Josy - Thursday, January 06, 2000, 2:45 PM


The following is a roleplay-log from SouCon MUSH ( 4201). The world of Pern is copyright to Anne McCaffrey.


You walk over to the bustling Weyrhall.

Joslyn arrives with a typical lack of ceremony, dragging her bare heels along so that they've acquired a good bit of dust and grass from wherever she started. The customary smile is accorded all and sundry, an extra wink for Bertha.

Martek stirs, holding Anjuli's wrist a bit tightly. He sits, up, eyes opening, as the fog of sleep recedes.

Anjuli attempts another little tug with her arm, attempting to pull her trapped wrist away again. "That hurts!" she hisses to the stirring Martek, only just then noticing Joslyn out of the corner of her eye. She doesn't smile back.

Joslyn doesn't stop to chatter with Bertha for the moment, instead stopping on her way after klah-and-cookies (of course) to eye Anjuli with piqued curiosity. A brow naturally raises and, invited or not, she trots over toward her and Martek to investigate. Promptly, "What hurts?"

Martek comes around fully awake, and lets go of Anuli's wrist. He rubs his eyes, sitting up and cracking his back.

Watching the duo for a few more moments with narrowed eyes, Joslyn is quite obviously hanging about for some sort of explanation and won't be leaving until she gets one. For the record.

Anjuli pulls her wrist away a bit too hard, even as Martek lets go. Her chair rocks back a bit. "Well, thanks," she mutters sarcastically. "Nothing hurts," she adds a second later, sullenly, for Joslyn's benefit.

Martek arches his back, stretching hugely as he yawns, every muscle twisting and knotting up as a whole.

Okay, that is not the explanation Joslyn was looking for so she's still not going anywhere. Instead, her head cants to one side to follow the jerked wrist back toward its owner. "Well, I 'magine it doesn't hurt anymore. Why're you pulling on girls?" That last is sort of snapped to the sleepy Martek.

Anjuli folds her arms across her chest and shrugs, just attempting to look inconspicuous for the next moment or two.

Joslyn is so not fooled.

Martek glares at Anjuli.Then he realizes where the snapping came from, and looks over ar Joslyn. "Did you see what happened?"

Anjuli glares at Joslyn, and realises herslef that she normally glares at Martek. So she glares at him, too, defensively.

A beat or two passes before Joslyn nods - and nods adamently, just like she saw the whole thing. "Accourse I did. And it ain't very nice," she adds, a quick look Anjuli's way to meet her glare with the charmingest of smiles. So there.

Martek grunts at Joslyn. "Good. Then she'll know not to do it again." He leans back, racking his knuckles with a loud popping sound,.

Joslyn makes an ugly face at Martek and his grunt, kicking the leg of his chair with her bare foot. Which is entirely ineffectual but it makes her feel better so. "Still doesn't account for why you grabbed her wrist so that it hurt her. Want I should grab something of yours till it hurts?"

Anjuli stays quiet. And looks guilty. And moves backwards.

Martek furrows his brows at Joslyn. "You can try, but I don't recommend it." He scowls up at the woman. "You don't know what happened, do you."

Joslyn's starting to look a little angry here, too. "Don't recommend it why? What do you really think you could do to me if I did hurt you?" She tosses her chin for effect - which makes her look even more spoiled than she sounds. "And I do too know what happened."

Anjuli attempts to look like she has nothing to do with this conversation, and moves her chair backward just a little bit more. Taking her klah along the table with her.

Martek blinks, and speaks matter of factly. "I'd probably do whatever you did to me, back to you." His scar writhes on his face. "Tell me what happened>"

Joslyn rolls her eyes ceilingward, so impressed is she with the hunter. "I'm sure you would, dear," is her decidedly condescending remark. Look how scared she is. So scared that she shrugs up both shoulders and adds, "I shouldn't haveta tell you."

Anjuli sips her klah, almost nonchalantly. Did she start this?

Martek leans back, and tucks his hands behind his head. "Good. Then you know to leave it alone." He rasps. "Bye."

Joslyn flutters dismissive fingers at Martek, saying ever so conversationally, "The question then becomes whether or not you've learned your lesson about hurting girls." Pedantically as any Harper, "Have you?" A sidelong glance goes to Anjuli, who has neither been forgotten nor acquitted.

Anjuli gives that glance back in full measure, and informs Joslyn, words slipping out before she can quite stop them, "He does it on purpose, you know." Although she does manage to look horrified that she actually spoke, straight after.

"Oh does he?" Joslyn asks, that same brow lifting on the question mark as a questioning look settles itself upon Martek. He's got some explaining to do, young man.

Martek blinks once at Joslyn. "Yes. People act stupid when they do stupid things. You have no idea what happened here. You're a liar."

Martek blinks. Now he looks genuinely angry. Real, honest-to-goodness, angry. He slowly turns to look at Anjuli, and does a slow burn at her.

Joslyn does not blink back. Instead, her face gets all red and her lips get rather thin and if she had something to throw at Martek she probably would have thrown it. Count your blessings, Martek. "I am not a liar. And if I am, at least I don't hurt girls. I'm going to shoot you the next time I see you." Which is probably not an empty threat, so do watch your back, dear hunter.

Anjuli just about manages to keep her own angry gaze back. She's mostly forgotten exactly what she had to be angry about, but, hey, she's looking at Martek. o back she glares.

Martek turns back to Joslyn. "Do what you think you have to at your own risk. You didn't see how she woke me, and she isn't tellinling you what really happened. You're both liars."

Anjuli flings back at Martek, "She didn't ask. So don't you go calling /me/ a liar. Besides, I only wanted to check that you were all right, but I don't suppose you care at all, do you?"

Joslyn, who only lies about stupid things and is therefore not a big liar but a little one who doesn't appreciate having it pointed out, gets unnecessarily angry and marches directly (and barefoot) over to the hunter and smacks him right there on the cheek. "You mind your manners or I'm gonna tell Telinda and let HER shoot you."

Martek doesn't look too terribly surprised at the slap he takes, or too terribly shocked. He does, however, respond in kind, though no harder than he was struck. There is sprinciple here, after all.

F'loran walks over from the Western Courtyard.

Oh, now that was totally uncalled for - in Joslyn's opinion, anyway. The goldrider stands there blinking for a moment, one hand going reflexively to the struck cheek. The moment passes and she does the only thing she can really think of: She tackles him backward in his chair, all fists and barefeet.

F'loran strolls on in, humming a soft tune to himself. What a wonderful mood he's in..and it lasts for the next - oh - tenth of a second. Barely taking the time to raise an eyebrow as Joslyn dives at the hunter, F'loran sprints on over there He hasn't figured that out yet.

Anjuli stands up herself - fast - klah going flying, and gets herself backwards, out of the way - fast.

Martek *does* look surprised at this. She's such a little thing, too. He gets tackled, chair tipping back and breaking with a muffled crack as he tumbles down, under the... the... furious fists of Joslyn. (More...)

Martek doesn't seem to worried, either, for a few moments. Then his tune changes a bit, and he moves to crack Joslyn across the noggin with a beefy elbow.

Nareisa walks over from the Western Courtyard.

Nareisa slips in quietly, carrying a redheaded bundle.

Furious Fists Joslyn just got elbowed in the forehead - which probably hurts pretty bad but adrenaline prevents her from figuring that out right away. Instead, she just smacks Martek in the face for all she's worth, a pretty good knuckle heading for the nose that time. Oh - hi, Nareisa.

Anjuli stands over to the side of the room and does the really useful thing. Or should that be useless? She screams.

Scene: Martek is under Joslyn, and they seem to be fighting. F'loran is racing over to them, and Ajuli is backing away.

Under normal circumstances, F'loran would be really upset at Martek - he hit his woman. However, Fol knows Joslyn's - er - lack of reason, so when he dives into the heated battle, it's with the sole purpose of restraining /her/. He loops both arms about her chest, places a foot against Martek's own chest, and pulls the two apart, forcefully.

The redheaded bundle wakes up and starts to scream.

Joslyn is not at all pleased by this and finds time amid the chaos of screaming girls and babies to elbow F'loran in his intrusive ribcage. "I was WINNING." Don't ask how she decided this, but she seems convinced of it and tries very hard to get away or at least get another good blow at Martek, sending a useless kick in his general direction.

Nareisa soothes the baby by patting it on the back, and seems about to leave, when she suddenly peers. "Martek?"

Martek growls, then, a rumble that starts in his chest and just about tremors up the male rider's leg. He sits up, pushing against that foot, and runs a hand under the trickle of blood flowing from one nostril.

Anjuli claps both her hands over her mouth and just stares, whilst trying to look very small and not-there-at-all.

F'loran's face scrunches up in pain as he gets elbowed. His right arm releases the Goldrider just long enough to hook around hers, and hold it more firmly. Sorta like a half-nelson. In addition, he twists his legs around hers to keep her from kicking, too. Feet, no longer on Martek's chest, hook around each other. "I'm very glad for you," he gasps, taking a moment to catch his breath. "Calm down."

Calm down. Yes, that will work very well for Joslyn. She's such a rational creature, you know. So much so that she's still trying to wriggle away and make Martek's other nostril bleed. It's not working, of course, but she WANTS it to very badly. "But he hit me in the FACE. Just let me up and I'll go'n get my crossbow and we'll settle this right now."

Martek growls, hoisting himself up to his full height. "If I were you, I'd calm down." Muscle flexes as he tests his shoulders, and reaches behind to annoyedly yank a jagged splinter from his side.

Nareisa just continues to look horrified. "This is awful," she says to Anjuli who appears to be the only sane one here. "Maybe we should go."

F'loran rolls his eyes at J