Josy - Thursday, April 15, 1999, 7:34 PM


The following is a roleplay-log from SouCon MUSH ( 4201). The world of Pern is copyright to Anne McCaffrey.


You lumber toward the open sky above.

** Jeuneth disappears into Between.


Between is a cold, empty void of awful nothingness. You can hear nothing, see nothing, smell nothing, touch nothing, and it is only the knowledge that light lies on the other side, and that your dragon is with you, that keeps you from screaming. Silently, you chant the ancient talisman, as you hover in this place between places...




You suddenly emerge...

Airspace over the center of Honshu Weyr(#836RLaes$)

** Jeuneth emerges from Between with a blast of cold air!

You soar to the river meadow.

** Jeuneth's spiral is slow and wide, a long sweep just above the ground before she brakes her forward motion rather abruptly - cloak-like wings billowed as she alights. A quiet warble of acknowledgement greets the Southern green as her lifemate sort of falls off one side, landing in an unhurt pile on th ground.

Deftly, you lower yourself to Jeuneth's bent foreleg, pausing a moment as your lifemate crouches to allow you easier access to the ground.

Joslyn rights herself promptly, dusting off her rump and giving a half-glare at the gold - who looks like she really couldn't care less. That accomplished, the little girl takes off at a bouncyfast gait toward the Weyr proper.

You walk over to the tunnel leading to the hatching sands.

You walk toward and up a flight of steps to the spectator's gallery.

Mayia walks over from the long narrow tunnel.

E'niel sighs blissfully, eyes alight as he stands up, brushing himself off in preperation of leaving. One last glance out to the sands and the Weyrsecond starts to make his way down the isle.

From the sands, Merina nods to T'dru as she watches the dragons "I could use some juice."

Mayia trots into the gallery almost out of breath. She looks around, sees Master Lashana and makes her way to her side.

Grumbling and just a little dirty, Joslyn sort of barrels up the steps, turning toward the Sands with a speculative eye. "Howcome I'm never on time for anything?" is her sighed query, shoulders slumping as she sees folks getting up. Darnit.

Robsen's face droops. "Is that it Kinoa? And is that last one gonna have a blue dragon in it?"

E'niel hears an unpleased voice and turns to see who it might be. Eyes widening, he quickly sidesteps around /behind/ Joslyn, making sure she cannot see him, then dashes out of the cavern, cheeks flushed.

Kinoa eyes the sands, nodding at Robsen. "It looks like she might rest a little while," her answer to the second question cut off by Joslyn's rather noisy entrance. "Josy!" she says, one person at least pleased to see the Southern weyrwoman.

Lashana rises from where she's settled back down again, just in time to catch the out of breath apprentice's approach, "Ah, hullo there lass. You've missed a bit of it, but I'm sure thearchives were worth it." There isn't even a hint of teasing in her tone.

Joslyn's not sure - but did she just see the Honshu Weyrsecond? Brows knit, she rocks back on her heels in some vain attempt to keep him in her line of sight. Failing, she hrms, shrugs, and turns to the bright greeting. "Kinoa!" equally pleased. She heads over thataway, addressing Lashana as she passes, "How many're out there so far? Ten? 'Leven?"

E'niel walks toward the long narrow tunnel.

Mayia grins and curtseys before the Master. She sits next to her and sees what she can see.

Robsen sits there watching everyone rush out, leg doing its swing job, looking curiously at that Josy person.

Linia turns away from the railing and glances one last time at the sands. With quick, hurried strides, she heads out of the galleries before anyone could possibly snap her.

Linia strides over to the long narrow tunnel.

Sitha appears suddenly from the blood-chilling cold of -Between-.

Kinoa squints at the sands but lets the Harper Craftsecond answer, taking the time to murmur to Robsen, "That's Joslyn, she's a goldrider at Southern, and lots of fun." When she's not angry at her, that is.

From the sands, Courteously guarding, T'dru turns Merina towards a seat in the galleries where the other weyrfolk can have a chance to congratulate the Junior Weyrwoman on the beginning of what looks to be a decent-sized clutch.

From the sands, T'dru walks toward the long narrow tunnel leading out of the hatching cavern.

Lashana points out the small but growing clutchbits to Mayia, calling out, "Nine, I think. I'm afraid I let Rellian count them." She looks about for her missing archivist with a little frown.

Robsen squints right back at Kinoa, "Is she the one who thought there were _felines_ in that crate? Or cookies or somethin'?"

Mayia looks down towards the sands and counts herself.

Kinoa bobs her head quickly. "Yup, and she shot off her toe with a crossbow." All of this said very quietly and in confidence.

Joslyn smiles a thanks to the Harper, adding oh-so-sagely, "Nine's pretty good for a first day." Bright eyes scan those few eggs, a quick count before she notes Kinoa's conspiratory pose. That can't be good. Josy double-times it toward the greenrider's bench and parks herself there with a cheery, "Hullo, dearheart. Been here long?"

Robsen looks real hard at the goldrider's foot.

Kinoa looks up at Joslyn, smiling brightly. "A while. We missed the first couple, but the rest," she gestures vaguely with one hand and then notices Robsen's gaze. She takes the time to jab him in the ribs with her elbow, trying to get him to look elsewhere. "This is m'cousin, Robsen. Robsen, Joslyn," as she makes introductions.

Joslyn leans over, peering around the greenrider at the other fellow and flashing a quick smile at him. "Well, any cousin of Kinoa's..." She lets that finish itself, grinning a litte has one hand is thrust at the red-haired young man. "Josy. How long's it been goin' on?"

Robsen's fascinated look gets jerked away when he gets rudely jabbed. He's smart enough not to make a big scene in front of the person whose foot he was staring at. He holds out his own hand and gives Joslyn's a jerky shake. "Hi."

Kinoa says "Few hours, maybe?" biting her lower lip as she tries to reckon back the time. "Every time I watch one makes me glad Luiseth's a green," she adds, nodding her head firmly before she catches herself. "No offense, o'course."

Joslyn shakes Robsen's hand right back, sorry about the dirty palm, and then clasps both hands with each other in her lap, rocking forward on the bench. "Bet T'dru's proud as th'day is - " Wait. Should she be offended like that? Hrm. "Howcome you're glad?"

Should she be offended /by/ that, rather.

Kinoa shrugs her shoulders, "So I don't have to stand out there with her. She'd complain all the time about being lumpy, anyway." But she forgets who she's talking to. "Tan looked it, but I dunno, it's not like -he- was laying any eggs."

Joslyn's nose wrinkles up decisively, rubbed with one finger as she glances between the greenrider and the Sands. "Yeah, well, it could be worse." How? She hasn't quite figured that part out, yet; ask later. A chuckle precedes her next comment, "Yeah, but Duirath's done himself proud and T'dru oughta be pleased."

Robsen doesn't care about Joslyn's dirty hand. His wasn't likely too clean either. He pipes up loudly, not much caring about greens laying eggs himself since he knows they don't do it. "Kin? Is that bronze rider that was down on the sands the one you go on and on about?"

Kinoa had opened her mouth to reply to Joslyn but promptly snaps it shut as Robsen speaks. "Um," she says, ducking her head and coughing. "I don't go on and on about him!" she says a bit defensively, then looks up and around. "Do I?"

Smirk. That's what Joslyn does as that on-and-on greets her attentive little ears. A sly, sideways glance rests momentarily on the greenrider as Josy just entertains that darkly amused expression. She knew it all along, of course.

Robsen yup's at Kinoa. "You do. It's T'dru this and T'dru that. But he didn't look like much to me. Kinda short ain't he? And he doesn't look very tough or nothin'. You could do better you know. How about that N'all guy?"

Joslyn's smirk dissolves into a laugh which turns into a sputter but a moment or two later. "N'all?" she repeats, borderline gagging at the mere thought of it. The cringed shudder that follows pretty much says it all: That's the most disgusting thing she's ever heard.

Kinoa is, for perhaps the first time in a long time, mortified. The only thing that could make this worse would be if T'dru walked in. "Shh," she says, looking around to see who else is within hearing range. "Oh, shells," she says, making a face. "He's not so bad, really," glancing over at Joslyn. "Much better than N'all."

Robsen looks at Joslyn and his head goes up and down enthusiastically. "Yup. That N'all guy. He's intimidatin' enough and has all those muscles. Girls like 'em if Paulsy's anythin' to go by." He looks past everyone at that quiet Harper girl. "Ask her if you don't believe me."

Joslyn allows herself a grin at Kinoa - she can't help but be perversely pleased by the greenrider's discomfort. "He's not bad at all, T'dru. Kinda a pushover, but there's worse. N'all, for one." Her nose is wrinkled up again at Robsen's insistence, a quick look at the 'her' in question. "Yeah, well, most girls ain't so bright." No offense, quiet Harper girl.

T'dru walks over from the long narrow tunnel.

Mayia looks up towards Robsen and says, "I don't know N'all at all... but T'dru..." her voice drifts off as she sees the rider appear on cue.

Kinoa sits up. "He is not a pushover," she says indignantly. "He's just thoughtful." Watch her get all mushy even as she sits there. "And he doesn't have to have muscles like N'all. N'all's a..." there's no suitable Pernese word.

Joslyn chips in for Mayia's benefit, "Count your blessings! N'all's the very bane of my existence." Likewise taking note of T'dru's arrival, she dimples a smile his way, adds a quick wiggle of her fingers, and then pointedly turns to watch Kinoa's expression. So subtle, this goldrider.

Kinoa apparently didn't see the bronzerider walk in earlier. :)

Robsen chimes in. "N'all's a good solid lookin' guy. You couldn't push him over if you tried." He sorta misses the bronze rider's entrance until everyone starts getting all dimply smiled. He scowls right hard at T'dru anyways, even if he doesn't know him.

Having disappeared for what looks long enough to have gotten himself something to drink and some water splashed over his face, T'dru makes his way into the galleries, eyes scanning to see who's there and resting briefly on each one, lingering some on Kinoa or seeming to. A quick wave goes out to the small hardy group of watchers, and a pleased smile aims itself at Mayia as he makes his way towards them. "Wingleader, Weyrwoman, Harper..." He trails off and quirks a brow at Robsen, eyeing his knot. "Guard. Southern Weyr's duties to hall and hold."

"N'all's a mountain of a man with the personality of a needlethorn bush," Joslyn states, a firm nod bobbing blond curls. There's no arguing this point with Josy; her mind is made up. But she pushes aside her disgust at even /thinking/ about N'all to scoot over some, leaving room 'tween herself and Kinoa on the bench for the bronzerider. Subtle, remember? "Bet Duirath's proud of himself, huh?"

Kinoa actually meeps as T'dru appears and, with a Look at Robsen, turns to greet him. "Evening, T'dru," she says, purposely casual. She merely nods to Joslyn's appraisal of that situation, not quite ready to say anything more until she can stop blushing.

Mayia stands and gives a repsectful curtsey to the BronzeRider. She smiles as she returns to her seat.

Robsen looks real hard at T'dru, finally deciding he's worth talking to. "Hi."

T'dru blinks down at the alert bronze guarding gold and clutch. "Well, yes. I'm proud of him too, ma'em. Shouldn't I be?" A quick smile goes towards Kinoa, "Evening and a good one at that." Mayia's curtsy gets rewarded with another beaming look though it almost causes a blush. "Shells, Mayia. No need to do that. Just T'dru's fine." He plunks into the nicely made space for him between Joslyn and Kinoa. Robsen's greeting gets returned with a silent nod.

Joslyn nodsnods emphatically, scooting over a little more as T'dru actually takes the seat. Perched on just the edge of the bench now, she replies, "Accourse you should be proud. A fine beginning of a fine Clutch, I'm sure." And we all know that Josy is the foremost expert, after all. "Kinoa here was just sayin' how she wasn't sure you'd be so proud, seein' as you didn't lay th'Eggs yourself. Weren't you, Kinoa?"

Robsen bends himself around Kinoa and tells T'dru, "I'm Robsen. Kinoa's _cousin_." Emphasis on that cousin part. "Her Guardsman cousin." Emphasis on that Guard part too. Now that he's announced himself all properlike, he bends back behind Kinoa so he can talk to Mayia, since she's quiet. "Who're you?"

Kinoa obviously doesn't scoot any further away from T'dru but sort of looks like she wishes the Sands would come and swallow her up. "Joslyn," she says helplessly, looking up at T'dru and trying out a charming smile. "I meant, um, you'd be more proud of _Duirath_." Sure. Right. Robsen's gymnastics earn another sigh.

Mayia smiles and says, "I am Mayia.."

Joslyn mumbles, "That's not what she meant..." But she's tormented Kinoa enough in the past few moments, so she lets the greenrider tell her fibs, twisting about at the waist to likewise attend the quiet Harper - and leave the lovebirds to a little quiet conversation, or something.

T'dru blinks at Robsen and nods. "Well met...I think." Joslyn gets an interested look and he does move closer to Kinoa so poor Jos isn't sitting on the edge of the bench looking like she's going to fall off. "Why wouldn't I be proud? I did...well, Duirath did contribute a little to the process you know."

Kinoa leans over and quickly murmurs to Robsen in a hopeful kinda voice, She mutters to Robsen, "Please be nice to him. Even... so..."

Tiarny appears from *between*.

Robsen doesn't smile or nothin' at Mayia but he does say really nice. "Pleased to meet you. Are you a Harper?" Kinoa's muttering earns another look at T'dru. "I'll _try_. But just cuz you like him."

Joslyn lifts a brow at Kinoa's cousin's question, her eyes resting pointedly on Mayia's knot. Seems like a silly question to Josy, but she politely refrains from comment - for a change. Even she can't run her mouth constantly, after all.

Kinoa resembles nothing less than a lovebird, awkwardly perched beside the object of her affection. "Thank you," she says to Robsen, taking what she can get. "You should be proud, I mean, he looks proud, and Saijith," nevermind that...

Mayia nods as says, "Aye, I am an Apprentice harper." She tosses some hair over her shoulders and says, "I am studying under Lashana.

Robsen _did_ see Mayia's knot but he was bein' polite. "Lashana was the one standin' by the rail? How long've you been an apprentice?"

Mayia nods and says softly, "Not long at all, half a turn..."

Joslyn contemplates the Harper's reply, brows knit a little as she reckons time, counting six months backward on her fingers. Then, abruptly thrusting herself in that conversation, "Like it? Bein' a Harper, I mean?"

Mayia grins and says, "Aye, I like it verra much indeed."

T'dru grins some but there's a majorly tired look around his eyes even though he does give Robsen's words an incredibly interested look following that with one directed at Kinoa. "Duirath is, I am, Saijith is resting." He blinks down at where Merina seems to have spread herself out on a bench for a quick nap. "Merina's sleeping. I think I should be too. This is...tiring even if I'm not the one laying the eggs. Duirath was shouting at me constantly and gloating over each one." He glances at everyone before leaning over to whisper at Kinoa.

Robsen starts with the leg swinging again. "Whaddya like about bein' a Harper the best, Mayia?"

Not to be rude, but, "How? I mean, how can you like it?" Joslyn asks, blinking at the Harper girl and then shaking her head quickly. "To each his own, I guess." Half an ear on T'dru's conversation, she glances sympathetically at poor Merina. Better than empathetically, anyway.

Lashana reappears at teh entrance to the gallery, crossing behind T'dru to hear his tirade on tiredness, which brings a soft chuckle before she too turns her attention to Mayia.

Mayia tilts her head towards Robsen and thinks for just a moment. She studies him as she does so before replying, "I like the stories and all the history I am learning. It is very interesting to me." She sits up and adds, "I with my hands, I make items that make music, then words go on that and ...there is a song..." Her eyes twinkle as she finishes, "It is just wonderful..." Mayia realizes that she is rambling and blushes. She looks down and then glances over to Lashana, then T'dru.

Robsen takes all that in with fascination. "I never knew harpering would be interesting at all. Must be kina like when you get a good weapon in hand and the balance is perfect and you know that's the one you wanna use." Trust Robsen to equate anything he can with fighting instruments.

Telinda walks over from the long narrow tunnel.

Mayia wrinkles her nose, just for a second before replying softly, "I was referring to musical instruements."

Lashana lays an almost motherly hand on Mayia's shoulder as she nods to Robsen, "Its exactly like that lad. A fine harp is as good to the hand as a finely weighted knife, I've always thought."

Fiona strides over from the long narrow tunnel.

Telinda strides up the stairs, pausing a little to huff and puff -- should she really be betweening? Well, now. She nods to everyone as she finds a seat, flashing a smile at Lashana, "Glue pots safe?" she asks the harper.

T'dru climbs to his feet, absent glance focusing on Duirath who warbles once at his rider before quieting and curling back around Saijith. His eyes keep wary watch over the eggs during her rest. T'dru bows a bit to everyone, gives his Weyrwoman a snappy salute, and offers a hand to Kinoa looking rather like he's ready to take a break away from the cavern confines.

Joslyn, sitting on the end of the Robsen-Kinoa-T'dru bench, looks up just about the same time the Weyrwoman comes in, brows furrowed at the huffing and puffing. "Does K'laarn know you're here?" she asks by way of a greeting, attention snapped rather promptly from the Harper girl and Kinoa's cousin.

Kinoa looks up at Telinda's entrance and waves cheerfully to the Southern Weyrwoman, then turns to nod at T'dru. "Sure," she says, glancing quickly at Robsen. "I'll be back to take you to the Hold or else I'm sure someone else can do it if you have to go first," she smiles and gestures around. Taking Tan's hand, she follows him out.

Fiona sneaks in quietly and takes a seat off in one quiet corner, away from the others.

Telinda shrugs, "Should he?" she asks Joslyn, with a quirk brow and one of those 'I don't care' smiles.

Lashana grabs Robsen's instantaneous respect with that analogy and he smiles widely at her, legs kicking recklessly around in nervous energy.

Mayia glances over at the girl who is sitting off by herself and flashes her a smile.

Joslyn likewise shrugs and says, "Dunno. Just kinda thought he might care..." A pointed look goes to the Weyrwoman's belly before her eyes flicker after those departing. "Clear skies, you two," she says, perhaps a little too sweetly.

Lashana watches T'dru and Kinoa leave with that matronly little smile still in place before she nods to Telinda, "Perfectly safe, aye, from wandering weyrwomen, at least."

Telinda nods to Joslyn, "I'm bored of being in meetings, and I'm not that pregnant I can't get on and off my dragon, so.." she leaves the words hanging, smiling at the strangers in the stands, "Southern's duties" she calls over, winking finally at Lashana, "Can't get around that quickly so you'd have chance to hide them at least."

Joslyn's not going to argue with Telinda, but you can bet this will just be one more snippet of gossip that comes of this evening: Pregnant Weyrwoman Goes Between. "Accourse, accourse," she returns, still looking after Kinoa-and-T'dru, grinning.

Robsen looks up at Kinoa, "Okie." T'dru gets a pretty fierce scowl. "Don't you do anything to her!"

Kinoa tosses a 'stop embarrassing me' look back at Robsen, an exercise in futility. "You want me to bring you back, right?" she asks him with a grin, waiting for T'dru to lead her off wherever he's headed.

Fiona nods to Mayia's smile before turning back to look down at the eggs.

T'dru gives Robsen a -look-. "I won't." Joslyn gets a response in passing. "Why thank you ma'em." He actually manages a tired- looking wink at her. As he walks past Lashana, he stops long enough to give her a quick exuberant hug and a smacking kiss on the cheek. He grins, ducks away and makes his way out, hopefully with Kinoa still in tow.

T'dru walks toward the long narrow tunnel.

Kinoa walks toward the long narrow tunnel.

Robsen scowls some more after that rider guy. "Yup!" He tacks on a "Please."

Mayia tries to hide a smile before turning to Master Lashana. She says, "This is my first clutching, and the eggs are so lovely."

Lashana blinks at the exuberance of her former pupil, and then merely sets to attempting to find some way not to turn deeper shades of pink as she answers Mayia, "They're each and every one a wonderously special thing, lass. And they get more so as you see more, honestly."

Telinda wrinkles her nose at Lashana, "Trust that to come from a smooth talking Harper!"

With the bench pretty much vacated, Joslyn abandons perching on the edge of it to take get a little more comfortable, booted feet plopped on the row in front of her. The 'first clutching' from Mayia tugs a thoughtful frown from the goldrider, lower lip tugged at as she recounts eggs.

Mayia nods to Lashana then turns to look down onto the sands. She sighs softly as her harper's eyes rest upon each egg. Perhaps a poem forms in her brain or even a song. Her lips move slowly, no sound escaping as she creates from feelings of awe and wonder.

Lashana huffs slightly towards Telinda, though she refrains from anything so youthful as sticking out her tongue. "I meant it. They are lovely, each and every one." She nods as if she's agreeing with herself.

Robsen quits with the scowling since he knows Kinoa could beat that T'dru up any day. Joslyn becomes his next target to talk to. "You're a goldrider. Has your dragon done that?" He nods sideways at the eggs.

Joslyn can scowl, too. See? She does it right now, looking at Robsen from the corner of her eyes without bothering to turn her head his way at all. "No." Pause. "Has yours?"

Telinda chuckles at Lashana, "Oh, don't mind me, I'm just being grumpy today, one of the reasons I got out of the weyr."

Robsen looks hard at Joslyn's scowl and gets impressed by it instantly. He takes a while to study it since he may need it later. "Not that I wanna be impolite or anything but I'm not a girl and everyone knows men don't impress golds."

Telinda glances over her shoulder at Robsen, and chuckles, "No, but they get to impress the worst end of the stick -- the bronzes!"

Joslyn just hmphs. She's not going to engage that conversation any longer; she doesn't like it so she'll just ignore it. (It's so hard to be a spoiled brat sometimes, really.) She does, however, deign to nodnod most emphatically at Telinda's words.

Telinda is the wise Weyrwoman, don't everyone cough and splutter too much, and at Joslyn's nod she grins at her junior.

Robsen looks at Telinda, "I thought bronze dragons were good. Pern needs them just like the others so why're they the worst end of the stick." He wiggles a hand emphatically at the sands, "Without a bronze or a brown or whatever, you don't get none of those."

Lashana just shakes her head slightly, hiding a smirk. "Don't let them intimidate you lad," she cuts herself short and just hmphs.

Telinda scowls, blackly, at Robsen, "Without them we get some peace and quiet is what we get," but then she winks, spoiling the scowl.


Joslyn just mumbles something about sharding bronzes. Again, if she doesn't like the turn of conversation she just chooses to ignore it. Or change the subject... "Where'd that Harper girl go...?" And she looks about for her, craning her neck back where Mayia was recently seated.

Robsen nods smartly at Lashana, "I won't." Telinda's scowl gets measured, "They weren't making too much noise tonight. It was kinda a nice humming." And with all the grace of the totally tactless, he points at Joslyn. "She looks meaner than you."

Telinda grins at Robsen, "That's obvious, I hide my meanness very well, I've had more turns to practice it."

Joslyn looks meaner? Well, she really can't help looking a little smug at that, lifting her chin just slightly as she turns away from her Mayia-search, pleased enough that the chatter has taken on a new direction. "I practice," she states simply.

Mayia listens, interested in all this talk of dragons. She is learning, but casts a look towards where T'dru and Kinoa exited. Aftetr a moment she turns back to the conversation. "Why do they hum?"

Robsen looks real hard at Telinda, "Yup. Old people are pretty good at hiding how mean they really are. Lots of practice I bet. But she's pretty good at it." He gives Joslyn a respect-filled look. "But you know, I'm kinda feeling sorry for the bronze riders now, especially if you all scowl all the time at them like that."

Joslyn looks genuinely perplexed by Mayia's question, brows knit as bright eyes settle on the Weyrwoman - obviously expecting Telinda to know the answer to that one. Absently, she informs Robsen, "We only scowl 'cause they deserve it. Bronzeriders're pesky." And that's a fact.

Telinda's narrows her eyes, the blue hardening to steel grey, and glares at Robsen, "Oh, -really-!" she says, "We scowl much harder at boys who don't know what to say to their elders, and" she pauses, letting her words sink in, "we find them lots of -generous- chores to keep them out of trouble."

Telinda lightens her expression a litte, glancing at Mayia, "They hum because they get excited, it's just there way of saying 'here they are!'"

Mayia chuckles and grins. "That is interesting...and they know right away." She frowns softly, "The gold must tell them. Yes, that's right she tells them, then they hum."

Lashana chuckles, "Something like that lass." THe wayward Robsen doesnt' get any comment from her, just a half amused glance.

Robsen looks around for pesky bronze riders surrounding Joslyn, "Funny, I don't see any here bothering you at all." The rest of his words get pinned in his mouth at Telinda's glare. He edges away carefully, making it to the end of where he's sitting before squirming off and standing up. "Extra chores Weyrwoman are assigned by my Guard Captain, not you. But you're right. I always talk too much and I shouldn't have been rude. I'm sorry. I'll go find Kinoa and ask her to take me back and I'll tell Tikki what I said because she oughta hear it from me herself." With a mournful droop to his shoulders, he makes a quick exit out, the words tuber peeling the only other sounds he makes.

"Yeah. Generous chores," Joslyn repeats, only too ready to back Telinda up on this one. The more chores other people get, the less are likely to spill over her way, after all.

Telinda nods, once, satisfied at Robsen, "Pesky males!" she says, rolling her eyes, "All the sharding same."

K'laarn strides over from the long narrow tunnel.

Telinda looks up at the sounds of footsteps, groans, and hides her face behind her hand.

K'laarn stalks in, body taut with the anger obvious in the expression on his face. Violet eyes are dark with fury and his lips are pulled tight across his mouth in a crimp-lipped scowl. His eyes rove over the people in the galleries and then fix on an objective. It is toward Telinda he walks, pushing his way through the benches and people and making his way with a curt walk.

Robsen brightens up at the sight of a bronze rider but continues his way out with alacrity.

Watching Robsen hurry out, Joslyn catches sight of K'laarn coming in, bright eyes widening as they go repeatedly between Telinda and K'laarn and back again. Busted.

Robsen strides over to the long narrow tunnel.

Telinda snorts as she looks over at the Weyrleader, She mutters to Joslyn, "... like... butt! Pesky..."

You sense Telinda snorts as she looks over at the Weyrleader, "Looks like he's walking with a stick up his butt! Pesky bronzeriders!"

Mayia looks over at the new person. She watches, interested of course and remembering everything.

Lashana leans down towards Mayia and whispers softly, "Now, this is a good opportunity to observe, and suggest arbitration," she pauses, "later." her expression is smooth and full of her usual humour as she turns back to watch teh bronze rider descend.

Joslyn covers her mouth quickly, ducking her head as she (very poorly) muffles a giggle. A look rakes K'laarn and his 'curt walk', hand lowered to reveal a deep grin. "Yeah. Uhm, a pretty big one, too," she returns, dropping her voice somewhat for that addition. Then smiles sweetly, "Hullo, Weyrleader."

"Telinda," comes K'laarn's voice, dangerously serene sounding. "Do, tell me, please, why it is that you're here at Honshu, at the Hatching Sands? I was certainly -amazed- to discover you'd fled the Weyr entirely, and at such a time." His amethyst eyes flicker down to the obvious swelling of Telinda's belly. He continues, oh so calmly, "Isn't that rather.. dangerous?" He is like a coiled snake, ready to strike.

Telinda nudges Joslyn with her elbow, smiling sweetly, "Not at all, I can climb on the back of my dragon without my belly getting in the way, so I have no trouble. Thank you for being concerned though" she says, looking directly up at the Weyrleader, but making no effort to stand.

Mayia coughs softly before nodding to Master Lahsana. Her face is impassive, though her eyes are bright and attentive.

Joslyn, oh-so-surreptitiously, sliiiides down to the other end of her bench and tucks her legs up closer to herself. Toward Telinda, she offers an encouraging albeit weak smile: Sorry, hon, but even Josy's not brave enough to pipe up this time.

K'laarn's jaw tightens, flexing with the faintest motion of a nervous tic. "That wasn't ever in doubt dear." He makes his words, nice as they are, seem almost a chastisment. "What I am talking about is the fact you -betweened-!" His voice doesn't rise, still soft, though now it grows more menacing. He glances around and then continues the public chastisement, "You may not care, as it seems obvious, Telinda, from your actions, if our child, and possibly you as well, were to die because of it, and Tiarnath with you?" It is obvious -he- cares, despite the anger, concern seems to play equal time on his face.

Telinda flips an hand, "Phooeee, I'm in no danger, if I was, I wouldn't be here. All the danger is in having an early birth -- Faranth be praised if that happens -- or falling off my dragon and looking like a fool. Neither will happen, unless I'm at the dog with Haven, and then that's another matter!"

Joslyn gulps, ducking down a little as the Weyrleader proceeds. Without saying a word, it's quite obvious that little Josy is blessing her own mate-less buttons... even if she can't quite stiffle a smirk at Telinda's flippant reply.

Mayia moves her head just slightly to get a better view of K'laarn. Unblinking she watches him, intrigued by his self-control.

K'laarn's voice rises then and he very nearly shouts, "Telinda! You will.." He gains control of himself and his voice by briefly closing his eyes, lips moving as if he were counting to ten. "You will not endanger yourself so, ever, again, nor will you make light of this situation as if it were just ... nothing! You'll stay at Honshu from now on, until you have the babe. I'm certain the Weyrleaders here will be delighted to keep you safe for Southern. Joslyn will do most admirably for you in the meantime. Or we can arrange for a slow progress of straight flight, or overland travel -- but that would also be dangerous." He muses, "How long would it be before the baby would be safe to travel between after being born?" He fires this question at Telinda.

Joslyn blinks. And then blinks again. "Oh, no! I don't think that's a good idea at all, at all!" she interjects promptly. Wide eyes rest on K'laarn a moment and then transfer, pleading, to Telinda. PleasepleasePLEASE come home!

K'laarn shoots a quelling gaze in Joslyn's direction.

Telinda stands. Slowly. Almost like slow motion. Brows furrow together as she looks at K'laarn, then she smiles sweetly, "I'll do whatever I want, not that" she flicks a look over her shoulder at Joslyn, "Josy wouldn't do an admirable job, or Remarra, or maybe we should put" she smirks, "Belira in charge of the weyr? Oh, that would be precious." She shakes her head, starting to push past the Weyrleader on the way out, "Though I should pay my respects to Gwen whilst I'm here."

Joslyn's infinitely more afraid of doing Telinda's job than she is of any gaze K'laarn could favor her with. "Yeah, you do whatever you want," she echoes Telinda promptly. United we stand, after all.

K'laarn doesn't let Telinda push past him -- oh no. Instead he reaches out to grab her shoulders as if he'd like to give her some good shaking. "Telinda," He says ominously, voice lowered to almost inaudibility. "I have your best interests at heart. This once, can't you just do as I say?" He queries, voice firm. Then a voice cracking admission. "I wouldn't know what to do if you got hurt." He gives Telinda a very long and intense gaze.

An audible gulp gets Joslyn as she waits, literally perching on the edge of her bench, for Telinda's reply. If praying were canon, she'd do that, too. Instead, she can just barely be heard to whisper, "Pleasecomehome, pleasecomehome..."

R'zar walks over to K'laarn and Telinda, He smiles, "Is everything alright...? It looks like we're going to have a lovely Clutch..."

Telinda looks down at the hand on her shoulder, and gently brushes it off, "Then be nice to me, instead of making me feel like I'm the errant child caught with a hand in the cookie jar. I'm -bored-! Yes, K'laarn, b-o-r-e-d, of sitting around being nice to everyone, I just can't do it. So, I'm going to go get some juice, take a deep breath and think about what you want me to do, and then ask me nicely, because I might do as you ask, I might not." Smile turns brightly towards R'zar, "Evening, R'zar, Lovely clutch, and lovely hatchlings too I hope" She gestures towards the stairs, "You'll forgive me, but I was intending to talk to Gwendolen about some things."

K'laarn's jaw tightens and he says, "I see." Then he leans over to whisper something to Telinda.

Patently disappointed by Telinda's reply, Joslyn sags slightly in her bench, shoulders slumped as a sigh leaves her. She kicks the bench in front of her, asking of whoever happens to be listening, "You don't think she'll stay, doya?"

Telinda snorts, "You know I'd never say no to that one K'laarn, so long as it was reasonable, but I can't, too many things to do. Excuse me, Kendath tells Tiarnath Gwen is free." With that she spins on her heel and heads down the stairs.

Telinda strides over to the long narrow tunnel.

K'laarn pulls away then and scowls, muttering as Telinda heads down the steps. "Its a wonder the Weyr listens to me when my own Weyrmate and Weyrwoman doesn't." He just shakes his head and says, "I don't understand her at all, sometimes." in an exhasperated voice.

Mayia glances at Lashana, but says nothing.

Lashana looks up from her studious observation of the eggs and her apprentice, and smiles. "Partners are like that, I understand." she states blandly.

Joslyn, noting K'laarn's tone, offers up, "Don't take it too bady, K'laarn. Sir. I mean, it's not like we expect Telinda to listen to anyone, even you." She nodsnods at Lashana, as if she had volumes of experience behind her.

too badly

K'laarn shoots a dark look at Joslyn and then turns to R'zar. "Hello R'zar." He says companionably -- as if he just hadn't had a scene with the Southern Weyrwoman right here in the galleries of the Hatching Sands. "It is a fine clutch indeed."

K'laarn glances around the benches, "And a lot of people here to see the eggs on the sands too. You're bound to find a lot of candidates I hope." He smiles whimsically. "Never forget the day I first came here."

Joslyn was trying to be helpful, really she was. But, seeing as she fails, she just scuffs the toe of her boot against the ground and mumbles a bit more about how she hopes Telinda goes home. Selfish? Joslyn? Never!

Mayia nods to Lashana and follows her lead. The eggs are a soothing sight.

R'zar continues his smiling demeanor, "Thank you, K'laarn. We're hoping to have a good group to present to these Eggs."

K'laarn seems to find soothing calm in talk of eggs and candidates. "Brings back memories, doesn't it R'zar? Of simpler times? Days before Impression?"

R'zar chuckles and nods, "It does at that. Every time. "

K'laarn drawls. "Anyone here," He tries again, voice going louder, "Anyone here counted the eggs yet? I haven't had a chance yet to do so. How many is there?"

Joslyn listens with half an ear to the bronzeriders, idly attentive as she squints toward Saijith on the Sands. K'laarn's words remind her that she hasn't done that yet, no, and she sits up straighter to pick the eggs out one at a time: six, seven, eight...

K'laarn adds, "Its a nice blending of Weyrs too. Honshu and Southern once again. Keeps things growing."

Joslyn leans a little to one side, debating the egg-ness of one shaded sphere before she surrenders with a quick toss of her head. "Anyways. Goodday to you all," as she gets to her feet, not entirely inobtrusive as heavy boots plunk on the floor. A smile is flashed to the Harpers, one to the bronzeriders, and Josy trundles out, hands in her pockets.

You walk over to the long narrow tunnel.

You walk toward the river meadow in front of the weyr.

You approach Jeuneth just as the Queen crouches for you, one foreleg bent to allow you an easier mount.

You soar to the sky over the center of Honshu Weyr.

** Jeuneth disappears into Between.


Between is a cold, empty void of awful nothingness. You can hear nothing, see nothing, smell nothing, touch nothing, and it is only the knowledge that light lies on the other side, and that your dragon is with you, that keeps you from screaming. Silently, you chant the ancient talisman, as you hover in this place between places...




You suddenly emerge...

** Jeuneth emerges from Between with a blast of cold air!

 *** END LOG ***

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