The following is a log of roleplay from SouCon MUSH ( port 4201). The world of Pern is copyright Anne McCaffrey, 1967. The dragonriders of Pern is a registered trademark.


From the barracks, Kinoa walks over from the Lakeside Meadow.

From the barracks, Kinoa's dirty form appears in the doorway to the barracks as she calls out her usual greeting. "Heya," is tossed off with a grin and a wave as she makes her way through the chattering clumps of people and flops onto her cot. "I need a bath like you wouldn't believe," she murmurs almost to herself.

From the barracks, Celestial chuckles, "Hey. Why do you need a bath? Heavy chores/

Joslyn is laying flat on her back with her feet kicked up in the air and her eyes fixed on her distant and booted toes with a sort of thoughtful expression. Her quite musings about 'big feet' remain semi-audible until Kinoa's entrance. "Howcome you're all dirty?" she asks by way of greeting.

From the barracks, Kinoa's snort quickly turns into a sneeze as she picks a bit of greenish mess out of her clothing. "Weeding all day," she mutters as she tries not to sneeze again. "You'd think nothing else grew on this continent but weeds."

From the barracks, Celestial chuckles lightly.

"An'bugs," is Joslyn's wry addition, one little buzzer sent to a smacked grave and flicked from her arm with a resigned sigh from the green-eyed Candidate. "An'I don't like neither none too much, tha's for sure."

From the barracks, Kinoa smiles faintly, too tired and messy to do much else. "I don't think anyone's done any weeding at this weyr since the last Hatching," she says, all of her thought fixated on those sharding weeds. "I was out there for hours and there's still more to be done."

From the barracks, Celestial chuckles, "You sure better not let Moira hear you say that....She was a gardener here until she was Searched."

From the barracks, Another sneeze comes from the direction of Kinoa's cot. "She can have it," she mumbles through her stuffy nose. "I'd trade her mucking for a sevenday for just one day off of weeding." Even for Kinoa, that's saying an awful lot.

From the barracks, Celestial chuckles, "If you say so."

You say "See, I'd rather just do th'weedin'," in a thoughtful tone, her feet still regarded with a frown as her toes are stretched, pointed, and relaxed once again. "'Cause it don't take so long an'then ya got th'afternoon free."

From the barracks, Kinoa sneezes again, this time more forcefully. She snorts air out of her nose and rubs at it with her finger, frowning at Joslyn. "Yeah, but what if you spend the whole day sneezing because of the weeds?" she replies. "At least I know runners don't make me sneeze."

From the barracks, Celestial aws..."I was about to ask if you were sick...That would stink."

Joslyn lifts her shoulders in a typically Josy, completely vague shrug as she lowers her legs to the cot with an audible squeaking of ill-oiled joints. "I don't have th'problem. Maybe you should talk t'Regan bout that--seein' as you can't do th'weedin' without doin' th'sneezin'."

From the barracks, Kinoa's small shoulders shrug quickly as she pulls out her hanky and wipes at her nose. "Liwellan said maybe I should stick a clothespin on my nose and see if it helped." She pinches her nose shut with her fingers and adds, "Bud I dod't dow if she was serious," her words almost intelligible.

Joslyn giggles with childish delight at the clothespin visual, one small hand covering her grinning lips for only a fraction of a second before she starts nodding with feigned gravity. "You should try that, yup. Might work. I gotta clothespin if ya need one," and her leg dangles over the edge of her cot to kick the well-stocked press.

From the barracks, Kinoa peers at Joslyn, nose still clamped shut. "Really?" she asks as her eyes begin to water again. "Cad I try it?" Anything is better than all of this sneezing.

Joslyn squirms her way down to the end of her cot, successfully mussing, wrinkling, and all but losing her blanket along the way. Tossing the lid of her press open and peering into it from upside-down, she manages to locate the desired clothes-pin with incredible ease. "Sure. You could keep it. I gotta lot of 'em," as she tosses the wooden pincher off in Kinoa's direction.

From the barracks, Catching the clothespin in mid-air, Kinoa turns it over in her hands several times. "Like this, do you think?" she asks as she raises the pin to her nose and holds it up experimentally. "Do I just stick it on?" she asks of both Celestial and Joslyn.

Joslyn bobs her head in a quick nod--which looks really strange from her inverted vantage point. "O'course, ya won't be able t'breathe through your nose, but..." with a raise--er, lowering (She's upside-down, after all.)--of her skinny shoulders. "...them's th'breaks, I s'pose."

From the barracks, Kinoa decides to go for it and clamps the clothespin firmly onto her nose, pinching shut her nostrils. She waits for a moment, then yells, "Ow! Shells, Joslyn, this pinches!" Hands fumble at her the pin as she tries to extricate her nose, but it appears to be stuck for the moment.

Joslyn waves one hand toward the offended nose, giggling as her face grows redder and redder with rushing blood. "Just leaveit on for a while. You'll get used to it, then it won't hurt no more an'you won't sneeze no more," she offers with a triumhpant grin. What a problem-solver, she is!

From the barracks, Kinoa's eyes start to water furiously as the pin cuts off circulation to her nose. "Joslyn, I'b serious!" she all but shouts, trying to pull the pin off of her nose. "It hurts!

From the barracks, "What if it won't come off?" she asks, looking around the room wildly, her temper rising as she hears chuckles coming from one corner. "Stop that!" she yells as she whirls around, the pin wiggling on the end of her nose.

Joslyn straightens up all at once, her blond hair trailing out behind her as she nearly smacks her forehead into the wall. Swaying a bit at the utter head-rush, she manages to peek over her shoulder at the clothespinned Candidate. "Just leaveit alone! You'll get used to it!"

From the barracks, Tears are pouring out of Kinoa's eyes, more of rage than pain. "I'm not leaving it on!" she says, stamping her foot on the floor. "I'm not going to stand on the sands with a fardling clothespin on my nose! I'm going to take it off right now." She raises her hands to her nose and tugs viciously at the pin, wincing with pain.

From the barracks, A gaggle of giggling candidates heads out the door, holding their hands to their noses and pointing at Kinoa.

"Ya don't gotta wear it on th'Sands. Just weedin'," is Joslyn's practical note as she fishes around for a a handkerchief in her many pockets. The group of entering Candidates are regarded with a fiery warning of a glance. "Ya'll better knock it off 'less ya wanna reason t'hold your noses like that," with a threatening shake of one fist.

From the barracks, Kinoa glares at the other candidates, thankful that Joslyn is sticking up for her. "It really pinches," she says as the pain slowly lessens. "My nose feels like it's about to come right off." She pats at the pin a couple of times, wondering if she could manage to ease it off slowly.

Joslyn growns at Kinoa's dilemma, head tilted to one side as she regard the pinned nose with a contemplative little frown. "Maybe we could get some oil or somethin' an just slip it off with that?" she muses quietly. "Whadja stick it on so tight for in th'first place?"

From the barracks, Kinoa shrugs her shoulders, still trying to move the stubborn clothespin. "I dunno, I was worried it was going to fall off or something." Not in any danger of that now. She makes a sudden face and wrinkles her nose as best she can. "Uh-oh," she says, tugging a bit harder on the pin. "I think I'm gonna sneeze again."

"Don't sneeze!" as Joslyn does her best to flop to her feet, blankets and pillow trailing behind her into untidily wrinkled piles on the floor. "Your whole head'll explode! Lemme go get some oil, yeah? Just don'sneeze!"

You hop down from the corner cot.

Kinoa closes her mouth and holds her breath, her eyes bulging slightly as she tries to contain the sneeze. The pin does a little dance on the end of her nose, mocking her, perhaps.

Joslyn holds her palms out flat and motions for Kinoa to stay put as she turns to bolt for the door. A skidding halt catches her just this side of the threshold, though, and she turns back to call, "Maybe you should come with--so's we could put th'oil on right then an'there. Couldya walk an'not sneeze?"

Kinoa nods her head carefully, still holding her breath. "I think so," she gasps. "Where are we going?" Her nose and face are turning the most peculiar reddish purple.

Joslyn waits for Kinoa to come within arm's distance then clamps her hands around the other girl's wrist and starts dragging her along--well, as much dragging as she can manage, that is. Hard to put much force behind oneself when a stiff breeze would knock one over. "T'get some oil. Them Riders got lots of it--for every kinda thing you can 'magine. They gotta have some'n that'll do."

Kinoa allows herself to be dragged behind, her feet following blindly as her eyes cross and focus on the pin bobbing on the end of her nose. "Right," she mutters before pressing her lips closed again and using all of her concentration to keep from sneezing.

You walk toward the Lakeside Meadow.

Kinoa walks over from the Candidate Barracks.

You head north into the landing field, full of dragons.

Kinoa enters from the lush lakeside meadow.

You walk over to the Weyrhall.

Kinoa strides over from the Landing Field.

Kinoa is dragged into the hall by Joslyn, her face a strange shade of red. The strangest thing, however, is the clothespin clamped tight to the end of her nose.

Joslyn comes trailing in with Kinoa in tow, one small hand clamped about her fellow Candidate's wrist as the duo bustle their way in. "Gotta problem," is Joslyn's proclamation, her free hand gesturing to the clothes pin firmly attached to Kinoa's nose. "Need oil," and she turns a beam upon Liwellean.

Kinoa whispers, trying to keep the pin from moving. "I really, really have to sneeze." Her eyes start to water again as she clamps her mouth shut.

Liwellan's eyes narrow as her once peaceful meal is interrupted. "What would you need oil for?" and then blinks at Kinoa "And take that thing from your nose and sneeze if you have to. Shards it won't help you now..your done!"

Kinoa shakes her head as gently as she can. "I can't," she replies as the pin does a little jig on the end of her nose. "It's stuck." From the color of her face, it really is stuck on there good.

"If ya sneeze with that think 'tached to your nose, your head's gonna explode," is Joslyn's repeated warning. She leaves the pin-congested Candidate where she stands to hurry over to Liwellan and explain, "We need th'oil t'get th'pin offa her nose. She stuck it on too tight. I know ya got oil--ya done told me ya did. Jus' a little bit."

Liwellan jumps up and fumes out of the hall, yelling over her shoulder "You two had best stay right there!"

Liwellan walks toward the Landing Field.

Nerian waves.

A muffled giggle comes from one corner of the hall as a group of riders notice the girl with the pin on her nose.

Kinoa's face turns an even brighter shade of red. "Please don't laugh at me," she whispers almost to herself, her pride sorely bruised. Even the /riders/ are laughing at her now. The amazing dancing pin bobbles as if mocking her.

Joslyn blinks after Liwellan's departure, her green eyes laced with all the confusion in the world before she hears a mess of giggling. "Don't laugh at her," she warns in a fearless manner with a shake of her fist. "Ain't her fault her nose runs," before she returns Nerian's wave.

Liwellan strides over from the Landing Field.

Liwellan storms back in with a jar of oil in one hand. "Kinoa come here.." as she plops her but on a table.

Kinoa mutely approaches Liwellan and the oil, her face still that same shade of crimson, with the nose a darker purple. She's still trying to hold her breath to keep from sneezing.

Joslyn manages to grin as the greenrider returns, trotting over to stand beside her and peek over her shoulder at the oil jar. "Knewya had some," she notes, her eyes dancing with laughter at poor Kinoa. "Not 'er fault, though. She's got th'sneezes from weedin' all afternoon. Don't sneeze, Kinoa. Just a bitlonger."

Joslyn surveys the scene with obvious pride before she begins edging her way out toward the landing field. "See, Kinoa. Toldya somebody'd have oil. It'll work, I bet," she notes as she ducks out with some comment about her chores.

You walk over to the Landing Field.

** END LOG **

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