The World of Pern is Copyright Anne McCaffrey.

The following is a log of roleplay at SouCon MUSH ( 4201)


Kylia strides over to the sizzling hot sands.

Lecil walks toward the sizzling hot sands.

You walk over to the hatching grounds entrance.

From a distance, Kylia steps quickly onto the sands and turns to Maristh, Revarth, Eliora, R'lien and Weyrlingmaster team, tipping slightly in bow to them all. She moves on and joins the other candidates around the eggs, hands repeatedly touching her orange hair subconsiously.

You walk toward the sizzling hot sands.

Bashful Red Egg shudders a bit, small cracks appearing around the edge of the shell. Another bit of rocking as the egg flips over in its spot.

Cathal nods silently back to Davian, turning to watch the eggs as they begin their predestined actions.

Kaelyn smooths her robe nervously, and bows to the Weyrleaders and their dragons.

The Smoke Swirled Egg bursts asunder, sending a small green running out onto the sands.

Moments later a girl from Island River Hold bursts into tears as she throws her arms around the small green that's started crooning to her. An assistant weyrlingmaster comes over to help the new pair off the sands.

Moira strides over from the Candidate Room.

Lily. walks over from the Candidate Room.

Moira bows towards Maristh and Revarth, then offers a polite bob of her head towards the Weyrleaders and WLM-staff, before picking her way across the warm sands to her fellow Candidates.

Kylia jumps slightly as the a red egg starts to shake. She takes another soothing breath and then blinks. "Green were right Josy" she says quietly.

Onshana walks over from the Candidate Room.

Ana waves Moira over...glad to see her fellow candidate.

Lecil steps to the sands, grimacing slightly from the heat and makes her way to both the gold and bronze, bowing to both and their riders before moving toward the other candidates, lifting up her feet to releave them for the Sand's heat.

Thessa strides over from the Candidate Room.

Dyani moves over next to Kylia, reaching over for the other girl's hand before turning back to the clutch just in time to see the first hatching. She smiles faintly, then glances at Josy. "Green. You owe me an eigth."

Ranthall walks over from the Candidate Room.

Moira agreeably heads over to Ana, then blinks as she sees the green. "It's starting -already-? Ack. The others had better hurry."

Onshana hurries out blushing fiercly. But she does manage to bow to the Queen and the Weryleaders. Once done she finds a spot.

Quite a funny little figure is Joslyn as she hurries onto the Sands, toes scalded in her sandals. One look up at the galleries is followed by an audible, "Whoa!" Shaking blond curls quickly, she bows toward golden dam, nods toward the Weyrleadership, and skitters over toward the others. "I owe who what?"

Davian blinks, "That one was fast." he turns to watch more of the candidates still arriving.

Bashful Red Egg shudders a bit more, small flakes falling off one end as the occupant tries to escape again.

Ranthall gives a quick but formal bow to the dragons and their riders, his eyes caught by the crooning green.

Lily. steps onto the sands, her face pale and lips pressed together tightly in concentration. She murmers something and steps lightly to take a bow to the Weyrwoman, Weyrleader and their lovely dragons. A nervous hand goes to her head to brush back her hair and she takes her place in the large half-circle of candidates.

A shy egg in blushing red rolls onto its side, vibrating with the energy of the escape attempts of its contents. First a hind leg punchs through the toughened shell, then a foreclaw follows. The rest of the dragonet is not very far behind.

N'all strides over from the Candidate Room.

Vira walks over from the Candidate Room.

Thessa makes her way out... next-to-last of the bunch, trembling as she pads across the heated sands. A bob of a bow to the queen and bronze... and then, slightly smaller bows to R'lien, Eliora, the Weyrling staff. Then, as quickly as her poor hot feet can carry her--and tugging Ranthall along the whole way--she skitters over by Dyani.

Cathal chuckles softly, looking over at Joslyn with an amused gaze, then back as the dragonet works it's way free.

N'all walks out after the last Candidate, and nods respectfully towards sire, dam, weyrleader and weyrwoman. He assumes his place by the entrance to the weyrling room.

After much rolling about, the Grand White Egg comes to a stop and the top breaks off, revealing an eager bronze dragonette. The bronze charges out, making a beeline for a young man from the harper hall. The young man looks terrified for just a moment, but by the time the bronze reaches him he is smiling brightly, 'Temmath!' he shouts as he and the bronze end up in a heap.

Kylia grasps Dyani's hand tightly, knuckles white. Her other hand still rests on the back of her head. "Oh another green" she murmurs, nudging the girl occupying her one hand. "Take a look at her....she's pretty." Another blink. "Oooh look a bronze too."

Lecil gasps as one egg bursts into a little green and moves closer to her fellow candidates, brushing her bangs from her face.

Malformed Unattractive Egg is no longer silent as the night that blankets its surface. Now it tosses and turns as if captured within a nightmare that won't let go. Spiraling around, it churns up the sands from around it's protective hollow, sending the grains upwards just as though it were trying to turn them into stars.

With an excited smile and bow to the Weyrleaders, Vira assumes her place beside N'all, hands behind her back.

Ana slips her hand into Moira's as the dragonets start appearing. Her grip is tight, though her tension doesn't show very much in her expression.

Dyani waves a hand quickly to the newest green and her lifemate. "I said you owe me an eigth for the first one being green, but I'll wait till after the hatching to collect." She gives Josy a wink, then makes the expected exclamation of surprise and awe over the next few eggs cracking, meanwhile trying not to look /too/ bored.

Joslyn's attention, normally lacking in the way of span, is quickly captured by the fact that they really /are/ Hatching. "Seesee!" and she bounces on burning feet, pointing at the ugly little Egg with a bobbing forefinger. Firmly, "Toldya it'd Hatch." So there.

Lily.'s attentions are divided between bronze and green. Who would've known that their colors were so vibrant just out of the shell. A smile spreads across her pale lips as she watches the bronze impress then her eyes return to the other things around her, darting around with the impossibility of focusing on just one thing.

Onshana starts to shake a bit now that she's on the sands. Her eyes dart from egg to egg, hatchling to hatchling.

---*** Covetous Mirrored Green Dragonet ***---

Imagine a reflective surface -- the pictures within wavering as if it were a moving, liquid surface, not the polished shine of a mirror -- that quiver over this young dragonet. Two shades of green -- both completely different in nature and yet born of the same characteristics -- dapple her hide, though the sharply faceted, dazzling emerald remains predominant, as if it's the center of attraction. Pushing up through the beautifully carved, but worn with age, jade are whorls which decorate the gentle lines of her neckridges, are the greens of jealousy, which gradually deepen to an almost midnight-black down the sweep of her flanks, reminiscent of a robe of state. Her belly is caressed with hints of amethyst -- just as though it were an undergarment to the ebony raiment -- whilst wingspars of a pale green seem to frame her face when spread wide, their colour intensifying progressively towards her trailing edges, first into a healthy apple-green, before finally becoming tinged with ruby-reds.

Moira murmurs to Ana, very quietly, "Not too much harder. I'm going to need that hand in working order tomorrow, pretty please." Then, her sudden smile hints that she finally caught sight of that green.

Ranthall tries to loosen Thessa's grip on his hand without making her think he doesn't want to be there. In vain. He turns a rather pained smile on her and Dyani.

Don't scream. Don't faint. Don't get mauled. Thessa mumbles all of these to herself, a litany against the fears that lurk out here on the Hatching Sands, squeezing the Healer--her talisman--as she peeks at the green. "Oooh," she murmurs, before blushing softly.

Kaelyn murmurs to nobody in particular, "She's beautiful."

Covetous Mirrored Green Dragonet :gives a contemptuous warble for the shell that held her so long and moves out onto the sands, taking stately little steps as she heads towards all the white things in front of her.

Ana's hold relaxes a bt as she smiles apologetically at Moira, before her eyes lock onto the green. "She...she's beautiful" the girl breathes.

Kylia peers curiously at Dyani, but can't keep her own emotions under control. "And I thought I'd be so calm" she snorts to herself, giving Dyani's hand another squeeze.

A small group of candidates link hands together for courage off to one side of the circle, only to scatter apart as a rambunction blue charges into their midst in search of his lifemate.

Lecil takes hold of the candidate next to her, squeezing the other's hand tightly as she watches the little green walk forward.

N'all crosses his arms, his feet planted solidly as he watches, stoically.

One heat-baked foot raises with a hiss from Lily as she watches the green for a while. This little one moves a bit more quickly then she expected. The foot goes behind her, ready to take her weight should she need to dodge the creature.

Hah. Think you could get away, did you? Thessa only squeezes harder, the shifting from foot to foot throwing her balance off; as she watches the green's movements, she steadies herself with iron grips on Ranthall and Dyani.

Moira nods her agreement to Ana, with a quick grin, though she doesn't speak, her gaze tracking that exuberant blue.

Covetous Mirrored Green Dragonet warbles at one girl who stares at her for too long, doesn't she know a true beauty when she sees one? No need to stare. Just have to find the perfect one to be her match now.

Davian spares some glances around the ring of candidates, but his gaze returns to the eggs and the little hatchlings running around.

Dyani squeezes the hands of the candidates on either side of her, giving her fellow candidates slight smiles before returning her attention to the hatchlings and eggs.

Malformed Unattractive Egg restless as the dawn itself, as it bathes and captures the new day in light. No longer asleep, this egg is most certainly awake and writhing for attention. Cracks web down the side and across the circumference, turning a once healthy egg into a mere parody of one. If it was malformed before, it most certainly is now.

Onshana watches the little green.. Leaning forward a bit to see around the others.

The Broken Harp Egg flies apart like an over-tightened string, sending a squeeling little green running out onto the sands, wings going every which way for balance. The out of tune green makes several quick twists and turns amongst the candidates before comming to a sudden stop before a young lad from the seacraft.

Joslyn is already sweating, the little beads of perspiration dripping down her forehead and over the bridge of her nose. Knuckles are cracked and neck is craned as wide green eyes vainly do their very best to keep up with all of this at once.

Covetous Mirrored Green Dragonet spots the perfect one, the thin one right over there. Yes, that's just the right one for me, as pretty as I am.

Lily. lets another smile lift the corners of her mouth as she shifts her weight to that back foot a bit more. The heat makes her wince slightly, but it would be better to be ready then be caught flat footed. Still.. she /is/ a pretty one.

Kylia turns her head to peer at the other eggs for a moment as numerous ones start to become no longer silent. "And you've done this twice?" she asks Dyani.

Lecil's gaze shifts from the green dragonet to the other rocking eggs, she herself rocking in time to the eggs.

Malformed Unattractive Egg spins in tighter and tighter circles, perhaps trying to hide the deformities on its shell. However, no remains of the once silken nature embrace it, not even the rough cotton, unworked and untreated. Instead if anything, this egg could be only compared to the roughest wood, but even wood can be carved into something beautiful and by hatching, well, we'll see.

Dyani nods in reply to Kylia, never taking her eyes from the clutch. "Aye, once here and once at Honshu. Can't believe I got talked into doing it again." She wrinkles her nose in a slight grimace.

At long last the Covetous Mirrored Green makes its choice and gazes lovingly into the eyes of Lecil causing impression to occur.

Kylia chuckles at the healer and nods. "Well it does leave something to be desired on one's nerves I tell you." She shivers slightly.

Sounds of a desperate struggle come from a /very/ ugly red-brown egg. It could be your imagination but it does appear that the malformed hump it bears on one side seems to be getting larger. Perhaps the hump marked the part of the egg most likely to give way, for indeed the finally cracking does emanate from this spot and it is here that you first catch site of dampened hide.

Lecil gasps as her hazel eyes lock with the eyes of the little green and drops to her knees, wrapping her arms around the damp neck, "Oh Veylith! Of course I will help you. Will get you something to eat right away!"

The Guardian Blue Egg splits in half to reveal a mid-sized dragonette of almost the same hue as his shards. The blue strides forth purposfully towards a young man searched from Southern Hold's guards. The young man smiles proudly, 'I'd be happy to serve with you Corbath!'

Ana finally smiles, leaning over to peer over at Lecil...a congrats lost amid the noise of the sands.

---*** Ominous Umber Brown Dragonet ***---

Ominously dark is this hide, almost the shade of a dusky night. It is as like looking through a deep night time fog, glimpsing snatches of copper and brass flexed upon the smooth hide, enhanced by any beam of light that hits the large form. Eyes, peering out, add some wanted colour, gleaming in a flurry of changing emotions. Gazing along the neckridges and to the wingsails, the true, just about brown of the hide can be seen, hanging from a rich dark shade to a burnt umber along the outside edge of the surprisingly elegant wings. Poise, that is what effuses, along with great confidence, that enhances this male's strange yet drawingly handsome hide.

Davian spares a glance at his neighbour Dyani, giving her hand a quick squeeze, "Come on, you know it's just as ezciting and nerve wrecking now as it was then." his gaze quickly returns to the mound as he notices the brown spill onto the sands.

N'all nods as the Impression is made, he waves Lecil towards the Weyrling room.

Lecil strides over to the Weyrling Room.

Lily. gives a small sigh of relief, seeing that the little green found someone to be with safely. Her eyes flicker about the crowd, catching the sight of Lecil, and she calls her congratulations.

Jenimer cheers softly for Lecil.

Thessa fixes her eyes on Lecil and Veylith--"Oh! Congratulations!" she attempts to call out, but the words are little more than a strangled whisper, as she glances over to the brown, then.

Ranthall shakes Thessa's hand within his own. "See," he whispers to her, "It's not hard."

N'all strides over to the Weyrling Room.

Kylia oohs softly at the brown and smiles. "He's handsome." She turns and smiles at Lecil, practically beaming for her fellow Honshuite "Congratulations!"

Cathal glances at Lecil with a pleased smile, and back to the malformed egg, waiting to see if he will win his wager. With a sigh he shakes his head, "You were right, Josy."

Veylith moves towards the the Weyrling Room.

Dyani manages a grin for Lecil and her new lifemate, then rolls her eyes again, this time to Davian. "Maybe, but not to me. I just want to get it over with so I can go back to being a healer."

Moira flashes a quick smile towards Lecil and her new lifemate. "Veylith," she murmurs. "Lovely name for a lovely dragon."

Onshana smiles softly as she watches Lecil impress and turns her attention back to the eggs. She starts to shift back and forth on her feet the heat getting to her.

Joslyn, with no small lack of vanity, declares, "I am /so/ good," with a firm nod at the brown spilled from the remnants of the ugly egg. With a grin up at Cathal, she adds, "I know, I kn - Lecil! Whoa-ho." Which really means Congratulations, but she's excited so that will just have to suffice.

N'all strides over from the Weyrling Room.

R'lien smiles over at Eliora as the first impressions occur.

Maybe Thessa will just hide behind Ranthall? She attempts to duck partway behind him, whimpering softly as she peers out at the brown. "He looks dangerous, to me," she murmurs.

Ana nods at Moira "Lovely" she repeats, reaching her free hand down to nervously scratch her knee.

The Forgetful Quirky Egg starts to roll from it's spot on the egg mound, little chips and flakes of the egg flying off as it rolls down into a group of candidates. After it comes to a stop the red splotch on the egg splinters away and a green head sticks out, right into the face of a young girl from the Miner hall, making an instant impression.

Ranthall gives another rather pained smile, this time at Dyani, trying to arrange the arm that has been dragged behind his back into a more confortable position.

Kylia quirks one eyebrow as possibly high as it's humanly possible to go. "Wow, did you see how fast that green impressed? That's just amazing." She finally looses her will to speak and stands next to Dyani, little dribbles of sweat running down the sides of her face.

Pure Black and White Egg slowly begins to rock, disturbing the fine coating of sand skewed across its surface. The sand drifts to the ground around it in a cloud of dust as the vibrations become more feverent causing the egg to rock right out of its safe, secure haven in the hollow of sand. It begins rolling, bumping into another egg before it stops in place. A fine tracery of cracks begins to radiate outward from a single point like the threads of a spinner's web.

Ominous Umber Brown Dragonet gathers himself together and does a quick inventory - wings, tail, legs - all there, maybe too many, but at the moment its uncertain what goes where. Right. Next. Move. Where? He looks around, trying to look decisive but not doing that brilliant of a job, it's ruined even further by the small plaintive croon that he lets out.

Davian watches as impressions occur left, right, and center, "This is really starting to get confusing." he mutters, as he continues to rub his knuckles with his thumb nervously.

Thessa comes out again... if only to get a little better look at both the brown, and the black and white egg. "What's in /that/ one?" she whispers, voice full of wonder for that small moment.

Cathal glances at the brown as the noise is made and gives an amused half-chuckle.

Kaelyn nods at Davian's comment absently.

A rapid hammering noise comes from the Wooden Toy Egg as cracks begin to break up the grain on the eggs surface. One final crack and the egg falls apart, revealing a pointed brown head peering out of the hole. The brown dragonette pulls himself through the hole he has made and out onto the sands, heading for a young boy from amongst the weyr's own.

Lily. lets her eyes flicker on the brown. She murmers, "Indescisive one" as she watches him look from side to side trying to figure out where to go.

Onshana starts to fiddle with a hanging lock of hair. She twists th lock around her finger.

Moira blinks at the hammering, and then beams as she recognizes the lad who Impressed. "Good for you," she murmurs, squinting towards the stands in an attempt to get a look at the boy's parents.

Kylia chuckles softly at the hatchling and awws. "That's just cute." Her sapphire eyes turn to the other brown that hatches and quickly impresses, waving her hand in silent congratulation for the new pair.

Dyani just gives Ranthall a shrug by way of reply, then smiles at Kylia. "It always goes quickly," she comments to the orangy-haired candidate before returning her gaze to the dragonets breaking free of their shells.

Ana looks from side to side and in front of her...all the confusion of hatchlings popping out of eggs and Impressing. "I didn't know it was like this" she murmers to Moira.

Ever-hopping from one singed foot to the next, Joslyn manages to look entirely silly, trying to keep sweat from her eyes. "S'too /hot/," she complains as if that were indeed the greatest of her concerns. Nevermind Hatchlings and Eggs and Impressions; it's just too hot.

Ominous Umber Brown Dragonet moves across the sand, this patch of dark night gliding over the bleached white of the sands, swinging his head from side to side as he inspects the circle of white-robed pink-things. A flash of light catches his hide, the colours seeming even more luminous as they quiver over his hide as he walks towards them.

Moira says to Ana, very quietly, "At least you can -see- them, this time."

Pure Black and White Egg hairline fractures spread outwards from those initial cracks in the shell, radiating in every direction until there is no spot of the shell that appears untouched. There comes a sharp -craaaaacking- sound, pieces of egg breaking away and fluttering to the sand like dust. A gleaming obsidian talon pokes through as the dragon within fights its way out.

N'all continues ushering pairs into the weyrling room.

Ana's giggle is high and nervous "Very true" she replies, her glance landing on the brown as he searches.

A small blue dragonette suddenly bursts forth from the Independent Purple Egg, leaving it in small fragments behind him as he charges towards a group of candidates. The candidates move out of his way, but one small girl from Thessaly Hold trips and falls down on the sands. The blue stops his charge and turns, crooning happily as he tries to nudge the young girl back to her feet.

Davian watches the little brown, wondering who'll impress him, "It is that." he winces as he quickly rearranges a foot that's been on the sand too long, a quick smile flashed at Joslyn.

Kylia keeps careful watch on the one brown wandering around. Her free hand tugs absently at the side of her robe now, moving the material slightly in hopes of cooling her hit ankles.

Ominous Umber Brown Dragonet spots something amongst the multitudes. Someone different, someone special, someone -- well, it has to be for him, right? He pushes his muzzle into Davian's stomach to cause the boy to look at him just as the candidate swops feet due to the heat in the sands. Timber...!

Lily. eyes the colors across the brown curiously. Her attention moves from him to another brown then the blue, and she clears her throat to call congratulations to both the new weyrlings. Her eyes go back to the brown, and she grins widely, seeing him find Davian out of the crowd.

At long last the Ominous Umber Brown Dragonet makes its choice and gazes lovingly into the eyes of Davian causing impression to occur.

Thessa gasps slightly, sure for a moment that Davian is going to come across that awful fate. "Oh! Is he okay?" She stands up on tip-toe for a moment, looking over.

At last! An Impression close enough to Joslyn that she can whoop her, "Congrats, Davi!" and actually expect it to be heard. And, just in case she missed it, she pulls on Cathal's hand to indicate the newest brownrider. "D'you see? /Davi/!"

Cathal smiles brightly as the boy next to him Impresses, "Congrats, Davian!" He beams at Josy and nods.

Kylia wrinkles her nose as her one hand reaches up slightly. "Oooh, I bet that burt" she says, sucking in her breath between clentched teeth.

Davian quickly stalls his sideways movement as the brown buts him by dropping to a knee, "Girith, you are wonderful." he hugs the little brown.

The Curious Ocean Egg shudders and then falls apart as a green pair of young wings spring up through the top, followed shortly by an inquisitive head. The green hops down off of the mound and stumbles, sidestepping over to a group of candidates where she spots a young lad from Tanner Hall.

Ranthall ducks slightly, not easy in this position, and allows Thessa a view over his shoulder. "He's fine. See?"

Dyani grins over at Davian, finally succumbing a bit to the excitement of the hatching. "Way to go, Davi," she calls to him, giving him a nod which he probably doesn't see, being all wrapped up in his new lifemate.

Onshana only watches the impression too nervous to say anything. She shifts foot to foot on the hot sand and twists that hair around her finger.

Rolling end over end a striking black and white egg is suddenly alive with animation. First it heads eastwards, almost ramming into an older female candidate who is just too surprised to move. Next it rolls westwards, once again barely managing to not collide with something, this time a regal blue dragonet. At last the egg starts to roll southwards but instead losses its cohesion and a dragonet rolls out.

---*** Uncompromising Limon Green Dragonet ***---

Swirls of lemon green mix and mingle with darker shades of lime along this lithe neck and up to the headnobs, adding to the carriage of arrogance of the head. Then all darkens, to a smokier wisp along the muzzle, leaving the flared nostrils almost black. These darker, more serious and somber shades also flow along the strong looking back, curling over the underbelly in a possessive manner. The tail is long, balancing off the smooth young and slim body of the dragon, and ending again in a paler, almost luminant shade of green that asks individuals to notice her. A bit wild looking about the eyes she seems to look not at the candidates but right through them as if desperate to locate the qualities needed to hold her attention.

Ana tries to clap, only succeeding in jerking Moira's hand up "Sorry" she mumbles, then yells "Congrats Davian!"

Davian quickly regains his footing and with a nudge from Girinth, he heads out of the sands, "Yes we'll get some you some food." he smiles.

Thessa finally moves out from behind Ranthall; apparently, that Impression was at least a little bit reassuring. She smiles, spotting the new green. "Oh! She's... very citrus-y, isn't she?"

Davian strides over to the Weyrling Room.

Moira, with a chuckle, releases Ana's hand. She squints in an attempt to see

Davi, murmuring, "What was the brown's name? Gir...something?"

Kylia is seemingly relieved at the boy's safetey and turns to look at the most newly hatched dragonet. "Girith" says the girl absently towards Moira.

Davian walks over from the Weyrling Room.

Lily. watches the brown and lifemate leave, the grin still on her face as they disappear. She looks over at Moira and comments, "That's a good pair there" Her eyes flicker over the eggs, taking a tally of the new hatchlings, especially those still looking for lifemates, ready to dodge if necessary.

One of the younger candidates from Southern Hold gets too frightened by all of the dragonettes running around and panics, running off the sands and out the tunnel.

Vira smiles at Davian. "Come along. Let's find him some dinner."

Vira walks toward the Weyrling Room.

Davian walks toward the Weyrling Room.

Joslyn chants the name "Girith" a few time, testing its flavor before she bobs her curls in a firmly satisfied nod. Only then does she withdraw her hand from Cathal's, much needing it to rake all of her fingers through her sweat-dampened hair. As if she'd really expected it to change, "Still /hot/."

R'lien watches the running candidate, and mutters something to Eliora.

Kylia peers after the one candidate running off the sands in disbelief. "S, shouldn't someone stop him?" She just blinks and swings her head back to watch the green.

Ana stands on her tip-toes, glancing toward the tunnel "Who was it just ran out?" she asks, distracted from the hatchlings for the moment. After a moment, she shrugs and turns back.

Onshana watches the canidate run out and swallows once and looks back at the eggs.

Eliora smiles towards R'lien and then points towards an emerging dragonet with a joy filled laugh.

Dyani blinks in surprise as one of her fellow candidates flees the sands. "Gah, they aren't that bad," she mutters to herself, shaking her head in both shock and a bit of disgust before looking back towards the green.

Independent Purple Egg twirls around and around, like two dancers at a gather, the colours reflect the light from around the sands, almost luminscent in their quality. It slow as it rocks itself free of its confining mound of sand and wobbles uncertainly -- as if it were tired, or perhaps waiting for another tune.

Uncompromising Limon Green Dragonet turns her head in a slow, almost pensive sweep, luminous eyes contining to intently pierce each and everyone of the candidates in an almost frantic appeal. She abruptly begins to move forward, quite forgetting the wings that hang damp against her sides. Her hindleg nudges one, catching in it. So purposeful she was, that she doesn't notice until she's tumbled forward, creel emerging in startlment from her muzzle. She flails for a moment, before she stops. It is a minute or two later before she calmly rolls to one side and shakes herself off with a toss of her head in indignant frustration. Determinedly, as if she's not about to let the stand stop her, she struggles back into a position that is condusive to movement forward.

Moira tucks a curl behind her left ear, then blinks several times at the twirling egg. "Oh, my. Well, at least it's energetic."

The Princely Fawn Egg yields it's hard surface to the insistence of a noble looking blue dragonette. The blue leaves his former world behind him without a glance back as he strides forward towards a group of candidates. The blue looks over the candidates as if reviewing his troops, and then moves forward towards a tall, older candidate found amongst the Starsmiths.

Lily. watches the fleeing candidate with an odd wonder. She murmers, "Dodge, not run away" as if reminding herself that it wasn't as bad as it seemed. She looks back tot he hatchlings, the green catching her eye. She winces as it takes a tumble, and "Oh dear" falls from her lips.

"Ah! Look, she fell... do you think she's okay?" Thessa elbows Ranthall, quite hard. "She could have gotten hurt..."

A giggle actually escapes Kylia's lips as the green goes tumbling. Yet again, she winces. "I saw some do that at Honshu" she murmurs quietly to Dyani. "She'll be okay, won't she?"

Ranthall winces, and takes a step forward. "I think it's fine." This last part is said through clenched teeth.

Dyani arches a brow at the green's ease at getting to her feet by herself. "Good job," she says softly. "Rather surprised she thought that through that quickly."

Vira strides over from the Weyrling Room.

Independent Purple Egg glistens with light as once more it begins to move in it's silent symphony of sound. Like a finely crafted goblet reflecting the wine, this egg shows some signs of mirroring it's precious commodity -- the fine lines dancing over its surface in readiness.

Girinth moves towards the the Weyrling Room.

"I've fallen harder'n that," remarks Joslyn, a rather encouraging edge to her tone as she keeps track of that greenling's progress. A few grains of sand are kicked out of sandals, a sigh of relief borne from her toes and uttered from her lips.

The Fluffies Stuffed Egg belies it's soft look as it breaks apart into dozens of sharp looking shards as a brown head breaches it's side. The dragonette struggles his way free from the egg and then playfully baps the egg with his tail before heading for a group of candidates. One young man from the woodcraft brightens and calls out 'Gaoth!' as the brown warbles at him.

Uncompromising Limon Green Dragonet waddles forward, almost comical in appearance as sand flings to each side with the balancing sweep of her tail. It is as if she is quite certain now who her mate will be, as she wanders down through the line of candidates and stops at not a one of them -- not taking the time to even inspect them for possibilities. This hatchling knows her choice from the egg, and she makes a vtol-line for that choice.

Lily.'s attention turns from the green who seems to be moving rather quickly to the new brown. She chuckles, watching it play with its shell before choosing its mate.

Edlar strides over from the Weyrling Room.

Eyes track the green as she heads down the line. "Which one will she pick?" asks Thessa, softly.

Edlar makes a quick bow to the queen, bronze and weyrleaders then heads towards the ring of candidates.

Kylia holds her breath and watches the little green and the candidate she's stopped in front of.

Onshana watches the green nervously.. She flips her hair around her finger trying to calm herself.

A green tail springs out of the top of the Thickly Tufted Egg, wiggling about madly as it's owner tries to break free. The egg then half rolls onto it's side and splits in half, freeing the bright green to charge out onto the sands. She trips over her own feet and goes into a roll, stopping at the feet of a young woman from Sadrid Hold, who immediately bends down, 'I'll help you up Nereneth!'

Dyani shrugs a shoulder to Thessa's question. "Who knows? Other than the little green herself, of course."

Uncompromising Limon Green Dragonet continues past candidate after candidate, determination and resolution clear. None of them give her pause, until a young boy, looking at one of the other hatchlings, gets in her way, his mouth agape. No, he is not the one, and how dare he get into her way! The girl who is her mate is just beyond! She gets a trumpeting flute of iritation as she shoves past the boy, head butting into his side fiercly as she pushes him aside with a flail of sharp claws. Luckily for the boy, he is only stunned and lightly scratched. The green continues toward the -one- in triumph.

Independent Purple Egg threatens to shatter, like a precious glass goblet thrown to the floor and in turn promises to reveal the hatchling that has to be hiding inside, its colour hidden, but not for long. Like canyons and rivers, the cracks widen and deepen, a convenant of what is to come.

Joslyn is all sweaty and confused and apprehensive and still enjoying herself - at least to some degree. "Li'l faster, maybe," she can be heard to prompt, a roll of her hand as if she could personally speed up the rate of bursting Eggs. It's /hot/, remember?

Perhaps inspired by the vibrant sounds of eggs hatching, a floridly shaded purple egg decides to join in the fun. Striations turn to cracks, cracks to gaps, and then before you can blink the whole egg disintegrates to reveal a glistening dragonet.

At long last the makes its choice and gazes lovingly into the eyes of Lily. causing impression to occur.

Cathal pokes Josy gently, "Not to them it's not."

---*** Flame Tempered Blue Dragonet ***---

At first glance you may think that there has probably never been such a pale little blue dragonet. In fact, it's right before you start to wonder if his color is an unhealthy hue that the light seems to center upon him and reveals the vivid truth of his hide. Flames of blue heat shimmer and twist in the flash of light. Shades of the most brilliant sapphire and the purest ocean water simmer as if set aflame. A movement of his wings brings a playful glimpse of hues in blue and green that seems more melted together than merged. In opalescent beauty he travels restlessly over the sands, filling the air with his anxious creels as he seeks for the one he's meant for.

Ranthall tugs Thessa to the side, slightly in front of him, to ease the pressure on his arm. "If you stand back there, no one will see you, silly."

The heat continues to roll off the sands in almost visible waves. One of the young candidates from the weyr passes out from the heat, a friend she was standing with catching her and holding her until an assistant weyrlingmaster can come take her to a healer standing off the sands for just such an emergency.

Moira, curls clinging damply to her forehead, lifts one foot to give it some relief. Of course, as she sees the green finally pause before Lily, she lets out a delighted whoop, coming precariously close to losing her balance. As bad as sand is on feet, it'd be even worse on the whole body.

Ana gasps as she sees the boy get scratched "Is he alright?" she asks anxiously, trying to see better...and seeing Lily Impress. "Congratulations!"

Kylia wipes the back of her hand across her brow and pants softly, then shakes her head towards the green as she puches aside a boy. "Where is she going..." Blue catches her eyes ans she grons and watches the newest hatchling.

Dyani winces slightly as the green claws at the lad blocking her path, but manages to stay in her place... other than shifting from foot to foot as the heat of the sands rises through her sandals.

Thessa screams. Loudly. Those are claws, claws are bad, and Thessa is scared out of her wits. Indignant at being tugged out of her hiding place, she ducks back behind Ranthall again. "Noooo! I don't /care/." The last few words are in a slightly more human tone. "I don't want one to do that to me!"

Lily. turns her head at the sound of a cry of pain just in time to see the green plow through him. She winces then looks away at the sound of another candidate impressing. Suddenly, before she can call congratulations, she looks back to the green and a smile breaks across her face, "Yes Tybeth, I'm looking for you now. I'll feed you."

"Don't poke me," is Joslyn's almost absent remark, one hand reaching around to bat at the offensive finger. Until the green's Impression leaves her quite side-tracked. "Lilylilylily!" along with the definitive happy-dance.

Lily. strides over to the Weyrling Room.

Cathal chuckles, "Congratulations, Lily and Tybeth.

Tybeth moves towards the the Weyrling Room.

Onshana gasps as the boy is clawed.. Even if it isn't bad she unnerves her and she takes a step back, but no more then a step.

Edlar grins, "Congratulations Lily!" he shouts as he heads towards an opening in the ring of candidates.

Kylia smiles then towards Lily and claps her hands. "Congratulations!" She jumps up and down slightly, reverting her to what looks like a young excited child. "Oh that's wonderful." She smiles brightly, again wiping sweat from her face. She reaches up and smoothes back a strand of hair that'd fallen from her bun. "Well there goes part of the staff" she murmurs to Dyani, grinning from ear to ear.

N'all walks toward the Weyrling Room.

Flame Tempered Blue Dragonet stops creeling. That's just stupid. He can't do it forever! He also stops trailing across the sands, because that won't get him anywhere either. Instead he just stands and looks around, his head moving too and fro in simmering moves of fire.

The Nature's Message Egg seems to just fall apart as the bronze head of it's occupant pushes up through the top. The speckled bronze crunches through the rest of the egg as it waddles out of the mound, down towards a group of candidates. He gives a confused warble, then makes up his mind, choosing a boy from one of the trader families.

Cathal smiles as the blue pulls himself together, "Solid one, that."

N'all walks over from the Weyrling Room.

Moira's gaze flickers across the blue, and she murmurs something under her breath about his lovely coloring. Then, however, her attention is caught by the Trader Impressing...and to a bronze, no less. She calls her congratulations, looking quite pleased.

Kylia bites on her bottom lip lightly, pinching a nerve in the process. "What's he doing?" Curiousity more than anything else keeps her eyes on the blue, completely ignoring the bronze's arrival and impression.

Dyani chuckles at Kylia's comment about the staff. "Aye, we'll need another Steward tomorrow morning." She looks curiously at the blue dragonet who is surprisingly silent now. "That's it. Crying doesn't get you anywhere, does it?"

Thessa peers out again, although she's still emphatically not giving up her human shield. "Oh... he's kinda pretty," she admits.

The Pastel Beauty Egg shudders and breaks apart, revealing an equally beautiful green dragonette. She gives a soft croon and almost daintily steps forward towards the candidates, quickly picking out a slender young girl that was found amongst the weavers.

Joslyn's ears have turned red with the warmth, the sweat still trickling behind her ear and down to tickle her spine. Squirming a moment, she tries to scratch that unreachable spot just beneath her shoulder, giving up in favor of watching the new blue after a very long moment of pointless struggle.

Spritely Forest Egg fairly flies of the mound, coming to a trembling stop at the base, its green colour pulsing against the sand as if it were alive. Wait, it IS alive...

Ana draws her lower arm across her forehead, smoothing out sweat-dampened bangs. "I think I'll sleep for a seven-day after this" she says to Moira.Thessa shifts quickly from foot to foot, skin gleaming slightly now as she looks at the forested egg. "Oh!" she squeeks, as if just noticing it. Then, foot-shifting resumes, as the heat demands more attention than any egg.

Flame Tempered Blue Dragonet shakes his wings with a flutter of movement, the greens and blues merging into something unnatural and unusual -- it's almost as if his entire hide is covered in writhing flames, though not born of fire, but of something cold like ice. He takes a step forward, wings snapping along dorsal ridges with a sharp cracking of air, and heads over to one bunch of candidates to investigate them closely.

Kylia's eyes roam over the clutch as a whole, spotting one here and there turning or shaking. "See Thessa, it's not that bad is it?" she calls over towards her friend. She seals her lips however, nodding back to the blue, watching intently.

Spritely Forest Egg tosses and turns, a spritely little dance across the sands, towards the Crystal Orange egg.

Moira, cocking her head towards N'all, murmurs to Ana, "Don't let -him- hear you say that. Not if you Impress." She wiggles one foot, though she doesn't lift it quite so high this time.

The Shy Forest Egg splits in half as a loudly bugling green head appears from the top of it. The loud green charges away from her shell several strides and then stops, looking around, almost as if wondering if this was really a good idea. She looks back towards her large golden mother and warbles curiously, not sure what to do until her eyes spot a young man from the weyr kitchens.

Ana laughs "Yes...I think N'all would disapprove" she says to Moira, her feet shuffling in the sand.

Onshana eyes the blue as it makes his way towards candidates. She half hides behind another Candidate.

R'lien grins for the young kitchen lad, then frowns, now who's going to make those special muffins in the morning.

Slight disappointment colors Thessa's features as she looks after the shy forest egg... and its former occupant, and then her new lifemate. "Oh, well," she tells herself, attempting to stand up a little straighter.

Cathal smiles and shifts his wait, the heat starting to get to him as he watches the dragons make their choices.

Joslyn wipes her palms against the sides of her robe, successfully transferring sweat from hands to fabric for a bare moment of dryness. But those same fingers are quickly re-dampened as the green-eyed Candidate rocks back on singed heels, another murmur about the /heat/ though she manages to keep her gaze flickering solely over the Eggs and Hatchlings.

As if in response to the eggs around it, the Spritely Forest Egg ceases in its movements, standing stock still for a brief second before emitting a loud *CRACK*, a large piece of shell separating from its side.

Oddly enough you could swear that a peculiar ticking noise was coming from the spritely green egg on the edge of the sands. Or rather, it's coming from the tail sticking out of the green egg - a ticking noise as tail thumps against shard, widening the hole it emerged from. Eventually, the entire dragonet manages to back out of the egg that traps it, tail leading the way.

---*** Ticking Reptilian Green Dragonet ***---

An ocean -- its depths deep beyond the realms of imagination and in a land that should exist only in dreams -- pools out in vivid aquamarine, rivulets of water splashing down this dragonet's hide. Malachite, touched with shades of emerald, pushes up through the crests of waves, almost as if the colour were a denizen of the deep, which was slowly pushing it's way to the surface. Tiny markings of charcoal -- the pattern reminiscent of the scales pictured along a tunnelsnake's back -- brush along the curved fork of her tail that seems to be in perpetual motion, swinging in time to an almost audible ticking. Her flanks are covered in small eddies of pale chartreuse that sweep down to caress her belly, her rapacious talons a bony-white, like sharp teeth. A bright, waxy-jade cascades over the aileron of her wings, gradually becoming interspersed with a faint, blush-pink toward her trailing edges -- just as though a hungry mouth were wide-open waiting for a tender morsel - her spindly wingbones forming an accurate rendition of reptilian plates, though somewhat larger than normal.

Eliora notices R'lien's look of despair as the kitchen lad impresses and gives him a little pat on the shoulder in comfort, "Think of it as gaining someone in the fighting wings."

Crystal Orange Egg slowly begins churning, wobbling in a slow rhythm. Round and round it works, setting itself rolling just a little over the uneven sand. Gradually, its passenger awakens, and the tempo picks up.

One of the young candidates starts chasing after a brown hatchling, looking like he's trying to grab his tail. One of the assistant weyrlingmasters runs out onto the sands and scoops the boy up under her arm and carts him off, his chance on the sands over now.

R'lien watches the young boy get hauled off and shakes his head in disappointment.

N'all looks at Eliora, and says something about if he survives weyrling training.

Ticking Reptilian Green Dragonet screeches in indignation, the sound abruptly cut off as she trips over her shell shards and buries her muzzle in the sand.

Kylia just blinks, shaking her head. She leans forward slightly and smirks towarrs Joslyn. "And you were right about the greens too. Lots of them." A slight glimmer in her eyes can be seen, tracing the aspects of the newest little green though she turns to see whom the blue chooses.

Jenimer says "Ooh, that must have hurt."

Ana tries not to laugh at the boy "I can't believe that! He didn't seem the type of boy to lose his head on the sands" she says.

Dyani jumps slightly as the green egg's cracking reverberates around the hatching grounds. Her eyes widen at the appearance of the green dragonet from within its confines. "What a pretty green," she murmurs, then winces at the hatchling's shriek. "Pretty, but noisy."

Ranthall nudges Thessa with his elbow. "That one loud enough for you?"

Dubious eyes settle on the new green. "Hmm." Thessa frowns slightly, squinting at the hatchling. "She looks kind of.. snake-ish. Certainly not very nice," murmurs the Candidate.

Eliora grins at N'all and replies, "Think of it as gaining...err a place in the weyrlingmasters retirement home?"

Moira's attention shifts towards the ticking--so much to do, so many places to look. She nods slowly to Ana, though she's already distracted again.

Cathal shakes his head at the fall, "That's gotta sting..."

Joslyn takes a step back as the boy runs just a bit too close to /her/: "Hey there!" is her sharp utterance, expression twisted as it follows the weyrlingmaster and the boy in question. Absently, "Oh, yeah. Lotsa greens. Always."

N'all coughs a little bit, he did not just smirk.

Kaelyn nods over at Jenimer. "Really."

Ticking Reptilian Green Dragonet lumbers up, shaking sand from her face, glaring about at the Candidates, as if to say, "Dare you laugh at -me-?!" She stalks around, making sure everyone gets a good glare.

Onshana peeks around the Candidate to see the green hatchling hatch. She finds herself chewing at the end of her hair and pulls it out of her mouth blushing.

Vira looks at N'all with eyebrows raised. Yes he did. She saw it.

Cathal hides his grin behind a hand, all the more amused at her sternness. "You two'd get along well, Josy."

Flame Tempered Blue Dragonet shakes his head. No, not him, not right at all for what he has in mind for Pern. His hide becomes ablaze in light, almost dazzling as it undulates over the blue heat. Ah, maybe that white-thing that just spoke? He stares long and hard at Ana, before rumbling some comment or another and gazing into her eyes.

The Heroic Wannabe Great Egg strains and rolls free from it's depression in the mound as the young dragonette within struggles for freedom. The egg finally yields in a shower of shards as a young blue rises up from the ruins, puffing up his chest at his great accomplishment. The blue then waddles forth, looking to find someone worthy of being his lifemate, finding just such a person in a young boy from the farmcraft.

At long last the Flame Tempered Blue Dragonet makes its choice and gazes lovingly into the eyes of Ana causing impression to occur.

Fragile Rose Egg does not move, but it is obvious that something is happening to the egg. Its shell quivers with forceful impacts, as if something within were raging to break out. With each shudder of the egg that causes sand to sift away from the mounding around its sides, cracks spread over it.

Ana backs away a bit as the green turns a glare in her direction. She steps back into her place...the hollowed out spot in the sands where her feet had been shuffling.

Crystal Orange Egg increases in speed, rumbling and rocking as the passenger seeks release. Another bumpy roll forward, and those near the egg might heartalons scrabbling for purchase within.

Okay, it's time to hide again. Thessa ducks halfway behind Ranthall, squeeking softly with something that is quite obviously terror. "Don't let her get me?"

Moira quickly releases Ana's hand as the blue approaches her, beaming. "See! Now you -can't- sleep for a sevenday!"

Ticking Reptilian Green Dragonet stops suddenly, standing very still. Was that a voice? A condescending one? She whips around, glance settled on Cathal, eyes narrowed. She slinks towards him.

Ana blinks a few times, unaware of the blue's approach. "Fenth? Fenth!!!" she cries out, falling to her knees and touching the blue gently.

Kylia snorts softly and smiles then as the blue chooses it's lifemate. "Congratulatuions Ana!!" she calls then turns towards the green. "Oh dear that was very fast..."

Cathal's smile is wiped away quickly as he edges his weight away from the green, should he suddenly need to move out of her way, "Spirited..."

Ranthall, getting a little tired of all this, pulls Thessa around in front of him again. "Great Shards, Thessa, they don't /eat/ you!"

Onshana calls over to Ana. "Congratualations Ana!" She steps out from behind the Candidate so she can see the one she is speaking too.

Ana looks at N'all, who's beckoning her...though her own expression is amazed. She gets weakly to her feet and helps Fenth off the sands.

Ana walks toward the Weyrling Room.

"How do you know?" retorts Thessa in an accusing tone. "/That/ one might!" Resigning herself to being out in the open, eyes turn to examine the two other moving eggs.

N'all strides over to the Weyrling Room.

Ticking Reptilian Green Dragonet decides that the boy is somewhat less than interesting. Downright dull, in fact. She moves on in her Search, when her attention is caught by a flash of white off to the side.

The Fiery Crustacean Egg yields to the insistance of a small green that knows exactly what she wants, and what she wants is to be free from her tiny little home. The green gives a little bugle as she gets her desire and looks about, finding the next object of her desire, a young girl from the smithcraft. She charges over and bugles to the young girl, who just smiles, 'Of course I'm yours, Myrenath!'

N'all walks over from the Weyrling Room.

"You better watchit, Cathy. She might runya down," is Joslyn's sage advice, sent off with a set of deep dimples and quite the little green. "Ain't all th'ladies so tolerant as me, y'know," she adds, her voice slightly jarred with the rough hopping from one foot to another.

little green = little grin

Dyani raises a brow at the green's attitude towards Cathal. "Well, at least she /looked/ at you!" she calls to the former Headwoman teasingly. "More than I'll probably get, anyway." This last is muttered towards the sands beneath her feet.

Cathal chuckles, "Very true, doll."

Onshana watches the little green move away from Cathal. She continues to fiddle with her hair nervously. She glances at the other candidates near her to see how they are doing.

Fragile Rose Egg knocks over part of the sand holding it stable and begins to roll, slipping around in the sand, and aquiring a swift speed as it moves along. It rotates so fast, loosing bits of shell, that the dragonet within must surely be dizzy. Abruptly it comes to a stand still, simply rocking back, then forward frantically, as it falls into another hollow vacated by an egg, until it stops moving at all.

One of the eggs disappears into a shower of shards and sand, quite possibly it was the Protective Green Egg. In it's place a small blue dragonette creels and then stumbles away from the fragmented remains of his egg. He peers about amonst the candidates for some time, stopping in front of several before he finally settles on a young man from the beastcraft hall who greets him with a shouted, 'Urpenth!'

Moira moves towards another cluster of Candidates, though her eyes are on Urpenth and his new lifemate, a quick smile crossing her face.

Crystal Orange Egg careens end over end again, going nowhere but in circles, and going there fast. It skids to a stop, skittering sand around, and rests. Still. For a breath, before shuddering, violently.

Kylia laughs quietly and grins over towards Cathal. "Wow" is the only comment she makes, peering towards Urpenth and his new rider.

Although the orange hued egg is crystalline in appearance sure it is made of tougher stuff, for the dragonet within seems to be having quite a time hatching. Several times the egg bulges outwards and you're sure it will break but it only goes back into shape again. Finally the flash of a bright claw breaks through the egg surface, freeing the inhabitant.

---*** Sinuous Serpentine Green Dragonet ***---

Slithering a bit in true reptilian form a lustrously dark green dragonet slides free from her egg and onto the hatching sands. A study in serpentine, her lithe form is velvety deep emerald mottled with small flecks of brown that faintly slide down her back to become more prominent on her hind quarters. A few steps over the sands and dainty wings are spread, displaying a wondrous melody of pale limestone windsails accented with jade pinions. Though her wings are lovely the best feature by far of this creature is her tail - long and sinuous in vibrant hues. Clever looking eyes blink once, twice and then settle upon first one face, and then another with a gaze that almost seems hypnotic in intensity. As she looks from one candidate and then another this dragonet is rarely quiet, sometimes creeling, sometimes almost humming it seems to herself and everyone around her.

Ticking Reptilian Green Dragonet finds an interesting person and noses at her legs, nose getting caught in the loose fabric. With irritation in her voice, she rips at the hem fabric with a squeal.

At long last the Ticking Reptilian Green Dragonet makes its choice and gazes lovingly into the eyes of Thessa causing impression to occur.

Fenth moves towards the the Weyrling Room.

Cathal blinks at the new hatchling, "Lots of greens, tonight."

Ranthall pulls his hand out of Thessa's grip right quick.

Maristh eyes Revarth suspiciously, as if so many healthy looking greens could be all his doing.

The Filigreed Green Egg splits apart along several of the lines in it's surface, the shards gently falling off the nose of the young green that peeks up from the broken surface. She gives a happy warble and breaks free from the rest of the egg, galavanting down the mound into a group of candidates where she finds a young man from Island River area with just the most beautiful eyes. She decides this is the one for her in a heartbeat.

Revarth just croons along, flicking his tail over Maristh's.

Startled, Thessa drops down to her knees, reaching out towards the green. "I... I... Yes, Razelth, I /know/ you're itchy!" She's not going to faint. Right.

Dyani scoots to one side quickly as the green comes a bit too close for comfort. As the Impression is made, the former healer gives Thessa a wide grin. "Hope you don't think she's going to eat you now."

Onshana watches Thessa impress and offers congrats.

Joslyn can't help herself echoing Cathal's comment with a beamed, "Toldya so," in Kylia's general direction. She's sticky with sweat, now, and it's starting to itch as it dampens the hemn of her robe, her hopping nonstep - one foot cooling just as the other burns. "Thessa an'Razelth!" Yay!

Vira makes her way over to Thessa quickly before the girl decides to fain right then and there on the Sands. "Come along Thessa."

Moira watches Thessa rather warily, then grins at Vira's speed. "Thinking the same thing I am," she murmurs.

Kylia beams a smile towards Thessa and smiles. "Razelth! Congratulations!" she calls towards the girl. She turns once more to the other eggs to watch silently.

Vira strides over to the Weyrling Room.

"Yes! Yes!" Joyous, Thessa helps Razelth over towards the side. "Oh, thank you, Vira... she's itchy. And hungry!"

Sinuous Serpentine Green Dragonet spills out onto the sand, seemingly looped into coils with the flexibility of the newly hatched. Slowly, almost slithering, she untangles herself, her mouth open as if testing the air around her. Swirling eyes cast around the sands, entrancing, yet aloof, as she hisssses protest at her ungracefull appearance.

Thessa walks toward the Weyrling Room.

Razelth lumbers inside, a piece of Thessa's robe trailing from her mouth.One of the newly impressed pair somehow manage to get tangled up, weyrling and dragonette stepping on each others feet and toppling over into one of the assistant weyrlingmasters, adding him to the pileup.

Razelth moves towards the the Weyrling Room.

Kylia swallows lightly and watches the green hatchling. "Oh! Well that was an interesting entrance" she states with a mild grin.

Moira catches the green's sinuous movements, her eyes following it. She murmurs something about tunnelsnakes under her breath, but, fortunately, doesn't speak loudly enough for her fellow Candidates to hear--or, more importantly, for the Powers that Be to hear.

Onshana watches Thessa move off with her green, then turns her attention to the new green. She softly says to no one.. "She's a pretty one."

Golden Bauble Egg gives the tiniest of shudders, as if the dragonette inside is testing the strength of the shell.

Vira strides over from the Weyrling Room.

The Streaked Gray Egg shows the first signs of movement, ending fears that it wasn't going to hatch. Moments after the little wobble, it breaks open as a small green drags herself out through the hole in the egg, worn out by her struggles. She rests for a moment on the warming sands and then makes an effort to move amongst the candidates, stopping and crooning to a strong looking young woman from the minecraft who she is sure will be able to help her.

Kylia only gives the golden egg a slight glance, her attention focuse on the hatching actuall out of her shell at the moment. "Dyani my hand is too sweaty, I have to let go" she murmurs, but she doesn't move away even when the palm is released. Instead, she runs her hands down the length of her robe and then back over her hair to make sure it's still in place.

With fewer and fewer Eggs left, Joslyn's expression keeps changing: Delight, concern, discomfort, delight again, and so on. "My feet hurt," she complains to no one in particular, doing her very best to keep up her plucky demeanor, but the heat keeps sweating it out of her.

Dyani watches the green hatchling slither across the sands, a slight look of surprise on her face. "Different," she comments. "Almost like a tunnelsnake or something."

Sinuous Serpentine Green Dragonet slinks forward, crouched low, her wings giving one, then another flick as they drag in the sand. She lurks around eggs, holding eye contact with first one, then another candidate. Each hesitates, steps forward, and falls back again as she finds them lacking. Noooo, she wants the perfect one, or all her plans are foiled. In a sinister dance, she slides her slippery way across hot sand.

Moira, now looking utterly sticky and uncomfortable, snorts softly as she hears Josy. "Everybody's feet hurt."

Onshana glances over at the gold egg and watches it quietly. However, the green's movement draws her attention. "Wow. look how she moves."

Sure, everybody's feet hurt, but Joslyn was the first to complain about it openly so, "Mine hurt th'worst." Sandals are just no matched for boots - even if they eliminate the trouble of impossible laces. Her long ago remark of, "Li'l bit faster, maybe," is repeated with a /deep/ breath.

Kylia hmms thoughtfully and looks down the line of candidates and possible choices the green has. One foot is lifted, then the other. "I wasn't even thinking about my feet and Faranth, now they're hot." She smirks towards Joslyn and gives her exagerated thanks to the girl with a grandious nod of her head.

Cathal snortsa.

Almost as if waiting to end on a bang, the Bold Oriental Beauty Egg breaks apart to the bugling insistence of it's young bronze resident. The bronze flicks his wings to knock the rest of the shards off and then strides confidently out into the candidates, letting them scatter out of his path as he heads straight for a boy from Cove Hold. The boy grins happily, 'Isn't Reglenth strong!'

Fragile Rose Egg suddenly starts moving again, its entire surface shuddering and cracking in all directions, as if the dragon within only paused to rest, and get its strength back.

With the melodic tinkering sound of broken glass a particularly fragile looking egg shatters around its dragonet littering the sand with rose hued shards.

Edlar peers over at Cathal.

---*** Beastly Rose Bronze Dragonet ***---

At first, he is like a large, ungainly and nebulous creature, skulking in the shadow, afraid of the light. Abruptly he is lit as if darkness itself where loath to hide him, a large, ungainly creature, hide brilliant with a tawny sheen of golden-bronze. His muzzle, noble and proud, is bearded with a dark ruff of copper that blends into his throat. His wings are so dark of hue, that they resemble the folds of a dark cape of deepest fiery red, so deep in hue they appear almost black. The undersides of the membranes in contrast are vivid, velvety crimson tinted brass, gleaming with metallic luster. He is a mottle of colors, all blending into this bronze dragonet, that is but for the pure, deep ruby red blossom that unfolds across his breast in the vague shape of a tightly closed rose-bud before fading into his skin with a glitter of dull copper. His mien is fierce, hungry, and sinister if the lurid scarlet of whirling eyes is any indication.

Golden Bauble Egg shudders again, just a fraction harder, but just for a moment.

Cathal oohs softly, "Now that's pretty."

Kylia blinks at the bronze and grins then, looking over the boys. "He's pretty isn't he Cathal?"

Jenimer watches the bronze intently, shifting from one foot to the other.

Dyani snickers into her now-free hands at Kylia's nod to Joslyn. Of course, her own feet feel like they're on fire too, but why add to the mutterings. Not like they'll make things go any quicker. Instead of complaining, she turns her head to study the new bronze. "Good coloring he's got," she comments to nobody in particular.

Cathal smiles, "Very... Lovely shade of red on him."

Onshana wows softly at the bronze and watches to see which he will choose.

Moira's eyebrows lift at the bronze. "Wow," she murmurs. "Red-bronze. Faranth." A pause. "No, Faranth was -gold-. Not bronze."

Sinuous Serpentine Green Dragonet can take the pain away... though not yet. Evasively, she swings her head, ah yes. But motions aside, her hissing takes on a jubilant tone, she's seen the One! With enthusiasm masked by cold arrogence, she slinks towards the one who'll make all her plans succeed.

Kylia hmms quietly as the gold egg shifts again, though she's still preoccupied with looking on where the green is headed, and who she will chose.

Onshana eeps softly at the green hisses and she steps back again trying to hide.Golden Bauble Egg rolls slightly up onto one end, then is still once again.

At long last the Sinuous Serpentine Green Dragonet makes its choice and gazes lovingly into the eyes of Moira causing impression to occur.

Ranthall shifts on the Sands, not sure what to with his hands, now that Thessa is gone. He crosses them over his chest.

It takes no small amount of will to keep Joslyn from complaining further, hence her absolute and concentrated silence. Eyes of palest emerald follow after the little greenling, to the little gardener, and the girl's silence dissolves into a hurrah! Tugtugging on Cathal's arm to catch up his attention from the bronze, she indicates the newest greenrider with a nod. "Looklook! /Moi/ra!"

Cathal glances over and beams, "Good! Moira!"

Kylia breaks into a smile and waves to Moira. "Congratulations!!" she calls towards the ex-candidate. Now that the green has picked, she watches the bronze's movements closely.

Moira's eyes widen to a surprising size, a soft, hissing gasp escaping her lips. "Suslisth," she breathes. For once, miraculously, she seems speechless.

Dyani gives a small grin to Moira and her new lifemate, then tallies up the remaining eggs quickly and gives a snort. "Like I figured," is her only comment.

A hush seems to descend upon the sands as the cracks that have formed upon the single golden egg give way and allow the young queen to emerge. The spell of silence is broken by the triumphant bugle of the dragonet's sire and triggers a cacophony of excited whispers.

---*** Malevolent Cimmerian Gold Dragonet ***---

Liquid fire -- not the gentle glow of the sun, nor the flickering warmth of a hearth, but the roaring conflagration of a living flame that threatens to consume all -- blazes over this young queen's hide. Dark gold -- like that seen in the dead of night, all illumination faded from its surface -- sheathes her back and neckridges, resembling a cape caught within a tempestuous storm. The onslaught of darkness continues down towards the curve of her tail and down over the translucency of her wings, the colour mutating first to rose, reminiscent of the lining of this cloak, and then into a conglomeration of patina-gold and imperial-purple, haughty and disdaining in shade. Molten red-gold, a vehement inferno stoked from within, caresses the proud curve of her belly, flickering toward talons that almost seem to be painted a rich, ruby-red as the light reflects the incarnate incandescence, whilst majestic eyeridges seem almost too prominent, like an elaborate headdress.

Sulisth gazes up at Moira, her breath comming in soft, short hisses. She has what she wants, now. Coiling herself just a bit, she nudges her new lifemate gently.

Beastly Rose Bronze Dragonet lifts his head from his breast very slowly, as if the weight were heavy, his eyes glowering in the direction of the candidates as if he were unsatisfied with what he sees upon his first glance. His wings spread and then hide his body, hanging down around his sides like a dark, ragged shroud. His first few steps are awkward almost listing, but hold a sense of fierce and wild intensity as he stalks toward the candidates as if hunting them down..

Joslyn's is one of those excited whispers, one small hand covering her lips as her eyes widen to impossible proportions. "Now there's one for th'record skins," is uttered on a /gulp/, most of the words lost to her palm as it wipes over her mouth and down to her robe.

Cathal glances at the gold and whisltes, "I have to say, I'm happy to be male..."

Kylia /now/ turns to face the young queen. "Oh, she's definately beautiful..." She pauses and looks over at Maristh. "I can see the resemblance" gets choked out.

Moira strides over to the Weyrling Room.

Dyani draws in a hissing breath at the appearance to the golden hatchling, then shakes her head. "Nice coloring, what with those reddish shades and all." Opinion given of the proud new queenm she turns back to watching the bronze, trying to figure out who he'll go to.

Vira walks over to Moira with a smile at the stunned girl. "Shall we?" She gestures to the room off the sands.

Vira walks toward the Weyrling Room.

Malevolent Cimmerian Gold Dragonet gives a haughty bugle as she looks down from the egg mound, looking about to see what kind of choice she has amongst the white things before her. She gives a pleased lilt to her next bugle as she notices that there are several possibilities for her to examine.

Sulisth moves towards the the Weyrling Room.

Onshana only wows as she sees the tiny queen.

Eliora takes R'lien's elbow and whispers excitedly to him as the pile of eggs dwindles and the ranks of weyrlings grows.

R'lien grins and nods back to Eliora.

Kylia's head swings back to watch bronze momentarily. "Well I'm not so sure Cathal" she states with a smirk. The buldge draws her eyes back to the gold and her hands dissapear into the folds of her robe nervously.

Cathal laughs softly, "Point, Kylia."

A grin pulls at Joslyn's lips as she reviews the duo of metallic clutchmates, eyes flickering between one impressive hide and the next and then back again. "Handsome set, indeed," she remarks firmly, taking only the fraction of a moment to mentally tally the remaining Eggs.

N'all peers towards the Leadership, gauging their excitement, "YOU don't have to train them."

Edlar shifts his feet back and forth, sweaty palms are rubbed against his robe.

Malevolent Cimmerian Gold Dragonet almost sweeps down from the mound amongst the candidates, moving amongst a few of them and then heading over towards a small group of three girls standing together. She looks each one of them over, not quite sure which one will be just right for her yet, but she will be.

Silken Black Egg twists itself out of it's sandy wallow with a strange hop that sends sprinkles of sand up and around it, landing on the nearly black shell to make it twinkle with light as it reflects off the surface -- a starry, starry night.

Kylia hands quickly flail up to her head, pressing gently on the bright orange bun. "Oh how I wish I had remembered a sharding cloth to hide this wretched color." She wags a finger towards Joslyn. "Perhaps I will cut it all off, then it might look normal faster."

Dyani doesn't look back at the gold, even with the bugling. "Who are you going to choose?" she softly asks, watching the bronze intently.

Beastly Rose Bronze Dragonet stops moving all of a sudden, position not far from the bulk of candidates. It is then that his cape of dark reddish black and brilliant brass spreads out around him. He growls low in his throat, frustrated and iritable and turns, where he was headed, was not where he needed to go. He starts skulking down the line of candidates, quickly shuffling through the sand and then stopping again, searching out each person he sees. Hunger, need and urgency drives him, and frantically he rushes forward until he sprawls at the feet of one young man, and looks imploringly, lovingly up at him, desperate for acceptance, giving himself in return.

Silken Black Egg gyrates in wild circles, its as though this egg decided that night wasn't for sleeping, nor for resting. No, indeed not. The night is the time to party, to have some fun, to dance away into the small hours as dawn threatens the horizon.

Onshana watches everything curiously and a bit nervous. Her eyes mostly on the gold hatchling.

Joslyn catches Kylia's comment and the waggled finger, calling in return, "Just get Lily t'do it forya!" Her fingers trail through her own crop of damply tangled curls, for example. But she can't keep her attention from the Hatchlings and Eggs for long, even for conversation's sake.

At long last the Beastly Rose Bronze Dragonet makes its choice and gazes lovingly into the eyes of Cathal causing impression to occur.

Cathal blinks and looks down at the Dragon, "Hellow, Simath..."

Kylia nearly burst as she spots the bronze and Cathal. "Oh, Cathal!! Congratulations! Oh that's wonderful."

You say "/My/ Cathal!" Harrumph, indeed. But even Josy can't be jealous, as evidenced by the grin that tugs deep dimples into her cheeks. Literally jumping up and down, small hands are clapclapped as she makes quite certain she's nowhere near the bronze and his new lifemate as she ammends, "Simath's Cathal!"

Onshana gasps as the bronze picks one of her group. She offers a soft congrats from her spot.

Dyani gapes in surprise as the bronze chooses Cathal as his lifemate. "Well would you look at that? Like he needs another reason to be so sharding haughty." The sharp words are belied by the teasing tone in which she says them.

Malevolent Cimmerian Gold Dragonet looks over each one of the three again then spreads her wings slightly, showing them off. She gives a louder bugle to make sure she has their undivided attention as she chooses amongst them, for who would want to look at anything other than her.

N'all motions C'hal? towards the weyrling room.

N'all strides over to the Weyrling Room.

C'al walks toward the Weyrling Room.

Simath nudges his head into his chosen with relief and promptly begins to follow him.

Kylia turns her head back towards the gold and covers her ears gently to shield the noise of the buldge. "She's pretty but loud." Smirking, she looks at the other girls.

Hey! Joslyn may be sharing he-who-was-once-Cathal with a bronze, but that doesn't mean she has to let him be insulted. "He ain't haughty!" she insists, the argument quickly forgotten so her eyes can follow the bronze and his lifemate from the Sands.

Simath moves towards the the Weyrling Room.

N'all strides over from the Weyrling Room.

Dyani's eyes also follow C'al and Simath off the sands, then she slowly turns back around to check the progress of the hatching. A sudden flurry of blinks is given to the gold and her noisy bugling. "Thought she would have chosen by now," the former healer murmurs.

Dreamy Beauty Blue Egg wobbles, shakes, and shivers, spraying sand left, right, and center. Suddenly, as if all the activity was just too much, the egg lies still again in the heat of the sands that cradle it.

Silken Black Egg wobbles and whirls and twists and turns. It's certainly going to have some fun doing this hatching thing even if it will make the dragonet inside dizzy. Ah, but who's worrying about that now. Tonight it's party night! Slowly, cracks appear over the sides, almost as though daylight threatens to send people home at the end of a night long gather, but the dancing shows no sign of stopping.

Malevolent Cimmerian Gold Dragonet turns back towards her mother, warbling a bit forlornly at not being able to attract the attention of the one she wants.

Edlar stares at the queen dragonet, impressed by her size.

"S'left? Coupla Eggs and th'Queenling?" she asks of no one in particular.It's rather sudden when Joslyn realizes that C'al's departure leaves her basically all by her lonesome at her chosen spot in the Sands. But she won't let i get to her, as evidenced by her deep gulp and firm shake of her head.

Although you're sure you didn't hear any noise from that silken egg of utter black, it suddenly just isn't there. Where the egg once stood is now a dismembered heap of shards sitting silently in a pile. It's not until you hear an excited candidate call out, "Look! I didn't even see it hatch!" that you notice the dragonet sitting beside the shards, preening its wings before venturing any farther.

Onshana blinks at the Gold's bugle and just stares at the the little queen.

---*** Egotistical Jungle Green Dragonet ***---

Her arrival is not accompanied with the usual loud cracking of shell and creels that announces most dragonets. Powerful, razor sharp claws free her almost soundlessly from her confinement and bring her cool brand of arrogance into being on the hatching sands. A powerful play of not yet fully developed muscle under a flawless green as deep as a southern jungle gives you a glimpse of the powerful physique she will someday fully possess. Her hide is steamy tropics, a mass of vegetation so lush that you doubt such has ever been seen by human eyes before. Color so dense a green that little room was left for the few faint marks of brown shadows that fleck down her belly. With a calculating glance this breath-taking creature looks over the candidates submitted for her approval and finally, after a stretch of gossamer fine emerald wings, she strolls in almost casual fashion forth to seek her lifemate.

Kylia nods her head and turns to watch Joslyn with a smile. "Yeah, looks that way." Her eyes fall to rest on the gold one more time before turning to the green. "Oooh look, another green! There've been so many in this clutch." She shifts slightly and then stops, too caught up in seeing where the gold will go to divert her attention again until she hears a name called out.

Onshana gasp at the sight of the little green. Wow..But the green only holds her attention so long and she looks back at th gold, curiously.

The heat of the sands threatens to smother you and then suddenly all the discomfort, all the nervousness, all of it fades away and leaves you in contemplation of a Malevolent Cimmerian Gold Dragonet. You wonder to yourself if Pern has ever seen a beauty such as Jeuneth. Suddenly it's as if a cool waterfall of liquid has been poured over you as you realize that not only do you know the name of the golden dragonet but that Jeuneth has chosen /you/. << Please, Joslyn. I've an itch on my shoulder and I need your help! >> Nothing in the world could keep you from pleasing this gorgeous creature and so you reach to scritch her itch.

Vira strides over from the Weyrling Room.

You sense Jeuneth bespeaks you with << Now will you look at me, am I not truly beautiful? >>

R'lien grins and gives Eliora's hand a squeeze as he watches the little queen finally make up it's mind.

Joslyn can breathe? Oh, yes. She can. "I could itch if you want me to, Jeuneth!" Shards, she could carry a bronze from Igen to Boll and back if Jeuneth wants her to. And, dutifully, blond-haired Joslyn sets her knuckles and nails to itching anywhere the Queenling wants to be itched, enraptured.

Kylia breaks into a broad grin. "Joslyn!! Oh Joslyn, that's wonderful! Jeuneth!" She grins and then peers up into the stands to see who all is watching.

Dreamy Beauty Blue Egg seems to awaken from steamy dreams of whatever, and begins rocking, this time in a slow, swirling way. Mist shimmers, blue spins, and again the egg lies still, perhaps dizzy.

Vira nudges N'all with a small smirk.

Dyani smiles her congrats to Joslyn, then turns her attention to the green, trying to figure out where she'll go and who she'll go to.

Onshana cheers for Joslyn and smirks a bit. She then takes her eyes away from that scene to see what going on with the other eggs and hatchlings.

You sense Jeuneth bespeaks you with << That's the right spot, right there. >>

Edlar calls out his congratulations to Joslyn and then looks back to the remaining eggs and dragonets.

You say "Th'prettiest dragon ever Hatched in, ever!" and forgets all about how /hot/ it is, so completely enamored of the gold that she can even feel tears stinging at her eyes. "I'll scritch till you can't see if you come with me to th'other room, lovely. I /promise/."

N'all walks toward the Weyrling Room.

You walk over to the Weyrling Room.

Jeuneth moves over from the sizzling hot sands.

C'al beams, "Josy!"

Ana smiles up at Joslyn. Her 'congrats' is lost through C'al's shout.

Jeuneth sweeps into the room behind her lifemate Joslyn.

From the Sands> Egotistical Jungle Green Dragonet takes her first look around the sands, blinking a few times to reorientate herself. Ah, pink-things. That way! In a movement that's more of a slink than a stumble, she wanders towards the candidates, the greens on her hide, flexing and undulating as she moves.

C'al kneels down beside Simath, "Isn't he beautiful, Josy?"

N'all walks in with Joslyn and Jeuneth, and, points to the necessary barrels, oil and meat, with the standard warning, "Don't let her over-eat, and use the oil for her itches." Again, he turns on his heel and strides out.

N'all walks toward the sizzling hot sands.

From the Sands> Kylia smiles as bright as one could imagine, still looking after where all the ex candidates roamed. "I'm so glad" she murmurs.

From the Sands> Dreamy Beauty Blue Egg again comes to life, and this time it means buisiness! Seriously rocking now, shaking again and again, the dragonet entrapped within batters against the limits of its world.

No, no. Not Josy, silly bronzerider. "Jeuneth!" the girl introduces, sharing the Queenling with anyone who wants to look at her - and who wouldn't right? Right? "Don't over- eat," she repeats, half to herself and half to the Queenling.

From the Sands> A *CRRRaaack* resounds across the hatching sands as a beautiful blue egg is torn apart by the eager motions of its inhabitant. Shards fly near and far, one even knocking into a young candidate from Seminole Hold who is so enrapt he doesn't even notice.

C'al then turns, hearing N'all, and reaches for some oil to work on him, his disdane for the task ona nother's dragon forggotten in the joy of Impresion.

From the Sands>

---*** Pompous Copper Brown Dragonet ***---

This little dragonet seems to look at the whole world down his upraised snout. He even hatches into the world with a pompous and almost perfect air. With every proud step his motions say that he is perfect and only someone as ideal as himself can be his lifemate. A beautiful and rich brown, his hide posses the wealth of a faintly copper caste. Turning this way and that, his whole skin seems to shimmer with red highlights. The head of this hatched perfection does not seem to have the same shimmer as the bulk of his hide, but it looks to have a darker undertone, giving that part of his head a matte look. Another interesting distinction of this little brown is a curl of a near yellow-beige that curls lazily over each of his hind legs, a striking detail as he moves over the sands.

Simath rumbles deep pleasure from the back of his throat in baritone brassy tones. He stalks the bits that C'al gives him, the true beast that he is, and snaps them hungrily from C'al's fingers, nearly taking one off.

From the Sands> Ranthall takes a look at the little green. "She's beautiful." Of course, no one is listening. Everyone is focused on the little dragonet.

From the Sands> Kaelyn brushes her hair back from her eyes, watching the green.

C'al eeps, "Gentle, love!"

You whisper "Hungrier or itchier, lovely?" to Jeuneth.

From the Sands> Kylia idly turns back to look at the other two hatchlings, twinkle in her eye never fading.

You sense Jeuneth bespeaks you with << Now that you mention it, I think I should eat first. Then we can work on a proper oiling, don't you agree? >>

From the Sands> Edlar takes an involuntary step back as shards fall near to his feet. Swallowing hard the young man wipes sweat from his brow and follows the movements of the green and brown dragonets.

From the Sands> Dyani turns to look at the new brown. "And I thought that gold was proud," she mutters to herself with a shake of her head. "That brown takes the cake."

From the Sands> Onshana oggles both brown and green. "Wow." She states yet again. She grabs up her hair agin and plays with it almost not realizing she is doing it.

From the Sands> Jenimer unconcsiously mirrors Kaelyn's gesture, looking around at the dwindling group of candidates.

From the Sands> Pompous Copper Brown Dragonet finds his feet quickly, and extends damp wings with a hearty gesture. He's oh so gorgeous, and he knows it. His first steps stumble, gangly legs tripping, but it's fairly laughed off.

From the Sands> Egotistical Jungle Green Dragonet takes no time in deciding who she wants -- deciding from too many takes energy, and then, oooh, we'd have to bask in the sun and wait a little to decide what to do next. So, without further adue she heads to a remaining knot of candidates and stares at one or two of them. Snorting at Onshana as the candidate messes with her hair, she sliddles that way, and then -- *opps* -- well, she didn't really mean to get herself all entwined around the girl. Honest!

It doesn't take but a moment for Joslyn to claim a great big handfull of cut meat, reminding herself to feed /slowly/ as she settles down near the golden muzzle. "Oh, a proper oilin', indeed. Now open your mouth, precious, or I'll eat it all myself."

From the Sands> At long last the Egotistical Jungle Green Dragonet makes its choice and gazes lovingly into the eyes of Onshana causing impression to occur.

Jeuneth gives a little warble of being willing to share her meal with her lifemate. She tries to be dignified in how she chomps down the first bit, but hunger does make her try to rush a little.

Simath is far too impaitent to be careful, though he does ease up with the teeth. This time when they snap at the offered meat, they're at least a half centimeter from his fingers instead of edging right on them. His eyelids flicker as his whirling eyes shift from red to blue to green and stay a mottled reddish-green shade as he happily satisfies hunger and his broad belly starts to swell outwards.

From the Sands> Pompous Copper Brown Dragonet would glower at the attention the nearby impression is pulling, but as the crowd clears and the green form is revealed, his attitude quickly changes. If he knew about winks, he'd give her one. But enough of this, so many people, and only one's right for him!

From the Sands> Edlar smiles, "Yay Onshana!" as the other candidate finds her lifemate. The handsome brown draws his attention back quickly though, "Nice looking brown I think, very nice."

From the Sands> Vira holds out a hand to Onshana as she strides across the Sands. "Shall we take her to get fed, Onshana?"

C'al smiles and stops with the meat, "You've enough... Do you itch, Simath?"

You sense Jeuneth bespeaks you with << I knew you'd be able to pick out just the right pieces, these are delicious. Are we having wherry for dessert? >>

From the Sands> Onshana eeps as she finds herself tangled in green. She lands on her backside with a thump.. She can't help but giggle. "I know who you are now Shereth!" She tries to hug the green but is a bit too tangled.. So instead she works on getting them both on their feet.

From the Sands> Kylia grins. "Congratulations Onshana!" She turns back towards the last hatchling on the sand and then peers at the remaining candidates.

Simath definitely has -not- had enough. He grumbles deeply, eyes turning red with iritation. He butts his snout into C'al's hand. More! More! My isn't he fierce?

Joslyn bubbles with giggles, not about to let her precious eat to quickly - oh, nononono. "I dunno 'bout dessert, sweetling. But if you really want wherry, by Faranth's nostrils - " Where'd that come from? " - you'll get wherry. But eat this first, please? Slowly."

From the Sands> Onshana takes Vira's hand and uses her to get up.. Once she get the green on her feet.. Onshana nods.. "Yes lets." And moves off the sands.

Onshana strides over from the sizzling hot sands.

From the Sands> Dyani grins as the green chooses Onshana in a sort of messy way. "Wow. Congrats, Shana. She's a real pretty one." She turns away with her first true smile of the night, which quickly fades as she figures out how few hatchlings are left. "Well, looks like Ialyth can't always be right, no matter what Rose says."

C'al looks over to N'all uncertainly, "How do we know when they have had enough?" Meanwhile, he obediently offers a piece of meat; spineless? Him?

From the Sands> Pompous Copper Brown Dragonet Struts, chest out, head up, he's the center of attention, isn't he? Well? isn't he? And he's giving everyone plenty of time to observe every curve of muscle, every handsom angle. But wait? what spies he over there?

Vira walks over from the sizzling hot sands.

Jeuneth keeps daintily gobbling, if one allows for such a contridiction, the pieces of meat that her lovely Joslyn is offering her.

Vira points Onshana to an untouched bowl of meat. "Don't let her eat too fast."

Ana laughs, as Fenth nudges her again "Sorry...sorry" she manages between giggles, and keeps oiling the dry spots on the blue's hide.

You sense Jeuneth is so glad she found you, you're just perfect for her.

Shereth moves over from the sizzling hot sands.

Onshana practically bounces off the sands.. She guides Shereth off the sand bubbly with happiness. "Yes..Yes.. I know.. Food."

From the Sands> Jenimer watches the brown hopefully.

From the Sands> Kylia grins and watches the brown, steps back slightly, shifting from hot foot to hot foot to relieve pressure.

From the Sands> Edlar looks around the caverns, at the faces of the other candidates and then back to what seems to be the last dragonet. "Wonder who he'll pick, lots of people left."

C'al winces, "Of course I will... Be calm and I'll just get some oil..." He does so, and begins attacking the offending spot.

Joslyn allows for any contradiction Jeuneth wants for the time-being. "Oh, I'm /ever/ so happy you found me, beautiful. An'I'm /so/ sorry I ever stopped lookin' at you, even once," as bite-sized chunks are rhythically deposited into the golden maw.

Simath makes his first attempt at vocal demands. He roars. Its not all that impressive as first roars go. Its very deep though, and loud, just not well modulated. He tilts his head, rumbling afterwards, and then trumpets again, as if deciding he liked to hear himself make loud noise.

C'al winces a bit, "You're going to be a loud one... Good! One of us should be!"

From the Sands> Pompous Copper Brown Dragonet strides forward, if he could grin, he'd be doing so. Passing by a girl he looks as if to debate sweeping her off her feet - but no. Something else pulls him, he wants... someone to take under his wing. Whirling eyes light on just the one.

From the Sands> Pompous Copper Brown Dragonet buts up against the lad he wants, a tall lanky one, perhaps nearly bowling him over with his enthusiasm.

Vira walks toward the sizzling hot sands.

From the Sands> At long last the Pompous Copper Brown Dragonet makes its choice and gazes lovingly into the eyes of Edlar causing impression to occur.

Jeuneth croons proudly to Joslyn, resting her head in her lap as she eats just a few more bits of meat.

From the Sands> R'lien pats Eliora's arm and begins to stride out amongst the ruins of the egg mound, looking about to make sure they all hatched.

From the Sands> Dyani exhales slowly as she watches the brown search for his lifemate. Of course, since there's really nothing else to watch, she doesn't have much choice in the matter. The brown's Impression to Edlar gets an absent nod, but she's already turning away from the sands with an unreadable look plastered to her face.

From the Sands> Edlar staggers as the brown bumps him and then looks anxiously at the perfect brown, "Calinth! Are you okay? Where is your wing twisted?" moving quickly the boy sets the wing right, "I think that'll be okay."

From the Sands> Revarth lets his loud crooning trail off, turning to warble proudly to Maristh.

C'al continues to oil Simath, simling happily all the while, though he is making a terrible mess.

From the Sands> Jenimer's shoulders slump just a little bit and he sighs.

Joslyn makes quite certain her hands are clean before she dares to touch the wedge settled in her lap, incapable of resisting a scritch at downy eyeridges. "An' what would you like now, lovely? Are you all full?" and looks down with a blink at the pretty-much-empty bowl. When did that happen?

From the Sands> Kylia grins and nods to Edlar. "Well, he's just a sweetie, real ladies man. Congratulations Eddie!" She turns now towards the Weyrleaders, waiting.

From the Sands> Vira shakes her head wonderingly, then grins at Edlar. Erp, make that E'dar.

You sense Jeuneth bespeaks you with << Yes, an oiling now would be just wonderful. >>

From the Sands> N'all walks over towards E'dar, and smiles, sort of, "Follow me, please."

Edlar walks over from the sizzling hot sands.

From the Sands> Vira chuckles, and follows N'all and the pair off the Sands.

N'all walks over from the sizzling hot sands.

From the Sands> Ranthall holds out an arm to Kylia. "Since everyone else is going off in pairs...?"

Joslyn declares, "Oil!" She finally manages to drag her eyes from Jeuneth's head, looking around for just that, brows drawn together in a delicately confused furrow. "She wants t'be oiled," the girl explains after a moment.

Calinth moves over from the sizzling hot sands.

C'al points to the oil pot he's working from, "Help yourself, love."

From the Sands> Kylia reaches over for Ranthall's hand and smiles. "All right, if you want. But I actually have to find a ride back to Honshu. I bet there are some up on the stands, gotta see who I can ask."

"Have I gotten all your spots, love?" Ana directs the question to the blue lump resting beside her. She giggles as he responds, and slathers more oil on.

From the Sands> Eliora gives Maristh a pat and then steps forwards to speak to the remaining candidates, "I'm sorry you didn't find your lifemate tonight. We'd like to invite you to stay on at Southern, and if you are still eligible when our next queen clutches stand again. If you do though wish to be back to your former homes, we have riders ready to give you a ride."

Simath blissfully closes his eyes as his mate rubs the soothing oil into his skin. Apparently he likes this too, being groomed. AT least for now. It gets rid of the itches.

From the Sands> Ranthall says "I'll come with you. Get them to drop me off back at the Vintner's Hall."

Onshana feeds her green happily.. she giggles softly. "I know..I know..But I'm so happy."

C'al smiles and relaxes some as his lifemate exudes happiness, working the oil in with a somewhat clumsy hand. "I guess I should have avoided oiling less as a Candidate..."

From the Sands> Kylia pauses for a moment. "Scuse me Ranthall, I'll be right back." She walks over towards the Weyrwoman. "Thank you all, I enjoyed my time at Southern." She nods to the Weyrleadership and then goes back to Ranthall, retaking his hand.

From the Sands> Dyani isn't goingoff as part of a pair; she's already halfway across the sands before turning back to the Weyrwoman. "I'm posted here, so I don't have much choice in where to go," she comments softly. "Just goes to show you can't make a person into something they're not, no matter how many times you try."

Calinth follows his new lifemate, boisterous and pompous.

From the Sands> Ranthall smiles at Kylia before leading her off the Sands.

'Love' implies Joslyn? It had better, for the girl actually dares to disturb the head in her lap to crawl over toward C'al and his oil, beckoning Jeuneth along with a bend of her wrist. "Now you'll have t'sit still or I'll never get this done right, 'kay?"

Ranthall walks over from the sizzling hot sands.

N'all walks in, scowling, he looks at Vira, "Even worse than the last lot. I'll be surprised if we get a surviving pair out of this." He walks in, his voice forceful, but not loud, "Allright, listen up."

Kylia walks over from the sizzling hot sands.

Jeuneth warbles softly and shifts with her lifemate then stays still for the oiling.

C'al looks up from where he is, though attempts to keep oilling.

From the Sands> Vira covers her mouth with her hand, turning a small chuckle onto a cough.

Vira strides over from the sizzling hot sands.

Vira covers her mouth with her hand, turning a small chuckle onto a cough.

From the Sands> Kaelyn walks down the tunnel.

Kylia smiles and nods to all the weyrlings. "Congratulations again" she says, moving on through with Ranthall.

Onshana looks up at the weyrling master and listens.. Though food is still shoved into the open maw.

Kylia walks toward the hatching grounds entrance.

Ranthall smiles. "Congratulations, all."

From the Sands> R'lien comes down off the mound to rejoin Eliora.

From the Sands> Eliora smiles faintly and then looks to R'lien, never really comfortable with some of her duties. A look goes back to the remaining candidates and she moves to speak to a young girl who seems particularly upset.

Ranthall walks toward the hatching grounds entrance.

From the Sands> Dyani walks down the tunnel.

Joslyn doesn't want to listen to /N'all/. His voice isn't nearly as pretty as Jeuneth's. But the girl does so nonetheless, oily hand pausing a moment as it reaches to touch a neckridge. "I'm listenin'," she assures.

From the Sands> R'lien heads over to talk to a young man who looks like he's a bit disheartened at being left behind.

From the Sands> Jenimer walks down the tunnel.

From the Sands> R'lien walks down the tunnel.

Ana looks up at N'all's voice, trying not to smile as her hands stop their work on Fenth's hide.

N'all looks at every one in turn, "This is going to be the shortest lecture you're going to get from me." He looks at Joslyn and C'al, then the others, "First off, my sincere congratulations on now entering eighteen months of the hardest work you will ever do, until you graduate."

V'ian shrugs as he looks into Girinth's slowly whirling eyes, "It'll be worth it." he murmurs.

You sense Jeuneth bespeaks you with << I hope he doens't yell at us all the time, he sounds mean. >>

Onshana makes a bit of a face at that, but when Shereth head butts she glances down at the green and the face is smoothed out into a loveing one.

C'al chuckles softly and leans over to hug Simath tightly, "Worth every moment."

N'all adds, "Before we go to the barracks, I wanted to set some rules. First, there will be no sexual activity. Period. Second, I am not here to be your friend. I am here to teach you. I am here to mold you. While we are together, I am father, brother, and Vira is mother, and sister. Third, if a rider that has rank requests your presence, you WILL salute him or her. Conversely, if a rider that has no rank gives you a problem that you did not salute them, tell me."

Simath starts to grow tired, if the blue whirl of his eyes and the lids sagging closed is any indication. He's had a tough night. Getting out of that egg, traversing the sands, convincing C'al -- he's had it rough. He sags against the hug, belly swollen with food, hide gleaming with oil to sooth all those initial itchies. He gives a sleepy, yet loud trumpet, interupting N'all with its suddenness. He sure does like the sound of that.

C'al winces a bit and blushes, "Shh, love... N'all's talking..."

You sense Jeuneth is very happy that you'll be working with her, she has such great plans for you.

Vira stands behind N'all and makes saluting poses.

N'all looks at Simath, and C'al, "Fourth, you will learn to control your dragon." He pauses, "Now, let's go to the barracks."

Salute? Joslyn? Oh, that should be comical, indeed. Continually working oil into the fiery gold hide, the green-eyed weyrling - gasp! - manages to keep her attention on two subjects at once, even. Gently, "You can get up, beautiful?

N'all says we need t'go over to th'barracks now."

N'all mutters to Vira, "... you... making me... the..."

Ana rouses Fenth, chuckling the whole time "Shhh...don't make me laugh" she says to the blue out loud.

C'al smiles and nudges Simath, "C'mon, love... Let's follow the nice Weyrlingmaster...

Vira give sN'all a repentant look and mutters, "Sorry, N'all."

Onshana finishes up the feeding and moves to follow the Weyrlingmaster into the barracks.

You sense Jeuneth bespeaks you with << You don't have to worry about worrying to salute, I'll help you learn just what you have to do. >>

Moira has been listening to N'all, of course, but watching Sulisth the entire time, eyes slightly unfocused. At the mention of moving to the barracks, she gets to her feet, silently urging the green to follow.

C'al encourages the dragon, and loks at N'all, ready to follow, supporting the dragonet as needed.

V'ian gives Girinth a fierce hug, his lifemate glistening resplendantly from his thourough oiling and feeding, "We'd best follow our Weyrlingmaster hadn't we?" a loving smile smoothing his face as he moves towards the barracks.

Vira heads off in the direction of the Weyrling barracks with only a trace of a pout.

Vira strides over to the Weyrling Barracks.

Joslyn giggles as she clambers to her feet, stroking a palm from muzzle to neckridges in the process. "You'll teach me t'salute?" she inquires, another bubble of laughter as she starts off after the others as well. "Couldya teach me in th'barracks, so N'all don't shout at us?"

From the Sands> Eliora smiles as she watches gold Maristh.

You sense Jeuneth bespeaks you with << When we're done we wont be needing to salute anyone. >>

N'all walks toward the Weyrling Barracks.

V'ian strides over to the Weyrling Barracks.

C'al strides over to the Weyrling Barracks.

Onshana walks toward the Weyrling Barracks.

Moira strides over to the Weyrling Barracks.

Ana walks toward the Weyrling Barracks.

"Upup," as Joslyn beckons the Queenling along beside her, another grin for the comment as she asks, "Oh, reeeaally? Wull, that's prob'ly a while away, sweetling. C'we maybe keep up with th'others till then?" with an arched brow and a sweet smile.

You sense Jeuneth bespeaks you with << You are the most special person in the world. We'll do great things together. >>

You stride over to the Weyrling Barracks.

*** END LOG ***

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