Josy - Monday, January 18, 1999, 1:11 PM


The following is a roleplay-log from SouCon MUSH ( 4201). The world of Pern is copyright to Anne McCaffrey.


Telinda strides over from the Landing Field.

Bertha whistles at Telinda. "Aren't those leather pants just a tetch tight, Tel m'dear?"

Telinda wanders in, squints at Bertha, and then grins as she sees Joslyn. Hoisting the crossbow on her hip a little more securely, she heads over to the goldrider. "A present" she says.

C'al peers suspiciously at Telinda, "You're giving her a weapon?"

Kinoa leans her chin on her hand and watches curiously.

Telinda nods to C'al, "Certainly am" she says, taking the time to carefully place it on the table then wave to Kinoa and Kytiara, "Hey Starflame!"

Joslyn giggles at Bertha, trying not to look /too/ amused at the question. The crossbow, though, /that/ certainly catches her attention. In a word, "Whoa!" Think of the fun she could have with this thing...

Telinda taps her finger against her cheek, and then tucks an errant strand of hair behind her ear, "You get to start practising tomorrow. Its a tradition!" she mentions to Joslyn

C'al shudders in barely repressed horror, but remains silent.

Kinoa grins at the weyrwomen. "Hello, Telinda, what do you hunt with that kind of thing?"

Gemini walks in, eye brow quirked, "Crossbow? Used to be good at that"

Joslyn rubs her hands anxiously, sliding the bow across the table for a closer inspection of it. "I knew there had t'be /some/ good traditions," she remarks, fingering the unfamiliar weapon experimentally. Now might be a good time to worry, yes.

Kytiara lifts an eyebrow, memory stretching... "Does C'al get to stand against a tree with a redfruit on his head?"

C'al looks at Kytiara, vaugly paniced, "Don't give her ideas!!"

Gemini walks up to the table with the crossbow on it, most of his shorter purple locks now having steel beads on them. He kneels to examine the weapon

Telinda giggles at Kinoa, "Apples, redfruit, that sort of thing as a rule, though if C'al wants to volunteer, well, that's up to him." She smiles at Gemini, "How're you settling in?" she asks before grinning at Joslyn, "You start on the ground, then you get to learn how to skim treetops and shoot the fruit out of the top of them!"

Gemini straightens his tall frame, "Fine, thanks"

Joslyn grins at the bluerider, then glances measuringly at C'al's head, obviously toying with the idea and apprently liking it very much. "C'al wants to volunteer," she says without really thinking about it, playing with the crossbow again though she does let the fisherman examine it if he wants to.

C'al whimpers softly, "No he doesn't. Really."

Gemini laughs quietly, "We couldn't hear that, C'al"

Kytiara is grinning now, for the first time since she's been in here "Yes, he does! Really!"

C'al shakes his head quickly, "No, that's quite ok. Honest."

Joslyn repeats, with a nodnod, "Yes, he does! Really!" Still studying her new toy, she plucks on the string and then fingers a bolt and then looks up, grinning triumphantly. "Thankyouverymuch, Telinda. This is great!" Dangerous, but great.

C'al looks at Telinda fearfully, "She can't make me. Right?" Please say yes, please say yes, please say yes... ;)

Telinda tries to bite back the grin, but lets some of it seep through, "No, not really, unless she's mad, C'al, so, you'd better be nice to her." Her chin tilts up, "So, be nice to Josy, C'al, very nice."

C'al says "I'm always nice. Really. Honest."

Gemini chuckles at the happenings. Just standing

Telinda nods, "Good, then she'll have no need to see if you work better as a sieve, will she?" She grins at Gemini, winking at him as she turns, "Have we some nice fish for supper?"

Joslyn giggles at Telinda's advice, pulling the crossbow just a bit closer and actually hugging her newest treasure. "I'd never shoot you, C'al. Not on purpose, anyway."

C'al nods, then looks at Josy, "I know. It's the accidents I worry about."

Gemini grins, "Yep, a bunch of fingertails and some smoked trout"

Kylia emerges through the archway leading to the Weyrfolk residences.

Telinda grins, "Sounds great to me!" she says to Gemini, trying not to grin at C'al. A hand lifts to wave at Kylia, "Hello there!" she calls over

Kylia wanders on out from the store room with a charcoal stick behind her ear, leaving a black soot mark in her hair and on her skin, and a sketch pad beneath one arm. In her free hand she carries a blue colored pitcher, holding it up for the others. "Hello there Weyrwoman! Care to taste one of cook's new juices? I believe he called this one, redfruit and berry, or something."

"I'll be careful. Honest." Not that Joslyn's ever been particularly careful with much of anything in her entire life. "Just... duck," she suggests.

Telinda's eyes widen a little, "A new juice? Why of course, I'd love to try it!"

Gemini turns toward Kylia, grinning slightly as he finally sits.

C'al just whimpers. Quietly, unnoticibly, but a whimper all the same.

Kylia smirks and takes the container over to one of the tables, retrieving some glasses. Each gets filled almost to the top. "Well, come and take your pick. I'm a bit parched myself. Anyone is welcome," she offers, nodding to the other riders and residents.

Telinda quickly wanders over, not wanting to get left behind, and takes a glass, sipping first, and then quickly finishing the rest, "OOh, that's nice, takes all that dust out of your throat!"

Kinoa oohs softly, edging away from the newly outfitted Joslyn. "Umm, Luiseth calls," she says, using her standard excuse for when she wants to run away.

Kinoa strides over to the Landing Field.

Telinda cocks her head to oneside, "Oh, OK, Tia, I'm coming. Excuse me folks, I'm needed!"

Telinda strides over to the Landing Field.

Gemini takes one of the glasses gingerly, brushing a purple lock from his eyes as he takes a deep sip, toys with the taste in his mouth for a bit and says, "Good...""

Kylia blinks as the juice is sampled, and quickly discarded for for the beckoning of a lifemate. "Hrm, well it's good anyways." She lifts her glass to her lips and sips away, eyes slowly drifting to a tuft of purple hair curiously.

Gemini glances over at Kylia, returning the gaze and smiling a bit.

Joslyn reaches over and pats the bronzerider's head reassuringly, though her other hand still rests on that dangerous new toy she's acquired. She's just itching to test her aim...

C'al twitches faintly.

Gemini downs the rest of the liquid, "mmm, that's refreshing"

C'al shakes his head, "Lets go find you something to shoot at, Josy, before you decide to see if you can load it in here and spear our purple friend here or something."

Gemini errs and quickly sits back down, "Yeah.../Very/ good idea.."

Joslyn studies the boy with the purple hair from afar, considering the target before she smiles at C'al. "I wouldn't shoot him, precious. That's what I've got you for, ain't it?"

C'al says "Accidents happen. You didn't mean to flame you're weyr either, I'm sure."

Joslyn shushes C'al quickly, pressing her forefinger against her lip and shaking widening her eyes at him. "You're not s'posed to tell people that, precious. It's a secret," she informs him in a conspiratory whisper.

C'al blinks, and smiles impishly, "Oh, right, I forgot."

Gemini quirks an eyebrow at what he just heard.

Joslyn reminds, pointedly, "Be nice to Josy." She's armed.

C'al gives it a wary look, "Right. Nice. I can do nice. Really."

Gemini laughs quietly at C'al

Joslyn returns the wary look with a sweet smile, saying affably, "I know you can." If not, he'll learn, of course. "What'm I gonna shoot at?" she muses, looking around the weyrhall as if to find her target within. Hmmm.

C'al says "A tree?"

Gemini adds, "Outside"

Kytiara perks up. Trees? "I know of a lovely's large. And if you need chains, I have some of those, too."

C'al blinks a few times and looks at Kyti, "Chains?"

Joslyn nods at the tree bit, then nods again at Gemini, then nodsnodsnods at Kytiara. "Chains'd probably work. Ropes might be better, though," and she sizes C'al up with a measuring glance. Hmmmmm.

C'al says "What?"

Kytiara smiels sweetly "I have those, too. The soft runner-lead kind, if you want them? They're fitted to the tree." Kyti has a history with that tree..

"Nothin', precious," Joslyn assures, patpatting the bronzerider again and then smiling gleefully at the bluerider. "I prob'ly better wait a while, though, 'cause I'll just get in trouble if I put his eye out or take off a finger or somethin'."

C'al just eyes her warily. He's almost sure she is joking.

Kytiara nods a few times, shoulder lifting slightly "Just tell me when you need them. I have the chain and rope and the tree and some spray stuff that smells bad...." What exactly does Kyti /do/ with all that?

Joslyn is obviously wondering exactly that, Kytiara, but she gets the impression she'd just blush if she asked, so she leaves herself to wonder. "I'll... uhm... keep that in mind," she tells the bluerider, flashing a grateful smile as she hefts up the crossbow. "Tel said wait till tomorrow, didn't she?"

C'al says "Sprays stuff that smells bad?"

Shadara walks over from the Landing Field.

Gemini stands, "Well, I should go check out some more fishing, seeya"

Kytiara nods a few times "Really bad."

Gemini waves

Gemini walks out towards the Residences clearing.

C'al says "What's it for?"

Shadara moves over to get herself some juice, a soft whistle coming from her as she settles down in a chair, skin sort of glowing, but is it cause she's pregnant or for other reasons.

Kytiara lifts a shoulder slightly, an innocent smile popping out "To keep other people away!"

C'al says "A good idea. I still think this is unwise."

Joslyn scratches her temple at that last, hmmmming thoughtfully as she gives C'al another once over. "I could prob'l use some of that," she remarks with a half-grin.

C'al makes a face at her, "Yeah, to keep all the other bronzeriders away from you."

Joslyn rolls her eyes expressively, drumming her fingers over the crossbow as she remarks, "Oh, yeah. 'Cause you know I got boys chasing me left and right. Can't beat 'em off with a stick."

Kytiara wrinkles her nose at Joslyn "Some people things to be so fortunate!"

C'al peers at her, and responds seriously, "I still don't get that. I can't see why you aren't fawned over by every pretty boy, and half of the pretty girls, in the weyr."

Shadara rolls her eyes a little but stays quiet, a slight grin on her face as she watches the others in the hall

"Yeah, well, they might if it was true," Joslyn remarks for Kytiara's benefit. She shrugs up one shoulder at C'al, obviously unconcerned with this as she replies, "'Cause most people're smarter than you are, precious." She means that in the /nicest/ way possible.

C'al says "Well, yes, that's a given, but doesn't address the question... Not that I think you know anyway, but."

Joslyn just shrugs again. She doesn't know, doesn't care, and doesn't really see a point in poring over the subject.

Kytiara takes all things literally at first. Either that or she reads entirely too deeply and ends up embarrasing herself. Wrinkling her nose slightly at the two, she snags another redfruit. Couples...

Shadara chuckles and shakes her head a bit and shifts till she's more comfortable.

Shadara chuckles a bit more and sighs softly, "So how is everyone today?"

C'al says "Living in fear. Yourself?"

Joslyn looks up at the question and lifts her new crossbow up off the table slightly. She replies, altogether too happy about this, "Lookit what Telinda gave me!"

Shadara chuckles and grins, "Not much, shifting things a bit in my weyr, though E'dar and Calinth are helping."

C'al says "Oh, good." He glances at the crossbow warily, "Yeah. Look what Telinda gave her."

Shadara blinks a bit, "Why did Telinda give her that? It shouldn't be here in the hall, someone might get hurt or killed accidentally."

C'al says "Indeed, that is a major concern... Thankfully, Josy hasn't figured out how to load it yet."

Shadara shakes her head and mutters under her breath, "I pity you C'al, if you ever weyrmate, she might turn that thing on you someday when she's proddy."

Joslyn's working on it, though, her head bent toward the confounding contraption. Her tongue stick out slightly as she pulls on this and turns that and then pulls on this again, brows knit a she pores over the device. Hmmmm.

C'al glances at Josy, and in a fit of distracted non-thinking, offers, "I could do that. I've seen them before."

Shadara blinks at C'al again, "Are you crazy? You're going to show her how to use it?"

C'al says "Well, no, just load it. Telinda's going to teach her to use it, so that's not my problem. But if she keeps poking, she'll break it. Trust me."

Joslyn happily relinquishes the troublesome crossbow to the bronzerider, untangling her fingers from the bits she's been attacking as she nodsnods to him. "And if I break, he'll just wind up having t'fix it for me," she notes.

C'al shrugs. He deftly tugs back the pull-wire and hooks it in. He takes a bolt starts to set it in, then chages his mind. He hands her the almost-loaded bow, "Don't put a bolt in in here, you'll kill someone when you trigger it in a few seconds."

Joslyn watches closely, committing this process to her not-quite-infallible memory before she takes the bow back and smiles brightly. "Thank you! I'll go outside 'fore I put one in," she assures, already pushing to her feet with just those intentions.

C'al says "Good." He makes no move to follow. He may be stupid, but he's not suicidal. "Have fun!"

Shadara blinks at Josy, "And Don't point it at anything you don't want to kill, we don't need you accidentally killing someone's lifemate."

But it's not as much fun unless there's someone around to watch Joslyn destroy things... She pauses, looking down with a slight pout at the bronzerider. "You're not gonna help me pick out things to shoot?" Toward Shadara, she nodsnodsnods. "I won't shoot anything alive. Promise."

C'al sighs softly, "Yes, love, I'll come watch you. Just... Stay in front of me, ok?" He stands up slowly, "And I refuse to wear a redfruit."

Kytiara strides over to the Landing Field.

Joslyn notes that sigh and frowns at it, holding her new prize against her chest and saying diplomatically, "You don't have to come if you don't want to. I just thought you might wanna try it a coupla times, too."

C'al chuckles, "No, thank you, I don't think I am allowed."

C'al says "But I'll come watch you. Should be fun."

"I'd let you if you wanna," Joslyn notes, generously, swining around and heading toward the landing field with a happy little bounce to her gait. "You could pick things out for me to shoot," she adds on her way out.

You walk toward the Landing Field.

C'al strides over from the Weyrhall.

Joslyn looks around, gauging the scenery and the proximity of dragons as she hmmmmms thoughtfully. "Maybe over thataway," as she points toward the path and heads off in that direction, Jeuneth pointedly refusing to show interest in this passtime. She's not particularly thrilled with Josy being armed, either.

You push your way through some bushes.

C'al wanders over from the landing field.

C'al follows along dutifully.

Joslyn has a look around here, too, pondering the bushes and the greenery and the broomtrees that surround it all. "This looks pretty safe," she remarks, sitting down on the ground to arm the bow with clumsy fingers.

C'al says "Sure. Noone here to kill, at the least."

Joslyn grins at you, and refrains from noting there is one person, at the least. She pulls herself to her feet then and looks around for something fun to shoot at - not that she's likely to hit anything, anyway. "What d'you think? That tree over there, maybe?" as she points across the clearing to a distant branch.

C'al says "Sure, if you want... Might wanna start big, hit the trunk. Or the ground.""

"I could hit that tree," Joslyn says with a firm nod, debating the crossbow with a frown before she looks at you blankly. "How?" she asks, collectively.

C'al shrugs, "Dunno. The one I played with once had a lever you squeezed that released the bolt. Not sure how this one works, it's a lot nicer."

A twang and a flash seems to indicate that Joslyn has indeed figured out how to make the crossbow fire. Unfortunately, it happend to be pointed directly at her own foot when she made this realization. Blinking, she looks at her impaled boot and says flatly, "Oops." Then. "Ow."

C'al blinks a lot, "Josy. Umm. Tell me that missed your foot? Please?"

"I missed my foot?" Joslyn guesses, blinkblinking once again and trying to lift her foot from the ground. And failing. "Uhm. Owww," she repeats, and then sits down to attempt to pry her foot from the ground, then.

C'al winces, "Shards, I knew this was gonna happen." He moves over to you, "Let me. I'll get you out of the ground and let the healers do the rest." He reaches down towards your foot.

Joslyn almost kicks you in the face for that, too, and would probably scramble away except she's literally pinned. "I didn't /mean/ to do it. I don't wanna see th'Healers," she adds, and then notes, "It doesn't hurt." But that's just because she can't really feel her foot.

C'al says "Josy. You just put a large piece of wood through your foot. A, you're bleeding. B, it's gonna hurt like hell when it's pulled, and I have no numbweed. Now, first, we unpin you. Sit still!"

"I don't wanna see the Healer," Joslyn repeats sulkily, but she does sit still. Her eyes never leave her foot, though, as if she really expects to just get up and run away as soon as she's freed.

C'al grasps the bolt on either side of the foot, and pulls, bringing it out of the ground. "YOu're going to see a healer. You're not fast at loading that thing, and not about to keep me from carrying you any other way." He mvoes to follow through on that.

Joslyn repeats, with just a bit more force, "Ow!" And then she notes the blood seeping through the hole in her boots and looks /really/ unhappy: "These're my best boots, too," she frets. It'll hit her eventually that she's just shot herself; really it will.

C'al hefts you up, "Let's go and get numbweed on that." He turns and heads southwards.

Joslyn squirms and writhes and squirms some more, shaking her head in adament denial of the whole prospect. "It doesn't even hurt!" she insists, pushing on your shoulders, albeit vainly. "I don't wanna see a Healer!"

C'al says "Give it a minute, it will. If you're lucky nothing's broken. Shards, love, I'm not about to let you get this half-assed bandaged. This is NOT a small wound."

Joslyn tries a different tactic, since force doesn't seem to be working very well. "I don't wanna, precious. Healers never make things any better," she frets, lower lip thrust out in a positively perfect pout, great big eyes batted unhappily. "Please don't make me?"

C'al says "Don't try that. I'll go with it on most things, but not your health."

"I don't want to and you can't make me!" Joslyn proclaims, returning to her previous attempts to be released. She twists herself about and pushes at your shoulders and kicks her legs and then feels her foot. And yells at the top of her lungs, the sound echoed from the landing field as Jeuneth gets wind of the situation.

C'al winces, "Told ya. Now, I can put you down, or I can carry you to the infirmiry. I will take anything that isn't 'put me down' as an OK for the healers." Such as loud, mindless screaming.

Joslyn nodsnodsnods, clamping her hand over her mouth to muffle the whimpered screams that still issue from her trembling lips. She does make sure to calm Jeuneth, though, the queen's bellow silenced to little more than a concerned snuffling.

C'al says "Good. Let's go, then."

C'al passes the berry bushes and goes to toward the weyr residences.

You push past the berry bushes and go to the weyr residences.

C'al walks into the Weyrhall.

Dragon> Simath bespoke Southern Weyr with << My rider asks if anyone is holding a Healer in their weyr to let us borrow them. >>

You walk into the main Weyrhall.

C'al enters in, carrying Josy, who's foot has sprouted a foot of crossbow bolt.

Dragon> Southern Weyr sense that Saith rumbles in surprise, << Not my rider, she's being held in E'dar's weyr now, and her healer is at Honshu. But he isn't held in her weyr. >>

Shadara blinks and her eyes go wide, "She didn't... she did." she says as she see's the goldrider and she shakes her head.

C'al says "First try, too." He leaves it at that. He'll tease her AFTER she's ok. "She'll be fine."

Joslyn's trying to look brave - but it's not so easy. She's got a stick in her foot, a hole in through her boot, and blood on her sock. To make matters worse, she has to go and see the Healers. You'd cry, too.

C'al moves on to the infirmiry.

C'al quietly opens the infirmary door and enters.

You quietly open up the door to the infirmary and enter.

Coriana quietly slips in through the door to the Weyrhall.

C'al is off to one side, watching the healers work on Josy's poor, attacked foot.

Coriana enters the infirmary and puts her hands on her hips "Ok, what happened? Poor Durandra saw someone limping in here..." her voice trails off as she sees the young Goldrider being tended to.

C'al says "Telinda gave her a new toy. She used it. Great aim, got it on the first try." His tone is slightly worried, beling the easy teasing, "She'll be fine..."

Joslyn's poor, attacked foot is giving her no small amount of pain, too. Minus the boot, it's quite obvious just what a job she's done on the appendage, bruised and bloody and altogether gorey. "Don't touch that!" she can be heard to snap at the poor Healer who drew this charge. "Or that!"

C'al shakes his head slowly, wincing at the foot, "Oh, shards, love... You don't to things halfway, do you?"

Joslyn draws up a pained smile for the bronzerider, kicking the Healer in the hand with her good foot as he ventures to examine the injured one. "No point in doing it if you ain't gonna do it ri - Ow! I said, don't touch that!"

C'al winces, "Love, they can't fix it if you do that, and it will heal all painful and ugly. Want some wine or something?"

Joslyn declares, for the record, "I hate Healers!" But she does manage to hold still and stop kicking the poor fellow in the hands, squishing her face up as he examines the injured foot. "I don't care if it's ugly. It's a foot, no one's ever you no good sharding lump of wherry refuse that hurts stoppit!" Coherent? Josy? Of course not.

C'al moves over to her, taking a hand. "Abuse me, not them, love."

Coriana sees the bloody mess that used to be a foot "That was some toy! Now just what do you think you were doing? You've probably upset Jeuneth terribly! Now you stop carrying on and let them look at that, or I'll have a dozen drudges in her to sit on you!

C'al says "Crossbow. What else need I say?"

Naben quietly slips in through the door to the Weyrhall.

Joslyn, reassuringly to C'al, "You're next!" She kicks the Healer again, squarely in the shoulder, until he surrenders dealing with this patient at all, declaring that she can just bleed to death for all he cares.

C'al sighs softly, and looks to Coriana, "Got those drudges handy?"

Naben comes in, arms full of baskets and parcels, filled with herbs. "Apprentice Darris? Oh, Darris? Shards, where the flame is the damn duty apprentice when I need him?" Instead, he just drops most of them on the nearest cot

Gemini quietly slips in through the door to the Weyrhall.

Gemini walks in slowly, wondering whats going on, since no one has told him. He runs a nervious hand through purple hair

Coriana turns to see a Journeyman Healer enter at just the right time "Oh, good! Can you help us out here? Seems this young woman here would rather bleed to death and cause her dragon to go *between* before she'll let a healer look at her." She throws her hands up and pokes her head out of the door issuing order.

Joslyn's got an audience now - yay! "Someone fix this now!" she hollers, raising the impaled foot for emphasis. Nevermind she's just run her last Healer off with multiple and square kicks in the hands and shoulders...

C'al says "Yeah. Fix it. Step one is likely knocking my dearest love here out."

Gemini quirks an eyebrow at Joslyn and just stands

Naben blinks and finds himself caught up in this melodrama. "Fix this now, she says, yes yes my dearest weyrwoman, let us just take a look. Sir, if you don't mind," he says rather drolly as he steps around C'al. Without another word, he puts his left hand on her thigh, pressing into the fleshyness of it in manner that would get him slapped under other circumstances, but here, seems to stop the noticible pulsing of blood from Joslyn's foot.

Coriana relaxes a hair, but has her army of drudges ready, just incase they're needed to hold the injured Joslyn down.

Joslyn would probably slap this fellow anyway if she were at all capable of it. As it is, she squirms and fusses and looks around for some conveniently nearby, blunt object to launch directly at this Healer's head.

Gemini's eyes go wide, catching the object in mid air and placing it on the desk.

Naben smiles ever so sweetly. He interned at Honshu and has met a rider's temper more than once. "May I ask your name, weyrwoman? I'm Naben, by the way, currently of Island River." Chit chat seems his reparte tonight. Without waiting for an answer from Joslyn, he nods over to a nervous J-man, whose age seems to indicate that he walked the tables last sevenday. "You there, a glass of wine with a half dose of fellis, bandages, redwort and oh... yes... what is that icky pasty stuff? Yes, numbweed, if you would be so kind."

C'al stays by Josy's side dutifully, "She's Joslyn, Jeueneth's rider..."

objects to fly at his head though there don't seem to be anymore near enough to suit her. "I'm Jos - what he said." Then she slams her fist against the table and repeats, "Fix it!!"

Gemini stands, ready to protect the healer once again.

Coriana stands out of the way, watching the proceeding with (can it be!) a hidden smirk!

Naben nods and takes a long bandage, sliding it under her thigh (purple hair? must check with my hair dresser) "Yes, Joslyn, well met? And you sir? I do have to ask, how does one manage to shoot oneself in the foot with a cross bow bolt?" He puts a compress on her thigh where his hand is and removes his fingers, quickly cinching the bandage down and keeping the tourniquet in place. "Joslyn, if you would drink this wine, not too quickly, but don't take your time either." He hands C'al the wine glass.

C'al takes it, holding it where Josy can reach it.

Naben nods. With the distraction of drinking the wine, he moves to the injured foot, poker face not betraying a thing. "This will sting," he warns as he slides a towel underneath the foot and then puts one hand firmly on her ankle. Taking a bandage dabbed in redwort, he tries to dab away at the blood to assess the wound better.

Gemini sighs. watching

Coriana sidles over to stand on the other side of Josy, against her better judgement and waits to assist if necessary.

Joslyn looks at the wine dumbly a moment; she doesn't really like wine all that much. "It's dosed," she tells herself, and then takes a deep breath and the first tentative sip. Then spills the next mouthfull on herself and glares at the Healer. "Stopthatithurts!"

Naben smiles sweetly as Joslyn, "Of course it does! Perhaps you'll remember that the next time you aim a cross bow at your foot? Now, drink up!" He nods to Coriana, as though to say 'Make sure she gets it down if you have to pour it down her throat.'

Joslyn points at C'al, implying his fault in all of this though it's a safe bet he probably had little to nothing to do with it. Dutifully, for a change of pace, she finishes the wine and then dangles the cup from her fingers. Waiting.

C'al takes the cup from her, not commenting on the blame placement.

Gemini kneels, still ready to catch any last minute objects

Naben props up her foot some more, now that he's more assured that Joslyn won't kick him in the face. "Lean her back, flat if you can." He waves an apprentice over with a glow basket so he can get a better look.

Telinda quietly slips in through the door to the Weyrhall.

/More/ assured, of course. Joslyn's still quite capable of managing just about anything despite being nicely dosed and getting all drowsy-like.

Gemini glances up as Telinda enters, nodding

Telinda looks to be in a filthy kind of mood, "Alright. What in Faranth's name is going on?"

Naben sighs softly - not the best of sighs to come from an otherwise drole healer. He orders his attendants to get a scalple, sterilized thread, needle thorns. "Ah, Weyrwoman..." pause, name," ... Telinda. If I could impose upon you to have your beloved dragon to make sure Joslyn's dragon is calm for the time being? It seems she's had a small accident. Cross bow bolt or something silly like that."

C'al helps Josy backwards, and looks over at Telinda. It must be his worry for Josy that blows his tact here, "Someone had the brilliant idea of giving Josy a crossbow, and she shot herself with it. But, I have to admit, it was excellent aim."

Dragon> Southern Weyr sense that Jeuneth is quite calm, for the record, having been assured on numerous occasions that Joslyn's not going to bleed to death.

Dragon> Southern Weyr sense that Tiarnath distracts Jeuneth << Umm, Jeuneth, watch that flower over there grow, don't move, or do anything unless I say so >>

Jeuneth> I bespoke Tiarnath with << I'm not particularly interested in the flowers. They've told me she'll not die from it and likely won't suffer much. I'm fine. >>

Joslyn yawns, even. Quite a change from her recent fit of temper, but probably better for Naben's well-being. She bats her lashes a bit and asks, vaguely of the bronzerider, "Hmmmm?" as if she were the one being addressed.

Dragon> Jeuneth senses that Tiarnath Flowers are interesting. Do as you're told.

Jeuneth> Tiarnath senses that Jeuneth humors you, but she makes quite certain you realize that she's /not/ intersted in the flowers and finds it remarkably silly.

Jeuneth> Luiseth pushes through some bushes and steps into the glade.

Telinda hrms at C'al, "Well, there's not much to go wrong when aiming for a foot, pity she didn't get someone else's!" She peers over Naben's shoulder, looking at the foot, then grimaces, "Nice job, Josy! Next time be patient when I say we're going to teach you, the teach is the critical word there."

Jeuneth> Kinoa unbuckles herself carefully and then swings her leg over her lifemate's side, giving Luiseth a loving pat on the neck before sliding down to the ground.

C'al says "You know, I actually agree. I'd much prefer she shoot me than herself."

Coriana sees quite enough people in the infirmary and since things are in hand with the Healer and the Weyrwoman, she quietly takes her leave.

Jeuneth> Kinoa strides over to the Weyrhall.

Coriana quietly steps out into the main hall.

Joslyn repeats, tilting her head down to blinkblink at the Weyrwoman she didn't really see come in to begin with, "Hmmmm?" She rubs at her eyes, then, managing to get them focussed on Telinda before she nods a bit: "Okay."

Naben smiles again, Healer face on, "Joslyn, just relax. You're going to feel a tugging sensation in a moment." He finishes rubbing the exposed flesh with numbweed, not only deadening the area of pain, but providing a lubricant for the bolt. He removes it quickly, dropping it into a waiting pan.

Jeuneth> Jeuneth's looking at a flower right now, of all the inane passtimes.

Jeuneth> Luiseth , having dropped off her rider, settles down with a soft warble of greeting. She peers curiously at Jeuneth for a moment, then gives the flick of her tail that denotes a draconic shrug. She doesn't want to know.

Jeuneth> Simath crooons to the green.

Naben looks up at the supporting riders and staff. "I suggest only those that are necessary stay. And if you do decide to stay, you'd best not be squimish. If you pass out, I reserve the right to paint your face with rewort. I don't need an extra patient."

Joslyn says, simply and quietly, "Ow." She starts to withdraw her foot, jerking slightly at the tug. "They're leaving?" she asks with a few distant blinks.

Gemini shrugs, not planning on leaving

Telinda hrms, "I think there's plenty of people in here right now," she reaches over to gesture to Gemini, "Come along, we can come back later, right now the healer needs quiet, and the least we can do is make some for him."

C'al shakes his head, "I'll be fine. It's nothing compared to seeing Simath feed... Through his eyes."

Naben nods and waves over an attending apprentice to hold down Joslyn's ankle. "It could have been worse..." poke poke, lookie here, "A sliver more to the right or left, and she could have smashed up some bones irreparably. Hopefully, we'll get everything in line here and see if we can keep all of these toes." Sheesh - makes it sound like he's making soup and short some white root

Joslyn doesn't look much like she wants all these people to leave. She doesn't want to be all alone with the Healer, see. "Toes?" she repeats, lifting her head a bit to blink at the little digits. "Oh. Those." Nodnod. "I'd like those still."

Jeuneth> Luiseth scootches over closer to the bronze, snuggling up against him in a rather silly way.

Jeuneth> Simath nuzzles the green lightly. His croon is a bit worried, catching the backflow from C'al's emotions.

Naben smiles and starts stiching at something, and soon the trickles of blood lessen even more. "Yes, I would imagine you would. Most people do. Fortunately, the wound is far to the far edge of your foot. More inside, and you'd have problems walking for the rest of your life." He pulls something out of the wound and drops it in the pan next to the bolt. *ting*

C'al pats Josy consolingly, reminding her of his presence.

Jeuneth> Jeuneth just keeps staring at that same flower, a heavy sigh blowing it over before she nudges it back upright again. She's got no qualms sharing with everyone just how stupid she thinks this flower-watching is, but she doesn't stop, either.

Gemini bites his lip, not knowing Josy for long he just stays

Naben mutters something about compression and has an apprentice loosen the bandage on Joslyn's thigh. Naben winces shortly after and waves for the Apprentice to apply pressure again before he goes back to his busy stitching.

Joslyn yawns again and favors C'al with a sweet but vacant smile, keeping her foot remarkably still for this process. Not that she's got a choice, really.

Jeuneth> Luiseth stops, raising her head to peer towards the weyrhall, and then gives a soft, querying rumble.

Telinda quirks an eyebrow at Gemini, he obviously doesn't get the idea that when she gives an order these days, it's supposed to be obeyed, so instead she says to Naben, "If he bothers you, send him out with a whack to his ear, meanwhile I'll talk to the steward about having him have lessons with the harpers!" With that, she turns around an dheads out.

Telinda quietly steps out into the main hall.

Naben nods for the pressure to be lessened again, and more satisfied, waves the apprentice back to his waiting spot. Taking a needlethorn, he gently pokes at Joslyn's toes, "Wiggle your toe if you feel something Joslyn, please?"

C'al pets her hair gently, giving a small sigh.

"Hmmmm?" asks Joslyn, most of her toes wiggling despite the fact that she has no idea she's supposed to be doing that. "Oh. Wiggle my toes? I can do that," and she concentrates very hard.

Naben sighs and continues to poke gently, and shakes his head, obviously note pleased with the result. He gets the scalpel and goes back to work, hoping C'al isn't looking. Certainly don't need him passing out right now.

If C'al wasn't looking, Joslyn's going to have him doing it now. "See? He's going to cut my toes off," she tells the bronzerider, almost gleefully.

C'al is watching Josy's face more than her foot. Not that it would bother him; his fdragon li9kes to play with his food. Foot surgery has nothing on Simath.

C'al says "Of course he's not. He said he's not. And if he does, we'll feed him to Jueneth."

Naben is already stiching up at this point, and soon is bandaging up the foot. "Then I hope I am tasty. I'm told I look too stringy for a good dragon meal." He sighs softly and waves off his wide eyed apprentices and starts cleaning his hands off with a towel. "I'm afraid I had to remove her small end toe. There wasn't much skin holding it on. The nerve was severed, the bone smashed. The vein..." he shrugs, "Blood wasn't flowing into it. However, the rest of the foot was saved. She'll walk again, with some effort at first, however, and will probably limp all of her life."

C'al winces and sighs, "You silly, silly girl." His voice is strained, he's holding back a lot he'd LOVE to say right now.

Gemini quirks an eyebrow, "Ouch..."

Joslyn blinks as the import of that /actually/ hits her groggy little mind. "He cut my toe off?" she asks, blinking down at her foot and then smiling up at the bronzerider. "I'm not silly," she denies in a very silly tone, indeed.

C'al pets her hair, "You are. You are very silly. And when you wake up I am going to shake you for a long, long time for doing this to yourself!"

Naben waves over the J-man on duty and instructs him in her care for the day. "I'll write the report and have it here this evening for the Master." He goes back over to his patient's side. "The best thing you can do is sleep for now Joslyn. And, there will be no shaking until we're sure you're fine. You've lost some blood, and you'll probably feel dizzy if you sit up too fast for a sevenday or two."

Joslyn, insistently, "But I didn't /mean/ to." Then she favors the Healer with a smile, too, asking with a few slow blinks, "Sleep here?" She doesn't like that prospect at all, /at all/.

C'al grumps, "Well, I have to do SOMETHING."

Naben nods "Just a nap, until you get your head back. Fellis can make you a bit silly. If the masterhealer allows it, you could be back in your own bed tomorrow afternoon."

Gemini stands slowly, nodding slowly he leaves

Gemini quietly steps out into the main hall.

Naben smiles "Might I suggest porcine wrestling? Does wonders for stress and is a good workout. Now, unless anyone has any other cross bow wounds...?"

C'al shakes his head, "No, just that one. I'll stay here with her, if you don't mind." His tone, worried, indicates that he'd not react well to you minding. "I didn't work so hard to get to be with her to leave her alone here..."

Joslyn employs the same insistent tone as she fairly whines, "But I don't wanna sleep in /here/." She pouts terribly, then, looking around the infirmary with entirely new dread. "It smells funny."

Naben nods to C'al "Then I'll take my leave. Bressel is the resident Journeyman on this shift, and can assist you if you need it. A masterhealer should be here by next shift to inspect my handywork."

Naben quietly steps out into the main hall.

C'al says "Thank you, Healer. I appreciate your attention." He settles in on a chair next to Josy, "I know she's not an easy patient."

Joslyn frets a bit more, looking after the Healer with a highly irritated though nicely drowsy expression. "I don't wanna sleep in here," she fusses, pushing herself up with one arm as if she intended walking out on her own, dagnabbit.

C'al sighs softly, "Lay back, love, I'm here with you, it's just for tonight till the fellis wears off."

"But it smells funny," Joslyn insists, sitting up entirely and then blinking at that stupid move. She falls back promptly, rubbing her eyes with the heels of her hands and then blinking some more. "Everyone left. When?"

C'al says "Before he... Before he cut. I can't help with the smell, love."

Joslyn pouts about the smell for a while longer and then just forgets about it altogether. "'Fore he cut my toe off?" she asks, and giggles with delight at being able to say that, wiggling the remaining four as she stiffles what would be a wide yawn.

C'al chuckles softly, "You'll be less happy about that when you are sane."

Joslyn stretches out, leaning her head off the side of her bed for the evening that it hangs upside down with her hair halfway over her face. "I'm sane," she drawls, words slightly slurred with fellis sleepiness. "I shot myself in th'foot today," she tells you with a grin and a nod - both upside down.

C'al raises a brow, "Yeah, you certainly did, beloved. You don't wanna know how long you'll be stuck here, likely."

Joslyn, impossibly firm considering the circumstances, shakeshakes her head and argues, "Nuh-uh. They can't make me stay here f'I don't wanna. Jeuneth won't let 'em." As if that golden trump card is really going to help in this situation.

C'al says "You'll stay overnight. Telinda will see to that. You know your dragon is watching a flower out in the bowl?"

Joslyn's already glazed eyes go further distant as she double-checks on that last, blinkblinking as she almost returns to herself. "Tiarnath said that she had to. She thinks it's stupid," of course.

C'al says "Well, yes, it is, bvut that means she won't be saving you. I promise, I'll carry you back to the weyr tommorow."

"I could walk," Joslyn insists, rubbing her eyes with an unstiffled yawn this time. "Doesn't hurt," she notes - though that's likely because it's covered in numbweed and she's falling asleep with fellis.

C'al says "It will, love. Unfotunately, it will." He frowns suddenly, "If you /ever/ do something like this again, I'll... I'll... Find something REALLY unpleasant to do to you."

Joslyn looks quite cowed by the frown, lowering her eyes and bringing forth one of those perfectly charming pouts. "I didn't mean to, precious," she says, sounding genuinely apologetic for the first time.

C'al gives you a look that's 1/3 pout, 1/3 annoyance, and 1/3 amusement, "I know, love, I know, I just hate seeing you hurt. I never wanted to see your blood in my life. Let alone watch a toe get cut off!"

That's probably the best way to deal with Joslyn in this state, all things considered. "It didn't hurt," she informs, repeatedly forcing her eyes to stay open against the heaviness of fellis. "Can't hardly even feel it much at all."

C'al says "Yeah, fellis does that. Go to sleep and let me gaze adoringly at you while you do, ok?"

Joslyn drawls, lying through her teeth obviously, "I'm not sleepy." She gets her eyes open entirely, blinking around the room: "Where's my pillow at?"

C'al looks around, "I don't think you had one. I'll get you one." He stands and finds one, and a blanket. He props the pillow under you, and covers you, "Anything else, love?"

Joslyn shakes her head slightly, rubbing her eyes yet again as she answers vaguely, "Mm-mmm." Which might be a yes and might be a no, but doesn't really sound like either. She does seem to want you to stay, though, one hand put out for yours vacantly.

C'al takes your hand, settling into his chair, "Sleep well, beloved."

Joslyn repeats in the same vague manner, "Mmm-mmm." She would open her eyes again but can't at this point, so she just smiles softly, yawns again, and then falls asleep like a good girl. Finally, stupid kid.

C'al shakes his head, getting as comfy as he can.

*** END LOG ***

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