Josy - Wednesday, January 19, 2000, 9:11 PM



The following is a roleplay-log from SouCon MUSH ( 4201). The world of Pern is copyright to Anne McCaffrey.

You walk toward the Western Courtyard.

N'all artfully dodges, "Whether or not you'd like to be my little brother, adopted as it were."

Martek almost twitches. This was definitely unexpected.

Nareisa tries again. Who knows? It might work.

At her customary leisure, barefooted Joslyn strolls along, apparently bedecked with late-blooming flowers. Pretty petals are tucked behind her ears and form a rather bulky chain about her neck. She notes the inhabitants of the courtyard and (rather conspicuously) walks a wide path around them.

N'all instead moves as quick as a striking snake and plants his boot on nareisa's foot, "Stop that, I'm having an intelligent conversation here."

N'all bellow out, "JOSLYN!"

Nareisa ows, biting her lip. "You're BIG N'all." Like that's some sort of revelation or something.

Martek looks like he might have started talking, but N'all drowns most anything else out.

N'all looks at Martek, "So, what say you? Yea or nay?"

Joslyn snaps right back with, "N'ALL!" She does look greatly disappointed at being 'caught', turning about on her heel to make something of a face at the Weyrlingmaster prior to collecting one of her lost blossoms.

N'all laughs, "At least you don't jump anymore."

C'ley walks over from the lush, Lakeside Meadow.

C'ley strides over to the bustling Weyrhall.

Martek wrinkles his nose, off guard. "I don't know."

"Takes too much effort t'jump," Joslyn explains, tucking the offended flower back behind her ear where it belongs. "Didya want something? Or just felt like hollering?" she asks, a polite smile for everyone else - even Martek, though his has something of a sour edge to it.

Nareisa sliiiiiiides her foot out from N'all's and gets back, but still listens all curious-like.

N'all grins at Joslyn, "Nope, carry on."

N'all looks at Martek, "Think on it, then."

Marila scowls visibly at Joslyn. She just turns away towards N'all.

Nareisa eyes him. "You're not still talking about you-know-what?" she asks N'all. Just checking, don't you know...

Joslyn flutters her fingers at the Weyrlingmaster, a most dismissive gesture to the big man. "You bother me," she says, at least half playfully before she adds an extra-special-spiffy smile for Marila. "You ain't still burnt at me, are you?" she asks sweetly.

Martek rumbles a bit, watching Joslyn.

Marila glances at the weyrwoman, "You aren't worth the effort to insult." She returns her gaze away.

Joslyn's too busy being social to make ugly faces at Martek. Plenty of time for that later, most likely. Instead, she manages to look really, really hurt by Marila's comment, even scuffing her toe on the cobblestones underfoot. "Oh, y'know I didn't mean it. I say bad things to N'all all th'time, and we're still friends." She sends a sidelong glance his way and adds, "Sorta."

Nareisa rubs her stepped-on foot. "What did you say to N'all?" she asks, hackles rising. Like he can't look after himself or something.

Martek crosses his arms, watching this. He smiles, yanking his scar into interesting shapes.

N'all grins at Joslyn, "Sure, sorta."

N'all grins at Joslyn, "I wouldn't rush to save your life or anything. Sorta."

Marila is definitely not going to look at Joslyn at all right now.

Nareisa just looks her scariest. Which isn't terribly scary at all.

Joslyn goes so far as to - gulp - SMILE at N'all and adds, "Oh, good. Then we're even. Sorta." Seems to be an appropriate word for the occasion, anyway. "Your weyrmate, though, she's gone and taken me seriously and now got all bent outta shape 'cause I shot my mouth off again," she adds, downtrodden or something.

N'all grins at Joslyn, "Don't you have something better to do?"

Unable to contain a laugh at that, Joslyn replies to the Weyrlingmaster with a bright, "Do I EVER have somethin' better to do?" Pause. "And, if I do, have you ever known me t'do it promptly?" Another pause. "Why? Haven't you got anyone better t'torment?"

Martek grumbles under his breath, barely audible.

Shasta strides over from the Landing Field.

N'all looks at Joslyn, "not really, no."

N'all nods to Shasta.

Shasta strides across the grey flagstone of the courtyard, her arms a rare sight - empty. Not a two turn old in sight.

"See?" Joslyn says, tilting another sweet smile at N'all. "Then we're even." The Weyrlingmaster's nod is followed to its destination and Shasta likewise earns a quick smile from the flower-bedecked goldrider, along with a quick wave even.

Marila glowers some more. She doesn't notice her sister to wave. Yes she's a bit annoyed.

Nareisa is glowering on the other side of N'all. Scary scary.

N'all can't help but laugh at Joslyn, "I doubt we'd ever be even, but if it helps you sleep better at night, you can think that we're even, even though deep inside you'll always know I'm better than you."

Joslyn rolls her eyes skyward, trying to forget about Marila's annoyance - or at least pretend that she has no part in it. "Better at what is the question," she quips, apparently liking this game much better than any game she's played with N'all before now.

Martek smirks, apparently also liking this. Though for his own reasons.

Nareisa suddenly, for no reason at all, blushes again. Or no apparent reason. Maybe she's practicing it.

Shasta returns nods of greeting, approaching the cluster of people steadily. Her sibling's glower isn't hard to miss, of course, eliciting a frown in the brownrider.

Caelia strides over from the bustling Weyrhall.

Kinoa walks over from the bustling Weyrhall.

Caelia strides over to the Garden Cottage Clearing.

N'all grins at Joslyn, "Definitely crossbow. Last time I checked, even I didn't shoot my own foot off."

Kinoa wanders out of the weyrhall, humming in her usual atonal fashion. "'Lo, all," she says cheerfully.

N'all waves to Kinoa, "Heyla."

Joslyn bristles a little at that, though even that manages to appear good-natured. "I didn't shoot it OFF," she corrects, splitting hairs. "I just shot it a little," and she holds thumb and forefinger a hair's breadth apart for example. Then she sees Kinoa and smiles, though it's obvious she's planning an escape route.

N'all nods, "Sure, what's one toe, you have 10."

Shasta's concerned frown at Marila dissolves into a smile of greeting for Kinoa. "Heyla, there." She says, before the curiosity wins out again. Green eyes flick from face to face, then back to Marila.

Nareisa snickers, and with one last glance at Martek, which is supposed to be subtle, but knowing her, probably is really obvious, says. "Well, I think I'll go see whether Niaeth is still with his green. Just in case you didn't know he had one or something.

Kinoa's smile brightens as she spies the weyrwoman and she waves over at Shasta. "Joslyn!" she calls out brightly. "Guess what day it is?"

Martek crosses his arms, scowling darkly.

Marila waves to her sister a little, "Heyla Shasta..." She seems to be pointedly ignoring Joslyn.

Nareisa blinks at Martek. "

Joslyn shakes a finger at the big bronzerider and notes, "YOU have ten. *I* have nine." She nods, in a very 'so there' manner before turning to attend Kinoa. "What day is it?" she adds, smiling vacantly to the greenrider.

Nareisa says innocently "Er... you didn't know about that?" whoops.

Kinoa beams. "It's fall," she declares.

N'all looks up, "No it isn't."

Martek just keeps a good scowl going.

Joslyn feigns shock at Kinoa, even going so far as to drop open her mouth and press her palms against her cheeks. "You don't say? When did that happen?" she asks, and refuses to acknowledge N'all's REALLY bad pun.

Nareisa erms. "Well," she says. "I think I'll just go now."

N'all looks at Nareisa, "Bye." He looks at Martek, "Think on what I've offered, I think it would do both of us good." He looks at Joslyn, "You do stupid really well. If I didn't know better, I'd think you were acting at it."

Kinoa cheerfully ignores N'all but corrects herself. "Mm, yes, summer's over and gone." A small, dramatic sigh for maximum effect. "I'm so relieved. I've been waiting so long." She lets her gaze trail over Martek and then over N'all as she continues to give her best beauty queen smile.

Martek smirks then, and speaks up. "She tried to fight me, once."

Nareisa strides over to the Landing Field.

"It's taken Turns of practice, Weyrlingmaster," Joslyn replies pleasantly, rubbing at the end of her nose as if thoughtfully while her attention returns itself to Kinoa again. "Oh, have you? That's nice, dear," she adds in an absent-auntie manner. Absent enough to miss Martek's comment entirely.

Kinoa isn't fooled. "Which means our bet is over," she prompts the weyrwoman.

N'all looks at Martek, "Please tell me you didn't hit her."

Joslyn continues in precisely the same vacant vein: "Oh?"

Martek looks over at N'all. "She started it. Not the brightest idea." He shrugs.

Kinoa goes on, "Of course I've already settled with D'thyn, since he broke his end of it, but you have yet to make good on your end." Another of those smiles. "You don't have to pay me right now. I'll be busy celebrating." Looklooklook at Martek and N'all again, cause, well, they're there.

N'all looks at Martek, "Okay, let me tell you what happens if you hit Joslyn. Every single dragon within screaming range of Jeuneth will make it their personal mission to hurt you. A gold dragon can reach every dragon on Pern."

Martek scowls. "So she can hit me without repercussion?"

N'all nods, "Lousy deal, isn't it? You can grab her wrist, just don't hurt her."

Marila mutters, "He's right." Sounds like someone has been thinking about this.

Joslyn blanches a little as the subject of payment arises, kicking the cobblestones again with her bare toes. "Oh, good. 'Cause I'm a little hard-up for marks lately, what with having to buy new Gather clothes for - " She stops short, abruptly catching wind of the other conversation.

N'all grins, "Of course, when she was a weyrling that rule didn't apply." He smiles sweetly at Jos, "Did it, Joslyn?"

Shasta listens on, curiously, but doesn't contribute much to the conversation. As Marila speaks up... er.. mutters, the brownrider lifts her eyebrose, her head tilting ot one side.

Martek growls unhappily.

Kinoa shrugs. "I know where you live," she says simply, then smiles again.

N'all looks at Kinoa, "How much does she owe you?"

"It still don't apply much unless I want it to," Joslyn notes, batting her fingers in that dismissive manner once again at N'all. "Jeuneth didn't holler at nobody 'cause I told her not to. If her cottage was to get ramsacked by a greedy greenrider... well... then she might start fussin'." Hint, hint.

Kinoa says "Five marks." And doesn't she look pleased about it. "Who said I'd ransack your cottage? I'd never find the money then. I'd probably get lost."


N'all looks at Joslyn, and nods to Kinoa. He reaches into a belt pouch, and tosses a wooden coin to her, a Harper 5 mark piece, "See, I save my marks." He looks at Joslyn and smiles from ear to ear, "Now I guess you owe me."

Joslyn nods exuberantly - almost triumphantly - at Kinoa. "That's right. And don't forget about th'booby traps. You could be kept in there for days and don't you pay my bets, N'all! I'd rather owe Kinoa than you. She's littler," as she tries very hard (and naturally fails as Josy is wont to do) to catch the mark mid-air.

N'all smiles at Joslyn, "If you want, you can pay it off by helping me with the next class."

Marila arches her eyebrows at N'all. Its clear she's trying to understand this but she's completely drawing a blank.

N'all grins at Marila, "The worst thing in the world for Joslyn is to feel she's obligated to me for anything."

Martek grins at that.

"You want my help?" Joslyn asks, clearly having some difficulty forcing herself to accept this fact. She puzzles over it a moment, a crease forming in her forehead before she has to just shake her head and clear the thought entirely. "No. That's a bad idea. And it ain't the WORST thing. Just not my favorite by any means."

Marila chuckles softly as she hears N'all. "So it is.."

Kinoa doesn't catch the mark as it gets thrown a bit off-course, but she does crouch and pick it up off the ground. "Thanks, N'all," she says, grinning. "Now all I have to do is track Kat down and make him make good on his end of the deal and this sharding bet will finally be over for good."

N'all grins at Joslyn, "I'll let you work it off, since you're scrapped for marks."

Promptly, Joslyn counters N'all's offer. "No, thank you. I got LOTS of stuff. I'll sell it all if I have to." She's genuinely ruffled by this notion of work, particularly given that it's N'all who's suggesting it. "'Sides, I have other, more important chores to worry about." Not DO them, just worry about them.

N'all looks at Joslyn, "Like what? What flower to stick in your hair? Honestly, Joslyn, you give queenriders a bad name. It really is fortunate Telinda isn't like you, or this place would be in ruin by now." He looks at her and goes into WLM mode, "you know, you have responsibilies and obligations as a queenrider of this Weyr, not the least of which is to set a good example. And really, your laziness is a discredit to you and your dragon." He turns his back on Joslyn, thoroughly disgusted.

Martek lifts both brows.

Kinoa pockets the mark and waves cheerfully. "Have fun," she tells N'all and Josy and, waving at Shasta, Marila, and Martek, trudges off.

Kinoa walks toward the Landing Field.

Joslyn makes a face at N'all's turned back, a perfectly childish one. She lets a beat pass before she abandons the expression and adopts her own 'tone' - she's actually used it once or twice in the past five Turns. "I'll have you know, N'all, that there is not a single thing that I'm supposed to do that doesn't get done - in a timely manner, even. Yes, I enjoy my leisure to the fullest. And I'm not at all sorry that I refuse to be as uptight and irritating as you all my life." Hmph.

N'all chuckles, "If you say so."

N'all winks at Martek and mouths, "See? I struck a nerve."

Martek grins, showing teeth. His scar writhes on his face as if in agony.

Marila giggles just a touch. She pushes a hand through her hair.

"Oh, I despise you some times, bronzerider," Joslyn gripes, spitting that last word out as if it were the definitive insult. "I'll pay you back when I get around to it," she adds, fluttering flower-laden fingers at N'all as she starts off across the courtyard the way she came, grumbling.

N'all nods, "have a nice hobble."

You walk over to the Landing Field.