> Imara nods, "It seems like so many have left. There can't be many more of us."

Trinna strides over to the Entrance to the Hatching Caverns.

From the Sands> Snowy Wastes Ice Mirage Hatchling slides across the sands, on a trail of slippery melt or, wavering light, it's hard to discern. His speed picks up, tracing towards a chosen candidate, standing before him in white robe. With each heartbeat, layers of ice and snow melt from his form, leaving in the end a desert bronze hatchling, gazing up into Craw's eyes.


Like a mirage -- gentle images formed from the refracted glaring heat of the sun over desert dunes -- waves of bronze shimmer across the hide of this hatchling, tempering rich sandstone with golden fire. Stony red-browns shade his flanks, ripples of copper winding sinuously through the rocky surface, as if heat waves emanated from his hide to set deposits of metal ore to shine in a shaft of sunlight. The flickering flames of a roaring conflagration burnishes his head in the many varied hues of bronze -- from a dark, sun-kissed bronze to a paler, golden bronze -- before tipping each sculpted ridge on the way to his tail. Gilt edges his pinions, muting through the spectrum as they make their way over his wings towards the deeper, lustrous bronzes -- appearing a deep red at his trailing edges, and shadowed like the folds of a garment.

From the Sands> Arliana shuffles across the sands, slowly eys looking back and forth until she comes upon a small knot of candidates still standing and watching.

From the Sands> N'all emits a low groan, and looks at K'laarn, "you sure this weyrlingmaster thing is for life?"

Linia turns her head just in time to see her little brothern impress, but of course, being her usual self she chuckles just a little bit, "Never imagined him as a greenrider, quite odd I'd say...." She comments to nearly noone...

Aislinn leans forward shading her eyes and then bounces, "Yes!! It is! And they're bonded! Taesyth. A good name!"

Kinoa blinks several times as Craw impresses and sighs. "Well, you can't win them all," she says, smiling for the new bronzerider.

From the Sands> A'dan strides over to the Weyrling Room.

Alisia smiles as she watches her brother and his lifemate find each other.

From the Sands> C'ley looks at the lifemate and then says "Oh, Sahath, you are hungry, I mean you are hungry arn't you, I mean wow, are you okay, I mean uhm we should get you feed, I mean uhm...."

From the Sands> Shadara blinks as she hmmms, seeing Craw's impression, "Well now, young man, if you can please join A'dan in following me, we'll get you settled so you can get your lifemate fed."

Gwendolen turns to eye Linia with a smile playing at her lips, "You sure you're family's not of the blood."

From the Sands> C'ley walks toward the Weyrling Room.

From the Sands> N'all nods to Telinda and K'laarn, and as he leaves, he scowls at C'ley.

From the Sands> N'all strides over to the Weyrling Room.

From the Sands> Taesyth moves towards the the Weyrling Room.

From the Sands> Shadara walks toward the Weyrling Room.

From the Sands> Sahath moves towards the the Weyrling Room.

Linia blinks, as she weaves her way closer to the Honshu Weyrwoman, "I just, uh... never thought of him impressing... Tis all, Though I do suppose something must run in our blood."

From the Sands> Telinda sighs as she looks around, wiping a hand across her sweaty brow, "I always hate this part" she says, putting a hand on K'laarn's arm.

Gwendolen nods her concurrence, stealing a glance at Makyll whose still plastered to her, sleeping.

Nerian grins. "Tinneth's searchee impressed. I'd better go make sure he stays away from her."

Nerian strides over to the Entrance to the Hatching Caverns.

From the Sands> Gemini looks about and wipes his forehead again.

Dyani sighs as the hatching ends, and stands up, wiping sweat from her face and arms before moving out of the galleries so she doesn't have to see the Weyrleader and Weyrwoman performing that duty she's experienced the receiving end of three times.

Gwendolen eyes J'ton, "I don't suppose..." she stops herself, "Oh never mind."

Dyani strides over to the Entrance to the Hatching Caverns.

Lecil nods her approval of the new weyrlings, heading off to to cool down from the heat of the Cavern.

Lecil walks toward the Entrance to the Hatching Caverns.

From the Sands> Imara looks around. "It's stopped. They're all gone..." She sighs, "I hate being right."

Kinoa grins at Nerian. "So did Lui's, well, one of them," she says, which seems to satisfy her. Standing and stretching, she wipes her forehead with the back pf her hand and sighs. "I think I'm going to take a bath."

J'ton feels the weight of the Weyrwoman's gaze upon him, and he turns a little, raising an eyebrow curiously.

From the Sands> K'laarn glances over at N'all and mmms. "Well, Weyrlingmasters can retire you know." He grins magnanimously.

Tr'bor mops sweat off and looks sympathically out across the sands. "That could have been me a few Turns back," the big man says, then adds in an aside, "Almost was..."

Tr'bor strides over to the Entrance to the Hatching Caverns.

Joslyn likewise rises, taking up that insistent fanning of her face with her blouse as her feet find the floor. She leans forward some, glancing down at the Sands with a sympathetic cluck of her tongue, "Awful feeling," she mutters in regard to those left Standing, then turns and trundles out.

Haven strides over to the Entrance to the Hatching Caverns.

From the Sands> K'laarn nods at Telinda and waits for the furor to come before he advances toward the remaining candidates, gesturing for them to gather with sweeps of his arms. Compassion marks his face as he looks over them all.

Gwendolen looks at the brownrider full of chagrin, "I was sort of hoping to talk with K'laarn and Telinda about coming here for a bit when Saijith gets proddy, it's destined to happen in the next couple of months, but I sort of would like Makyll to get home to Honshu for bed...."

Kinoa strides over from the Galleries above the Hatching Sands.

From a distance, Arliana makes her way over to K'laarn, her hands firmly clasped behind her back once more.

Lecil whews, wiping sweat from her eyes and forhead, "If feels so much cooler out here..."


** END LOG **

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